Fitness Apps?

I have been working out for six months now, and have found a few fitness apps that I like.

Of course, MFP is one - I love the detailed food diary, and the fact that it breaks out the carbs for me so that I can manage my blood sugar levels.

Fitbit - love the tracker, and how it communicates with several of my other apps. It's a good way to get visibility around being active.

DigiFit - can track your heart rate during workouts, and also your blood pressure, resting heart rate, and sleep patterns. I use a Withings digital wifi scale and Withings blood pressure monitor that speak to the DigiFit app, and I love that it gives an overall health snapshot.

Withings - has an app for its wifi scale and blood pressure monitor. I love tracking these and seeing the improvements over time.

TactioHealth - provides me with a health snapshot based on metrics like blood sugar, weight, body fat, blood pressure, resting heart rate, waist measurements, and steps taken. Communicates with my Withings scale and blood pressure monitor and Fitbit, but I need to manually enter my blood sugar.

GymPact - place a cost of working out and make a pact with yourself to do the workouts. For every workout missed, you pay that amount pledged. For every workout made, you earn a share of the pot (contributed by people who missed their pact in a given week). This one feels like a bit of a pyramid scheme to me, but it works as a motivator to get moving and do those workouts.

BeatBurn Elliptical Trainer - comes pre-loaded with a series of interval workouts for the elliptical, which can be done to the tune of your own iPod song list. The neat thing about this app is that it will change the speed of the song (within reason) to match the desired strides per minute, so that I am always striding to the beat. It sure makes the time fly!

Glucose Companion - I am not diabetic, but I am pre-diabetic, so I test my blood sugar every morning, and I am working on managing my carbs and weight. This is a very easy to use app that shows a summary of recent readings and also has charts showing progress over time (for weight and sugars).

Anyone here have other apps they like to use, or that they find useful? I am always looking for new things to try out.


  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I use runkeeper to track my runs, like the concept, but have been getting bad gps signals lately. I think if you have a good signal it would be a great app.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I like the HIIT Interval training app. You can set the time for the exercise, the rest breaks in between, and how many sets. So it's perfect for doing Tabata.
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    I'll have to look that one up - it sounds interesting!
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    I like the HIIT Interval training app. You can set the time for the exercise, the rest breaks in between, and how many sets. So it's perfect for doing Tabata.

    Gymboss or Seconds? Seconds allows you to add music, color and time too! It's awesome and free!