I'm so sick of no results.



  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    You have dropped 22lb in 2 months of which 7lb was last month with only 33lb to go at that point? I am not sure what the problem is as nearly 2lb a week is pretty high considering you do not have much to lose. How much of a deficit are you on and how much are you eating? I think you may have too high of an expectation as to weight loss. Also, weight loss is not linear and is affected by water weight and other variables.

    ^^^^^^^ this!
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I have to agree with those who recommend eating more. And also, give your body a break. You don't need to exercise every day, your body needs time to rest :)
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    I understand that I've lost a good amount the past 2 months. But again, just like the weight gain could be from water weight, the majority of my weight LOSS in the past two months was FROM the water weight.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple...stop lying to yourself on your food diary or just do a better job weighing and measuring food...dishonest reporting equals inaccurate reports...this stuff takes integrity (doing whats right when no one is looking) Find your integrity.

    My results are minus 44 lbs in 48 days...If your really trying, you will get results like me, other wise take the rest of these peoples advice and eat more and exercise less...and watch the #'s on the scale get bigger
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple...stop lying to yourself on your food diary or just do a better job weighing and measuring food...dishonest reporting equals inaccurate reports...this stuff takes integrity (doing whats right when no one is looking) Find your integrity.

    ....what benefit would i have from lying to myself? i measure every single thing that i eat. there is NO reason that i shouldn't be truthful on my food log, that's just pointless lol.
  • johnnybutt76
    Perhaps you think you are more active than you are. Cut back your base activity level and you will see more results.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    Perhaps you think you are more active than you are. Cut back your base activity level and you will see more results.

    what do you mean? sorry, i misunderstand :)
  • sigh03
    sigh03 Posts: 3
    I think you're just focusing on the negative too much. I’m on a PSMF. That means I’m eating nothing (literally nothing) but 120g odd of protein and as little of everything else as possible yet still on my weight graph there are periods of weight gain. Unfortunately for dieters the human body will do everything it can to maintain body weight and it has plenty of ways of doing this; the most commonly known one is changes in metabolic rate.

    I would say you now know the speed at which you can safely lose weight, reassess your goals to make them more attainable and crack on.

    Oh and I don’t know if you drink at all but stay away from alcohol. Its phenomenal how many ways it can screw up a diet.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    i know, that's why next week i'm going to add calories in by juicing some apples & carrots every day. adding around 400-500 calories. as well as adding in brown rice.

    but, at that point, are you saying it'd be more beneficial for me to eat @ my 1500 and NOT work out than eat at my 1500 and work out? if that makes sense. i won't be able to go to the grocery store to get more food until Sunday. Would I be better off just eating @ my 1500 and not work out tomorrow ? I know one day isn't a BIG deal, but i'm talking about in the grand scheme of things.

    Do what feels right for you.. If you think a rest day is the best idea then do it, you can also workout less vigorously(walk?) to a burn that you can meet.. Just keep in mind when you lose weight you're losing muscle and fat.. if you are not fueling your body properly you start to burn more muscle than fat because it takes more energy to maintain (up to 500 calories per lb daily, the loss of which can slow your metabolism by that much) and your body needs that energy to maintain your vital organs.
    Working out has great benefits for our bodies as well as our minds, but it comes down to properly fueling your body.. if you aren't the workout won't do much for you and will probably make you more tired than the energy boost it's supposed to give.
  • KateinSomerset
    KateinSomerset Posts: 21 Member
    I can understand your frustration and hope my experience helps..... Since December 2011 I was going to the gym 3/4 times a week and eating what I thought was a sensible amount of 'good' food. However, I lost NO weight at all. Three weeks ago I started using this site and also doing Slim in 6. My first light bulb moment was when I realised I wasn't eating enough and haven't been since December! I am 4ft 10in, my calorie intake is 1200 and believe it or not I was struggling to eat that amount. Now, I absolutely eat all those calories plus what ever my exercise adds (ie 1200 + 300 = 1500 calories a day) and I have lost weight every week. You have to eat enough to ensure your body does not go into starvation mode - which will equal weight gain. Hope this makes sense and helps you to get a good balance. Don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing a great job but just need to get the balance right.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple...stop lying to yourself on your food diary or just do a better job weighing and measuring food...dishonest reporting equals inaccurate reports...this stuff takes integrity (doing whats right when no one is looking) Find your integrity.

    ....what benefit would i have from lying to myself? i measure every single thing that i eat. there is NO reason that i shouldn't be truthful on my food log, that's just pointless lol.

    nevermind lying to me...i know people that lie to them selves...thats no good
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member

    Oh and I don’t know if you drink at all but stay away from alcohol. Its phenomenal how many ways it can screw up a diet.

    i've actually quit drinking since I started, which is probably my best/most proud moment thus far :) Haven't had a drop since June 7th!
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    1) you don't train HARD enough
    2) your over estimating your calories consumed
    3) your over estimating amount of calories burnt during exercise

    I looked at your diary, you eat pretty good. Perhaps your just lying to yourself about the foods you eat. Only you know the truth, if you truly ate what you were logging and exercised daily then you would lose weight, but since your not, maybe you are just lying to yourself. I'm not picking on you, Just stating a possible scenario.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple...stop lying to yourself on your food diary or just do a better job weighing and measuring food...dishonest reporting equals inaccurate reports...this stuff takes integrity (doing whats right when no one is looking) Find your integrity.

    ....what benefit would i have from lying to myself? i measure every single thing that i eat. there is NO reason that i shouldn't be truthful on my food log, that's just pointless lol.

    nevermind lying to me...i know people that lie to them selves...thats no good

    if i lied to myself, that's just like making an excuse. no excuses here!
  • johnnybutt76
    What I mean is that you can set your activity level as sedentary, moderate, active, or very active, You may have yours set too high. Not to mention, you could have some water weight, or pardon my frankness, but you could just need to take a good dump.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple...stop lying to yourself on your food diary or just do a better job weighing and measuring food...dishonest reporting equals inaccurate reports...this stuff takes integrity (doing whats right when no one is looking) Find your integrity.

    ....what benefit would i have from lying to myself? i measure every single thing that i eat. there is NO reason that i shouldn't be truthful on my food log, that's just pointless lol.

    nevermind lying to me...i know people that lie to them selves...thats no good

    if i lied to myself, that's just like making an excuse. no excuses here!

    We all know people that make excuses...you might be one of them...not being mean, just saying...
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    Perhaps your just lying to yourself about the foods you eat. Only you know the truth, if you truly ate what you were logging and exercised daily then you would lose weight, but since your not, maybe you are just lying to yourself. I'm not picking on you, Just stating a possible scenario.

    i'm not lying. lying serves no purpose. if i wanted to lie to myself, i wouldn't even do the journal lol.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member

    We all know people that make excuses...you might be one of them...not being mean, just saying...

    okay. that's all well in good. but i've said 3 times that i'm not lying, i have NO reason to lie. it's idiotic to even think that lying in such a case is beneficial.

    you can believe me or not. if you don't, feel free to not browse this thread.

    this is motivation & support not "witch hunt".
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple

    Cant argue with results...44lbs in 48 days...im not wrong about this...44 lbs in 48 days
  • johnnybutt76
    Stop adding your calories in from exercise. You aren't a professional athlete. The amounts of calories that this site gives you for exercise is way off for the most part. Not eating those few hundred calories it says you burned won't kill you. You just have to burn more calories than you eat. It is that simple. I often tell people that say you aren't eating enough and you will gain weight, tell that to some poor unfortunate person in the third world and have them buy that from you.