? for women, what birth control wont make me gain weight

I need to get on birth control, but dont want it to effect my weight or sex drive, I used Nuva Ring about 2 years ago, I realy liked it, but it kinda killed my sex drive, but im considering going back on it, I dont recall it effecting my weight much, but im scared of all my hard work going down the toilet if I start back up on birth control, so what do you ladies use that doesnt realy effect your weight.


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Copper IUD

    seriously. Anything with hormones has the potential to cause (water) weight gain, weight gain, and change your hormone balance in other ways. For me, even the Mirena.

    I'm married, so it was an easier decision for me.
  • beteblanche
    beteblanche Posts: 15 Member

    im on the pill...havnt gained but having trouble losing!
  • rach06ao
    rach06ao Posts: 14 Member
    I am on Cerazette, no problems for me :)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i have a mirena and i didn't gain anything.

    i LOVE not having a period.
  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    the nuva ring gave me a blood clot :( I currently have mirena and I lost weight on it.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I've had mirena for over a year and it's been weight neutral for me. I have managed to get to my goal weight but it did take a lot of hard work!
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    I have Mirena and it's awesome. My sex life still rocks, I didn't gain any weight, and my periods are extremely light and last about two days. What more could I want :D
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I had the mirena and put on 20 pounds in the first 4 weeks or so..and I don't think that is a coincidence. Not to mention the constant bloating and water weight. And even on a strict diet and rigorous exercise I could NOT lose a single pound. Had it removed and the weight is falling off. But I have heard that the copper IUD does not have and side effects because it is not hormone based. It depends on the woman I suppose. Hormones make me crazy so I am back to the basics..condoms. Hope that helps.
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    low-ogestral, been on it since I was 15 for cramp problems, and I didn't gain weight at all until i got to college and drank the weight on, but the pill wasn't the reason
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Copper IUD

    seriously. Anything with hormones has the potential to cause (water) weight gain, weight gain, and change your hormone balance in other ways. For me, even the Mirena.

    I'm married, so it was an easier decision for me.
    Im married with 3 kids, might want another, but not sure yet, we have been using condoms for the past 2 years, and hubby is not happy about them, I was going to get an IUD but I know about 10 people that have or had them, and all but 1 had issues with them
  • xsabrinalynn
    xsabrinalynn Posts: 146 Member
    Loestrin 24 Fe! I've been on it for 8 years (holy moly, didn't realize it had been that long) and no weight gain from the pill. My period lasts a DAY and the cramps are minimal!
  • KateHill1981
    KateHill1981 Posts: 43 Member
    I tried Mirena and Nuvaring without gaining weight. I loved both of them. I had the Essure procedure- so no more kiddos or birth control for me. Good luck finding the right one!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I take Loestrin 24 FE.. and I don't think I gained weight on it outside of water weight.. and once my body got used to it, it went away.

    It also made it pretty easy to lose weight.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Copper IUD

    seriously. Anything with hormones has the potential to cause (water) weight gain, weight gain, and change your hormone balance in other ways. For me, even the Mirena.

    I'm married, so it was an easier decision for me.
    Im married with 3 kids, might want another, but not sure yet, we have been using condoms for the past 2 years, and hubby is not happy about them, I was going to get an IUD but I know about 10 people that have or had them, and all but 1 had issues with them
    There's always the good ole fashioned diaphragm. Easily 'undecided'.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had the mirena and put on 20 pounds in the first 4 weeks or so..and I don't think that is a coincidence. Not to mention the constant bloating and water weight. And even on a strict diet and rigorous exercise I could NOT lose a single pound. Had it removed and the weight is falling off. But I have heard that the copper IUD does not have and side effects because it is not hormone based. It depends on the woman I suppose. Hormones make me crazy so I am back to the basics..condoms. Hope that helps.
    thats my other consern, my hormones make me nuts sometimes and i really dont want to feel more crazy because of BC
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    lo lolestrin.. it is not testosterone based so it does not cause the cravings..

    Ps.. birth control doesn't really "cause" any one to gain weight. It's just that most research is done on that, I'm leaving home and going away to college age group, and they gain weight. So it's been correlated. ;)

    And I can get you.. lo lolestrin.. not effecting my sex drive at all.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Omg...I have been on almost every birth control because of the nasty side effects.

    I have used the pills - forgot them/got acne
    patch - acne/i found it untrustworthy
    depo - TERRIBLE! I gained 40 lbs in 9 months on this...along with a TON of side effects (constant bleeding, 0 sex drive)
    COPPER iud - AMAZING! though it hurt like hell getting it put in...I don't feel it, my "system" is normal, 0 side effects because it has no hormones, and i am able to lose all my depo weight now! :D

    I looked into the hormonal IUD...and it reminded me a lot of the depo. I read reviews on it and noticed a lot of people had similar experiences as I had with the depo...so I went the "natural" route.

    Good luck.
  • ellenasl210
    ellenasl210 Posts: 95 Member
    I was 161 when i started on my birth control, and now I'm down to 140! So it definitely didn't affect my weight at all, I lost weight! Of course, I worked for it. I'm on beyaz, and it actually helped me lose weight the first 2 months i took it because it made me so nauseous I never wanted to eat.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I think ill try nuva ring again (I have a hard time remembering to take pills) and the moment I start gaining weight that suckers coming out and hubby will be stuck with condoms haha