Way too sore to exercise after only 1 day?

Any tips/tricks to help reduce soreness the day after a workout? I know when I started a serious exercise program before, I noticed that stretching helped ALOT, a full body stretch after cardio, before strength training then again afterwards basically made my soreness the following day disappear. But yesterday I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred at level 1, that involves a bit of stretching. That's a mere 20 minutes strength & cardio exercise! But man was it killer. Today I was sore in the morning, and just recently I tried doing the same exercise today but absolutely could not get passed the 3rd or so exercise (can't remember.) My chest and shoulders are extraordinarily sore! But the rest of me is also. I am only using 2 lb weights in each hand, that's the smallest I have available to me. I feel like I shouldn't do today's exercise, but after one day already I feel like if I take a break already I am failing myself in some way? Is it bad to try and exercise sore muscle, or more beneficial to me to take a day off, even if it is only day 2? Any feedback appreciated, thanks guys.


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i'm no expert but anytime i'm that sore i find the only thing that helps, apart from time, is more exercise.
  • Nteeter
    Nteeter Posts: 190 Member
    The first week of Insanity is like that, dont let it beat you. Keep pushing and fight through eventually your body will adapt. Good nutrition, water, and ibuprofen will help. Thats what got me through week 1. Days 2-6 were hard and I was sore each day but after warming up to loosen muscles it wasn't bad but they would tighten back up later. So lotsa water, stretching and ibuprofen for the swelling. After that I just sweated A LOT and worked muscles to point of failure but no more pain.
  • lurkerling
    The first week of Insanity is like that, dont let it beat you. Keep pushing and fight through eventually your body will adapt. Good nutrition, water, and ibuprofen will help. Thats what got me through week 1. Days 2-6 were hard and I was sore each day but after warming up to loosen muscles it wasn't bad but they would tighten back up later. So lotsa water, stretching and ibuprofen for the swelling. After that I just sweated A LOT and worked muscles to point of failure but no more pain.
    I would never have though to use ibeupofen for such a thing, I usually only use those for headaches, but it makes sense, so great! Thanks for the tip! I'm going to try it out straight away, go for a walk then try again in an hour or so.
  • erinleigh76
    keep going.... the third day is the worst but it gets surprisingly better after that. It hurt me to go to the bathroom for 3 days but I got over it
  • sailorsiren13
    taking a fast walk helps me work out the soreness. may not be able to run but i'm doing Insanity now and find Yoga or walking really helps that and motrin.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    usually working out again helps reduce soreness... true story.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    more work. also, SQUATS.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'd rest and do light stretches or walk
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I just started new rules of lifting for women this week, and I was incredibly sore on wednesday, after my run yesterday which was quite tortureous to push through, I did a 20 min yoga/deep stretching video and it seriously worked wonders. I was absolutely miserable while doing the yoga video because I was so tight, but my soreness was virtually gone today so I'm able to lift again. Also, try adding more protein into your diet, helps your muscles recover quicker
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    A foam roller (I bought mine at Target) will work miracles on those tight, sore muscles!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    as a person who has experienced JM workouts first hand 2 things:

    1. stretch extra afterwards, if youre unsure of what to stretch or how, google something up for a great cooldown stretch, her stretches are NOT long enough for the typical out of shape person.

    2. KEEP AT IT. the soreness WILL go away. and once you get in that sweet spot of post-sore your workouts will feel AMAZING.
  • DesignGrrl
    DesignGrrl Posts: 147 Member
    i'm no expert but anytime i'm that sore i find the only thing that helps, apart from time, is more exercise.

    ^^ This

    I'm almost finished with my first full cycle of 30 DS, and when I began Level 1, I was soooo sore! While the soreness lasted throughout the day, I did find that about 3 minutes into the workout, I barely noticed it. I also started doing more stretches for the backs of my legs. Now at Level 3, I hardly have any soreness, and I've lost inches and pounds! Totally worth it, keep up the good work!

  • Lank170
    Lank170 Posts: 4 Member
    I began the 30 Day Shred on Monday. I was sore the first few days but this morning I didn't have any soreness. Believe me I wanted to turn it off every morning... but I just kept reminding myself that it is only 20 minutes. Good Luck.
  • Gimpdogg
    Gimpdogg Posts: 163 Member
    I don't wanna sound like a druggy but ye old Maryjane works for me. Lol :smokin:
  • Joorrrrdddyyn
    Joorrrrdddyyn Posts: 59 Member
    i did day 5 today...
    going to be truthful here..
    just keep doing it, the pain will go away.
    you will be sore for the first 3-4 days.
    day 3 is killer! it hurts to walk up stairs. :(
    but after that, you dont get too sore..
    but then everybody says level 2 kills you lol.
    but just push through it!
    you can do it!! (:
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I took so much aspirin during the first week of Insanity. The good news is that you will only feel sore a few days until your body starts to get used to it.
  • lurkerling
    Guys, I pushed through it!

    After 2 aspirins, a short walk and an hour later, I just finished. Whew! Proud of myself, but thank all you guys for the comments, made me feel weak! So I didn't give up. Love this forum!