Looking for some friends for motivation

I've dropped almost 20 lbs and have hit a rut. I'm having trouble continuing to eat right and exercising. I live with my family and they keep the house full of junk foods, it's hard avoiding the temptation. I need some friends to keep me motivated and to hold me responsible for my choices. If you're looking for a new friend, please add me.


  • sarahwilloughby07
    Feel free to add me. Even with the iPhone app and this page constantly open I forget to log everything I eat/exercise but working on getting that fixed. I live with my family as well and I know how hard it is when you're trying to eat right and all that is available is junk (or stuff that I'm burnt out on).
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    hey, 20lbs thats awesome!!! I know how you feel, i live my family too and the food is never healthy!! If you would like, you can add me. I am on every day and I am always commenting on progress and giving support when needed. Add me if you wish!!
    Good luck on your journey!