Always hungry, always gaining weight.



  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    Just hard to stick to the macros when you're starving all the time and try different things and nothing works.
  • aaronrlindemann
    aaronrlindemann Posts: 25 Member
    Remember, refined carbs like bread & starch (potatoes, ect) turn to sugar very quickly upon hitting your system... this spikes your blood sugar which increases your insulin... this falsely lowers your blood sugar giving you cravings for more! Avoid large amounts of complex carbs and keep your carbs more high fiber, whole food carbs (fruits, nuts, veggies) Fiber will help regulate and stabilize your blood sugar among a plethora of other benefits.

    I used to live on pasta, and while a calorie is a calorie, some calories actually cause a false sense of hunger. Also, drink enough water (do your homework on the amnt).
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    Might be time to do a metabolism reset for about 8 weeks and then cut. My macros are 40/30/30 which seems to hold me for the day.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Your sugar is extremely high -- well over 100g most days with some extremely high days of 170g - 190g in the past month -- which could be why you're always hungry. Cutting out all grains, starchy vegetables and cutting back on my fruit worked wonders for me but if that's not something you could live with, at the very least, try to get your sugar under 40g a day for a few weeks and see if that doesn't help.

    My diary is open if you want to take a look to see what I'm eating that keeps my appetite in check for that last month or so. Go back a few months and you can see what I was eating when I was constantly hungry and my sugar was high. Good luck, I hope you find what works for you.

    LCHF for beginners:
  • emtron500
    emtron500 Posts: 102 Member
    I just happened to read this really interesting blog post a couple of days ago about when your body is "wrong" about sending you hunger signals, thought I'd share.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    You are 5` 4" and 127 lbs.....maybe that is your body telling you not to go for 115lbs You are in a very healthy BMI. Maybe it is just time to tone and do more to get your perfect body?

    115lbs is the very low end of healthy BMI for your height?
  • Mels707
    Mels707 Posts: 101
    Eating more protein and fat, as opposed to carb may help curb hunger cravings. Works for me.
  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    I thought the post suggesting your weight stagnation may be due to allergies was a good suggestion. Sometimes an intolerance to a certain food can give you that bloated feeling. I had a similar problem, and my doctor suggested a food elimination diet. I "reset" myself with a diet free of typical allergens, then slowly added foods back. I was able to identify the foods that were causing me problems, even though I wasn't having major allergic symptoms. Like you, I tried everything. This may be something to try, as I know how frustrating it is to have nothing work. Since I have done this I have lost 15 pounds. Of course, keeping a food diary probably was another contributing factor.
  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    I notice my starting weight only says 8 lbs. I started my weight journey before joing this group. Does anyone know how to reset my start point?
  • farrari17
    I'm not sure if this is the same for you, but I have noticed that when I get less sleep (like 7 hrs or less) I tend to be "hungry" more and eat more, and those are the days I usually end up gaining weight. Try getting more sleep, and I suggest pounding the water down. I've been trying to drink about 4 cups of water 3 times a day, around breakfast, around lunch, and around dinner. I've found that my stomach is so full of water, that I feel less hungry, and I snack less. Also, try not having snack foods around, because if you're hungry (or bored or tired), it's super easy to have a couple of crackers, which turn out to be 3 servings of crackers by the end of the day because you snack a couple a few times during the day.

    Sleep More
    Drink More
    Don't have snacks available
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Forget the doctor, go see a nutritionist! :D
  • Minnoke
    Minnoke Posts: 26
    How much water are you drinking? You don't seem to be logging any and you should definitely be drinking around 2litres with all the fibre you eat. Fibre only works to keep you full (and regular, which might help the stomach issues) when it gets sufficient water so it can expand to 6 times it size (or weight? I don't remember). Definitely try drinking lots of water though.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I been told that people mistake thrist for hunger.

    So, are you getting enough water?
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    Yes. I drink enough to go to the bathroom like at least every hour haha. Probably at least 3 to 4 liters a day.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I suggest getting a good probiotic tablet, and taking that a few times a day with food, and also, taking an antacid like rennie after meals, as that can help also. As someone else said, you can mistake acid for hunger, and this is something my trainer suggested to me. The probiotics helped a lot with the bloating issues and can also help with candida which can cause cravings and various other issues. Short of that, I suggest eating at maintenance for a while, continuing with your exercise and maybe eating something high in protein every 4 hours to try and help for now, like cottage cheese, eggs, nuts etc.
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    Your Protein settings are really low, you should be eating about double what you are most days.

    Also, looking at a fair few days (and I realise you have been switching things around in an attempt to solve your problem), you aren't actually eating much volume of food. Use salad as basically a free food, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, celery. You may think your hungry becuase you are just not eating that much, giving you an empty feeling.

    The other thing I noticed is that you are eating a lot of things with sugar in them. You get an instant hit in energy (spiked insulin) but pretty soon your body craves more. Try to substitute a brownie with a chicken salad sandwich on wholewheat bread, probably similar calories, but you will get more protein, more fibre and a dose of slow release carbs which will keep you fuller for longer and more satiated.
  • naturehed
    I am the same. Except it's not so much the weight I'm gaining that is the problem, as I am underweight and very skinny (or at least I was) and would love to gain something as I have (or at least used to have) a very high metabolism. It's more that I'm scared that being hungry every half-an-hour although I've just eaten isn't a good thing at all and perhaps it could be type 2 diabetes or something else. I have not been to the doctor yet but have read lots of stuff online and nothing seems to match my symptoms exactly. It's only been going on for the past three days but just before that I was tired all the time for a few days. I will note I started smoking just 5 a day for a week the week before and haven't had any since but I thought that this is so little it couldn't be the problem. It can't just be a fast metabolism, however, because I am indeed gaining weight which however good at the moment, will soon become a problem. I also recently suffered from depression and have social anxiety, so this could be the course and perhaps I have an eating disorder? I'm not sure.