Looking for buddies

Hi everyone,

Boy am I happy to see all of you! I found this site by reading a magazine in the check out aisle at the grocery store tonight. I have a hard time knowing where to start when it comes to weight loss and fitness. This seems so easy. I was shocked to find when I entered my breakfast and lunch, I was already over the amount of calories I should eat for the day. That is not even counting if I have dinner or a cocktail.

I am so tired of being heavy and I mean literally tired, too. I get so tired all the time now. I would like to lose 40 - 50 lbs. I know it won't happen overnight but I am an impatient person so I am hoping my buddies here can help keep me in check.



  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey honey,

    I'm rather impatient too so I feel your pain on this. I'd like to be friends and maybe we can help each other calm down and just breathe. :)
  • tcolins1966
    i myself feel like i take one step forward and two steps back, and i expect results overnight. i have been heavy since my first child. i am diabetic and have high blood pressure. I am also new to this site, so we can all work on this together. i found this site in my womens world magazine about a hour ago. lol. add me and we can work on this struggle together. i need to lose about a 100lbs. lets just say prayer is needed for this.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i added you
  • Lee716
    Lee716 Posts: 150 Member
    Sent you a friend request. Having support along the way makes the journey fun.
  • paulaann67
    paulaann67 Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome aboard anyone that needs support can add me I'm on everyday & love finding positive people!:smile:
  • CCajina
    CCajina Posts: 11
    Everyone journey starts somewhere.
    Hopefully you will be so grateful for reading the magazine tonight.
    This site really really helps!
  • mmancini73
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Aritiger
    Aritiger Posts: 14
    Looking for local friends to bike ride with. I have a route that is just 5 mi and not too hard. I just dont, care to ride alone. My husband prefers to diet and it seems to work for him. Not me. Im watching what I eat and exercising and my weight isnt changing nor do I need to buy new clothes, yet.
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    I'm looking for friends too!
  • hacalkins
    hacalkins Posts: 1 Member
    I am looking for buddies too! I have 150 pound to lose and I am feeling it this time. After all the attempts in the past I have learned my problems and now I am using them to be successful finally! Tracking truthfully is great! I would love to be your buddy!
  • Aritiger
    Aritiger Posts: 14
    Add me if you feel we can support each other in our weight loss goals.
    I need to lose at least 20lbs and try to keep it off.
    Im 50 and its not easy to lose weight and Id feel better about myself. Not to mention what it could do for my marriage.
    I work seasonally doing school pictures a few months in the fall and spring. Last fall I lost 12lbs and by this June Id gained it all back even though I havent changed my eating habits and added more exercise to replace the exercise Id been getting with work. Its depressing to work so hard and nothing happens. Ill admit I will go a week or 2 not exercising but not eating alot of junk either. Just need a little physical encouragement.
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    Feel free to add me too:-) I'm on here every single day.
  • amygiommetti
    amygiommetti Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me! AlwYs looking for different excerside ideas!
  • FarmGirl69
    FarmGirl69 Posts: 211
    Feel free to add me as well...you can never have enough people in your support group!! :flowerforyou:
  • Srogas
    Srogas Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me-I joined in the fall of 2011, but didn't seek out any friends at that time. I recommitted in June and it is much better with friends to encourage each other! We are all in this together!