What Am I Doing Wrong !!!!



  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    are you eating enough?? I'm guessing probably not.

    Your advice is unbelievably lazy and horrible.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    are you eating enough?? I'm guessing probably not.

    Your advice is unbelievably lazy and horrible.

    I think she/he was merely following the trend on this forum: want everyone to "eat more and lose more". LOL
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    1. Eat more protein, less carbs.
    2. Eat more fruits and veggies, less juice and pepsi.
    3. Try not eating back your exercise for a few weeks. In fact, I wouldn't log in the exercise at all. Calorie burns from exercise and way off, and someone just posted a link to a study showing that exercise doesn't really cause you to burn more calories. So if you're eating all those calories back, that's probably why you aren't seeing the scale move.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    She should have at least made the minimal effort to view the diary. Unbelievable laziness.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Here is another board gone astray! Over her calories, not working out, no cardio but walking every great once in a while and no weights. Your right it must be the carbs and sugar that did it! Seriously people u r insane!

    You really think that a 4'5'' tall woman should be eating more than 2k a day????
    I didn't say that I said she was over her calories in the very post u just quoted! Did I ever mention she should stick with what she was eating, nope! U guys need to read a little better.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Here is another board gone astray! Over her calories, not working out, no cardio but walking every great once in a while and no weights. Your right it must be the carbs and sugar that did it! Seriously people u r insane!

    I took her at her word about the exercise. Perhaps that was a mistake on my part. That said, I don't think being thin and muscular is the same thing as being healthy. I don't think you get healthier by living off junk food. This is our opinions and they are just as valid as yours. I think, for optimum health, what you eat is just as important as keeping your calories reasonable and moving your body. :smile:

    I never said it was healthy just said her diet, whatever she is eating should be the last thing to look at in her situation. First get her exercising, cardio and weights, and get her calories cleaned up because they r too high and yoyoing. I only sugested twinkies because everyones focus was on something other then the main contributing factors.Now if still she isn't loosing then look the what she is eating but u first have to get the others in check.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,565 Member
    Here is another board gone astray! Over her calories, not working out, no cardio but walking every great once in a while and no weights. Your right it must be the carbs and sugar that did it! Seriously people u r insane!

    I took her at her word about the exercise. Perhaps that was a mistake on my part. That said, I don't think being thin and muscular is the same thing as being healthy. I don't think you get healthier by living off junk food. This is our opinions and they are just as valid as yours. I think, for optimum health, what you eat is just as important as keeping your calories reasonable and moving your body. :smile:

    I never said it was healthy just said her diet, whatever she is eating should be the last thing to look at in her situation. First get her exercising, cardio and weights, and get her calories cleaned up because they r too high and yoyoing. I only sugested twinkies because everyones focus was on something other then the main contributing factors.Now if still she isn't loosing then look the what she is eating but u first have to get the others in check.

    Losing weight is about 80% diet.
    OP can lose just eating right.
    She can maintain LBM by eating right and doing bodyweight exercises.

    If she worked out like a champ 6 days a week and didnt eat right I could see worse things than a simple plateau.
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,565 Member
    Firstly, I'd start by getting rid of any excess sugar and fat that you don't actually need. How can you look at your diary entries and the food on there some days and think I've had a really good day when you've got straight sugar, butter, take out foods, lots of carbs...

    Breakfast - lose the juice and if you do need a sugar/sweet fix, have a piece of fruit. Also ditch the sugar. There are SOOO many better alternatives, such as using honey, sweeteners or the best by far Natural Sweetener (Nativa is a brand I use in Australia). I love having multigrain weetbix with a banana sliced up on it and with a teeny bit of honey or nativa sprinkled on top!

    I was similar to you to a certain extent with fast foods/take out. Limit this - it really is full of excess crap and the quality is poor and not filling. To start with, I treated myself with a 12gram chocolate treat at the end of my day each day... I don't need to do this anymore. I also treated myself to having take out once per week (and occasionally do as I do have a social life!).

    When I started I was on 1200 calories and I exercised lots too, I bought a HRM and used that for accurate calories burned and I rarely ate my calories back. I also started off by eating weight watchers etc calorie controlled prepared meals (yes it's got approx 100-200mg of extra sodium, but it's not THAT much really) for lunch.

