I weigh daily and I'm happy with that!



  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I weigh every day and I wouldn't have it any other way. It keeps me in check.
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh daily as well. IMHO seeing my weight on a daily basis gives me control because I can usually tell what caused a gain for example I may have binged on cake and ice cream yesterday and my weight jumped 2lbs this morning. I know why it jumped and I can adjust my diet accordingly. Seeing the scale go up doesn't bother me. I feel great, I look good, unless everyone is just being nice, and I've been off blood pressure and blood sugar medication for almost 2 years. That was my ultimate goal and I busted through it.
  • rebeccasedwards
    I weigh in daily too and am not ashamed. It lets me know where I am and what I need to do on a daily basis. I do hate the monthly. I can gain three pounds easily. Do what's right for you.
  • biglew909
    biglew909 Posts: 57 Member
    Weighing daily gave me a better insight as to how much of an impact water (!) can have on weight. It's a little shocking to see my weight go up and down as much as three pounds in a day...even after I stayed under my calorie limit and did huge amounts of cardio the days before.

    I lost almost 7 lbs. camping...and since I weigh myself daily, I can see that result is mostly due to frying under the sun for extended periods of time.

    Nowadays, I weigh daily to get an idea of my body's water content and needs, and also to keep me focused and on track. It's a part of my life now...I do it every day first thing in the morning; it's a good way get my mind focused on fitness for the rest of the day.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I know it's a number but I need to weight myself daily. If I don't then I don't know if I am staying the same..

    Or losing.

    Yet it's a number. The week I didn't weigh myself it drove me nuts. (I was on vacation)

    I'd rather know where to stand and what to do. I need the control!
  • rychma
    rychma Posts: 47 Member
    Someone told me that I was "neurotic" because I weigh every day. I said it had nothing to do with that. It is so I can be aware of what is happening in my body! If I eat 3000 mg of sodium, how does that affect my body? If I eat less carbs, what does that do? Losing weight is supposed to be a lifestyle change. How can I change my lifestyle if I am not armed with all the information?

    I don't let the number on the scale measure who I am. I know who that person is.

    But, for the people who weigh once a week, I am happy for you and supportive. I think that if weighing once a week makes you happy in your weight loss journey, you should keep doing it. If being vegan and vegetarian is what makes you happy, keep doing it. If you don't strength train and don't want to, then don't. If you do it and love, then keep doing it.

    I would love MFP to be the place it was intended to be...a place to support each other, no matter what our differences are.
  • Monnietron
    Monnietron Posts: 96 Member
    I weigh twice a week, but only because I only weigh myself at work. Soon I will be working 4 days a week, and I will weigh myself 4 days a week. Sometimes I get annoyed at the number, sometimes I get excited, but like someone said somewhere in the comments, when I don't pay attention to my weight, I gain. That is how I ended back here again!
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    I've known several people in my life who got obsessed with that daily weight number and end up doing great harm to themselves trying to keep ahead of it so to speak. (Two of them ended up with severe eating disorders and I ended up losing a good friend.)

    With that shadow in my own mind, I actually try very hard *not* to weigh daily because the fluctuation in numbers often makes me feel like I'm not making progress and then I get depressed and those feelings of "why even bother" start to creep into my head. I'm a very self-conscious person when it comes to my body and I know I'm my own worse critic. So I promised myself this time I would stick to a once a week weigh date - Sunday mornings.

    I do, however, think it's great that there are people who can weigh daily and not let that number it control who they are inside. It takes a tremendous amount of inner strength and I applaud you for that.

    Weigh daily, weigh weekly - that's not important. What's important is being comfortable in your own skin and your own routine. 8 )
  • kinzytg
    kinzytg Posts: 42
    I started with daily, and well now it is just a habit. I tried weekly once I hit goal, but it felt odd to me. My scale is next to the shower, so step on and then step in. I just record my weight about weekly. I do find it makes it easier to accept fluctuations when you see they happen ALL the time. Especially after a night out. So, whatever works!
  • mirandamayhem
    Thank you for all the responses!
    It is such a personal thing, and we really need to find out what works for us. :smile:
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    That's great, especially since it seems to work for you. But.....if you fluctuate, don't be one of those who posts "OMG, I gained 2 lbs. overnite, OMG!" :smile:
  • mirandamayhem
    That's great, especially since it seems to work for you. But.....if you fluctuate, don't be one of those who posts "OMG, I gained 2 lbs. overnite, OMG!" :smile:

    I think, if you read the thread, you'll see that those of us who have replied, are ones that ACCEPT fluctuations take place, and this is part of our learning how our body reacts to certain foods and situations.
  • leighanngates
    leighanngates Posts: 20 Member
    I weigh daily also, not as a measure of my worth or success, but as a reminder of why I'm doing this. Making healthy choices throughout the day is easier for me that way.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I weigh daily and laugh at it when I "gain" three pounds overnight.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I weigh every morning. I packed my scale when we went to St. Louis on vacation so I would not miss a day.