Short girls VS tall girls



  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    She is probably jealous because men prefer shorter girls.

    Although some also prefer tall girls, it depends.

    Unless you are wee man, or Tom Cruise
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    I don't think this was a tall girl Vs short girl incident. I think the lady that said that to you was just a b!tch.

    Yep. Sounds like she doesn't like you and has found a way to get under your skin. Shame on you for letting her. Now, she's won, and you're brought down to sniveling about how no one will love you.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Jr. High called and wants it's drama back.

    Who cares?!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    OP is a troll that deactivated "her" account.

    Yep. Was just going to say that.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    How old are you? "/
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    thats 2 today deactivated oh well ce la vie
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I am tall...6'2"...and I have some amazing short friends! It isnt the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog!! Just sayin'. Dont let her get to you. She would actually pi$$ me off too talking like that!! God made each and every one of us a different way for a reason so, embrace what you were given! I have had issues, ESPECIALLY during puberty, with being tall. I usually say, and still do, that if I could give away 2" I would. but, I have also learned to embrace what cards I was dealt and move forward. In doing that, I realized that there are different kinds of men out there as well...some like tall skinny, some like tall curvy, some like short stocky and some like short thin.

    We are ALL beautiful...small or large packages!! :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    You said it yourself--shes stupid because everyone has different opinions.

    So why did you go and do do the same exact thing that she did and start an informal pill about it--by extension wouldn't that make you stupid!? Just sayin it's rather silly.

    My opinion is that 5'5-5'8 is perfect for a female--I'm only 4'11 though so I try to just take it for what it is.
  • mrsevanrust
    What a crappy thing to say to someone- that chick should be whipped with a hose... Everyone has a type- and to be truthful, we're our worst critics. We typically want to be what we're not. If you're tall you wish you were petite, straight haired- wished you had curls, Brunettes to blondes, chubby to thin. As long as you are great with your body- that confidence in itself is attractive. Height is a preference of the beholder, and obviously men and women can be attracted to multiple different builds.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm 5ft and growing up I hated my height, everyone was taller than me, my friends, boyfriends and my sisters but I've come to realise that it's just me. To be honest, I can't imagine myself taller, it would feel weird now. Being short has never affected my friendships or relationships, it has never caused any issues in past relationships, in fact my exes thought it was cute that I had to tiptoe to reach up for a hug lol. We're all equal, it doesn't matter how tall you are, what colour you are, how old you are, etc. These days I don't even 'try' to be taller, I don't like wearing heels because I can't even walk in them lol so I'm short in my flats everyday;) lol just be you, you're special as you are.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Tall people hate me.
    I actually got into an argument with a very tall lady ( 6'1 )
    and me being 4'6-4'7 said that petite people are useless and no one would ever love me.
    She started her own poll on facebook to see who's " more cute "
    It's obviously stupid because everyone likes different people in different heights and weights.
    So what's your opinion? Do you agree with her? I'm kind of upset now.. Do people really not like petite people?

    ??? are you guys like 18? I'm 5'11 and don't care who thinks what. It's not something you can control.

    Damn...she was a troll.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    She was probably just jealous because she can't wear heels. That's what us amazon's are jealous about. I wish I was shorter so I could pull off some heels without being a circus freak! lol

    OR she was jealous because she can't find a man taller than her! The guy I've been seeing is just a pinch taller than me and I think it makes him uncomfortable. He was like "Has anyone ever made fun of you for being tall?" Um no.. are you going to?

    (I'm 5'9)
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I'm 5'9

    I don't have an issue with petite people. Some of my most favorite people are tiny, kinda like pocket sized friends hehe. Being tall isn't exactly easy either finding pants the right length is difficult, worrying if I wear heels will my date feel short, people constantly asking you to get things down for them, oh and the your blocking my view comments. It is what it is. People tend to pick out the obvious things about people to pick on. Just know that some people are petty and stupid.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    What would she be jealous of?!
    It sucks being short and I hate myself.. I would love to be tall ):

    There are pros and cons to both. I have been fairly short my entire life (5'3 is my adult height) and both my adult sisters are taller than I am and they are jealous of my height (they are 5'6 and 5'8). There are many things I enjoy about being short, I'll share so hopefully you can find the good in it as well :)
    -I never had to worry about being taller than dates, and could wear extremely high heels on my shoes if I wanted to.
    -I fit comfortably into places where tall people are squished (airplane seats, etc)
    -I never hit my head on low hanging light fixtures (my husband is 6'4 and does this ALL the time).
    -I am a great height for competitive ballet or gymnastics. Ballerinas and gymnasts tend to be short. Most ballet companies require dancers to be under 5'7. When you reach your adult height earlier you have more time to become comfortable with how your body moves, and to become graceful. Not saying all tall people are klutzes but on average short people gain such coordination earlier.
    -I can move around more easily in caves without fear of getting stuck.

    There are plenty of advantages to being tall as well, but no one can have everything! Just rest assured that the mean lady had no clue what she was talking about. Your personality is much more important than your height. She was probably jealous because I can't imagine many people liking her, with an attitude like that. Some people just want to bring everyone down.
  • lmr2526
    lmr2526 Posts: 12
    I'm 4'10 and seem to have no issues whatsoever with people disliking me because of my height. I actually get way more positive attention because of it. It's pretty annoying actually, (cheek pinchers!! run!) I'm 25 (no hope for a growth spurt here) ..there's gotta be a limit to the "aww"s and "shes adorable"s lol. Embrace it though! Love yourself no matter what...Screw what anyone else thinks because we're all beautiful in our own ways. However, an ugly personality seems to cancel out physical beauty. By giving in to her you can be just as ugly as she is.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    im average...where does that leave me in the "i might be loved" spectrum??
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    AlotOfSweatAndPain Posts: 234 Member
    I love shorties! :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Tall people hate me.
    I actually got into an argument with a very tall lady ( 6'1 )
    and me being 4'6-4'7 said that petite people are useless and no one would ever love me.
    She started her own poll on facebook to see who's " more cute "
    It's obviously stupid because everyone likes different people in different heights and weights.
    So what's your opinion? Do you agree with her? I'm kind of upset now.. Do people really not like petite people?

    I would guess:

    A) She has a lot of insecurity issues with being tall.
    B) She's jealous of you because you're so cute and petite.
    C) She's mad at you because a previous boyfriend left her for a short girl.

    Edited for grammar.
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    Ermahgerd... Short girls are hot, no tall girls are hot.. no short girls, no tall girls!

    Who cares.

    ^This, as long as your comfortable in your own skin, it doesn't matter what other people think. She is just an immature skank. I'm 5'8, one of my best friends is 4'11. We are both hot, lol