    I aim for x 2 pieces of fruit per day (usually breakfast and morning tea), lean meat, calcium & vegetables/salad daily.
    Breakfast: Weetbix or porridge mixed with fruit (banana, strawberries, etc.), or eggs made into a vegetable omelette, or poached or boiled eggs on multigrain toast.
    Morning Tea - Low fat greek yoghurt mixed with fruit and muesli and a 130gram baked beans
    Lean meat and salad (on a wrap, multigrain bread) or a Weight Watchers meal between 250-350calories for lunch (this is usually my carbohydrate meal (rice/pasta with meat & veg)
    Afternoon Tea - Almonds/nuts.
    Dinner: Lean meat again with salad or veg.
    I am currently on a 1500calorie diet.

    It's hard when you first start, but you'll see learn about QUALITY & QUANTITY and if you focus on a more fibre & protein based intake rather than too many confined carbs (opt for complex carbs and watch portion size) and too many fats you'll see results.

    Her EFAs are extremely low on many days.
    I wouldnt say stay away or get rid of fat!
    In fact she could actually break plateau just by simply cleaning up her macros a little.

    1g protein per pound of LBM.
    .45-.70g fat per LBM.
    Fill the rest with carbs.

    When I dont have enough fat I get dry skin and my hormones go whack!
  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    You probably are toning up.This adds more weight, but eventually it will start to come off.
  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    what should you eat at 5' 4"?
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    drink more water. Up your food intake.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I looked at your diary. You are not eating enough. Could be why.

    That's assuming you set your goals correctly.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    in your diary for yesterday, at one meal you logged 2 cheeseburgers, a hamburger, a chicken breast, and a chicken leg. It's not like that every day, but looking back in your history, I see many meals where you eat more than one serving, sometimes of items that are high in calories to begin with. I see at least a few recent meals where the total calories are more than what is recommended for me in a full day.

    There are other issues people have pointed out, I won't repeat, and I don't usually "pick on" anyone's food diary... but you asked. Cutting down your portion sizes will help you a lot. If that leaves you feeling hungry, add fresh veggies. They are not only good for you but, they help fill you up. Oh and if you LOVE juice and don't want to give it up, I like to mix it with seltzer, like a natural soda.

    You do also have some days that are much more reasonable, and some good days is better than no good days, so don't get discouraged!
  • Daisie1
    Daisie1 Posts: 1
    I'm new to the adventure of a lifestyle change to improve my health and to lose weight, but I think it's going well and I can see progress, albeit slow progress. I started in March with Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD - 3 Mile Walk while only modifying my eating habits by cutting back on carbs & sweets (I love dessert) and I didn't see any weight loss at first, but after about 3 months of doing the Walk at Home DVD 5 days a week for 45 mins/day along with the modified eating habits, I had lost 3-4 lbs. I've continued to use the DVD, advanced to a 4 mile walk in the middle of July, and the modified eating habits, in addition to getting plenty of sleep and drinking water and since March I've lost 10 pounds.

    I'm not against dieting, but I'm not good with diets or going to the gym, so I looked for something that I liked, that I could be committed to and that would be effective. I think I've found it in Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD's. It's not strenuous, yet it's very effective. The DVD includes something for every part of the body. They can be purchased at Wal-Mart for $10.00 or less and it's well worth it. I highly recommend the DVD to help encourage you to stay in the race.

    I don't think we should punish ourselves to be healthy, but we should be committed to making a difference in our way of life and the committment will give you the determination to develop a plan that you can maintain. I now come home from work, have dinner (my husband cooks dinner) and my workout, which is now 1 hr, is immediately after dinner. I currently weigh 207 lbs and I don't have a weight loss goal, my goal is only to be healthy.
  • ChelseaCousins
    Thankyou Everyone It Really Helps :)
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You probably are toning up.This adds more weight, but eventually it will start to come off.

    She's doing situps and walking 2 mph. Where is all the lean body mass coming from? Advice like this is ridiculous.
  • ChelseaCousins
    Not a clue since your profile and diary aren't viewable.
    This! :ohwell:

    What are you eating? Are you measuring or guessing? Are you using a heart rate monitor for exercise or using MFP calories burned (which are way off for me)? How much do you currently weigh and how much do you want to lose? How old are you?

    Could be a lot of reasons.....

    Nope I'm Not Guessing And Yeah I'm Using MFP & I'm 20 And My Weight Is 198.4 I'm 4'5" And I'm Trying To First Get To 154, 140 & Then 133.

    I Acutally Got It Wrong As I Weigh 196 = 14stone I'm Not To Good With Number :/