Reaching my goal was a blessing and a curse

jtintx Posts: 445 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I was so happy earlier in the year when I broke the 140 lb. barrier. A year earlier I was at 180 so 139 was such a blessing. In a way it also turned out to be a curse. After reaching 139 I allowed my self to have that little bit have that meal at a restaurant that I hadn't had in go ahead and just have desert for once...etc., etc. Now I'm back up to 147 and if I could I'd kick myself in the backside!! I can't believe I allowed myself to gain back that much weight. But it was so easy to quit logging what I ate and I was SO tired from all the exercise that I just needed a break. Now I'm trying to get back into my old good habits. Maintaining is the hard part. Maybe I'll be more successful this time...IF i can get back below 140....sigh.


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Oooo.. you bad girl! Well hey.. at least it was 147 and not 148 or 150! Get back on track.. and remember to watch those portion sizes and exercise! And don't get tired about being healthy! All it takes is a moment of your time to log those cals or to make correct choices. This is a life style change! And congrats on losing that much weight! Now you know you can do it!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    One of the secrets to maintenance that I have heard is that if your weight is up 3 lbs., treat it like you would a 3 degree increase in your body temperature. In other words, deal with it NOW.

    You have learned a lesson about works for you and what doesn't. Don't beat yourself up, it was an 8 lb. "lesson"--better that than not waking up til you hit 180 again!!!

    You know what works, so just get back at it, and consider the lesson learned.

    I feel your pain. The last time I weighed what I do now was about 10 years ago. I slacked off and last April, found myself at the highest weight I had ever been. Since I haven't been on a "diet"--rather a lifestyle change, I feel confident I will be able to carry on and keep it off, but I still have a ways to go. I already scaled back my goals because it was not realistic to think I could lose 100 lbs. by the first week in April, so I amended it to 80 lbs.

    Good luck!! YOU CAN do this!!!
  • Well don't beat yourself up over it. Try not to make yourself feel guilty, I know its very hard not to. Atleast now when you DO re-lose the weight you will know better than to wean off course. Also, look at it this way you had fun while you got to eat all that yummy stuff that you missed! Now say good bye again :) You'll get there, just like you did before, Good luck!
  • I've been there. About 7 years ago I dieted "successfully" and got to my goal of 165# (I'm about 5'9"). I was exercising a lot; probably overdoing it. I got a nasty case of shin splints and had to lay off the treadmill for a while. Since I found other kinds of exercise boring I quit working out altogether. As of about a year ago I had gained it all back and then some. I was about 210#, officially obese for the first time in my life. Now, I'm back down to about 173 and I expect to reach a normal BMI in just a couple of months. I'm doing it differently now, exercising in a more sustainable way and doing yoga to prevent injuries. I think I will continue to count calories even after I reach my goal.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Thanks everyone. I guess what's so frustrating about it is that I didn't go hog wild...I mean I still exercised, even ran a marathon, but didn't stress out if I missed a workout here or there...and I didn't totally go crazy with the food choices. But being a few hundred calories over every day added up in a hurry. It sure is a lot harder to cut out or burn those extra calories than it is to pack them in.

    Good points about learning from this and moving forward. The body isn't just going to magically stay at it's ideal didn't before, why think it would do so now, right? It would be a lot easier if I didn't have such a huge appetite. Haven't found "filling" foods that I like to eat. Any suggestions...forget about carrot and celery sticks! It ain't gonna happen. :-)
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