Evening Snacks Sabotaging Great Efforts...



  • LilRiver
    LilRiver Posts: 81 Member
    I hope this isn't exactly the opposite of what you need to hear, but it's working for me.

    I have a little bit of ice cream (almost) every night. A big part of my weight was put on because of my evening binges. I know that if I don't allow for that, in a managed way, that I will fail. I seriously have a freezer full of frozen somethings or others. It's really quite disgusting and totally not healthy. But if it keeps me on track, it's worth it in the long run. Plus a small serving of frozen yogurt is so much better than the entire bag of chips (and, then, probably a big serving of the frozen yogurt) I'd eat if I felt denied.

    If you're more of a salty person - a bowl of preportioned nuts and crackers (or nuts and crackers mixed). Throw in some granola for a sweet/salty mix. (use little snack baggies and fill them with 100-200 calorie portions?)

    While massive lifestyle changes are all well and good, sometimes we really need to work with our weaknesses. And that means planning and allowing for them.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Exact same problem here. What has been helping me lately is just doing some exercise after 10 pm, drinking tea, or taking 2 Fiber Choice strawberry tabs and drinking a bunch of water. Satisfies the snack craving.
  • Tammy518
    Tammy518 Posts: 53 Member
    Glad to hear I'm not alone in this situation. More ideas from long timers here that have been proven to work would be greatly appreciated.
  • cheercoach80
    I've always had problems with eating at night but I've found substituting the junk food for something healthy (usually plain minute oats with a sprinkle of cinnamon) curbed the cravings and kept me from chowing down on everything chocolate in site! :)
  • dwarfstarzero
    dwarfstarzero Posts: 14 Member
    Try pistachios in the shell, and make a routine out of it. Find a fancy cup to put them into, and take the time to remove them from the shell, sometimes I find it's more the process of eating at those times, rather than the need for food. So a labor-intensive snack that is somewhat low-calorie really helps curb the craving, and satisfies the "need" to eat.
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    I don't really get those cravings any more since switching to Paleo. I must not be eating the types of foods that spark cravings. When I cheat it takes me a few days to get back in to it though.
  • cheercoach80
    I hope this isn't exactly the opposite of what you need to hear, but it's working for me.

    I have a little bit of ice cream (almost) every night. A big part of my weight was put on because of my evening binges. I know that if I don't allow for that, in a managed way, that I will fail. I seriously have a freezer full of frozen somethings or others. It's really quite disgusting and totally not healthy. But if it keeps me on track, it's worth it in the long run. Plus a small serving of frozen yogurt is so much better than the entire bag of chips (and, then, probably a big serving of the frozen yogurt) I'd eat if I felt denied.

    If you're more of a salty person - a bowl of preportioned nuts and crackers (or nuts and crackers mixed). Throw in some granola for a sweet/salty mix. (use little snack baggies and fill them with 100-200 calorie portions?)

    While massive lifestyle changes are all well and good, sometimes we really need to work with our weaknesses. And that means planning and allowing for them.

    Great ideas! Sometimes you have to just work with what your body will allow you to to keep on track! Great job!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    17 pretzles is 110 calories... I break them in half and put them in a bowl. Then i snack on them. I needed the "munchy" part.. the good feeling of hand to mouth snacking in front of the TV! That helps me alot! =)
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Irony. See the status update I created just before seeing this as one of the most recent topics. Needed it right now. Thanks.
  • elainealston1
    I have frozen fruit in my freezer and vanilla low fat yogurt and sugar free almond milk in the the fridge. Mix em together and have my frozen icee smothie. I use a teaspoon of stevia for sweetner. It is great and healthy, feels me up and satisfies that ice cream thing. I am having a blast on this program. I work everyday to get fruits and veggies, proteins and healthy carbs in. Fell off the wagon at 1st for 3 days and my son called me and kicked my butt. Glad he did, I've lost 4 more lbs. 10 in all in about 3 weeks! Yeah me!!!!! Yeah for this neat program!
  • shane0614
    This my first time posting on here, but what a great one for my post. I have PTSD, and some of the meds that I am on play heck on my self control, so I am really anal about what I eat, and how I eat. The more anal I am, the easier it is for me. BUT....my issue is that I sometimes sleep eat. I won't even realize it until I find an apple core in the bed, or a reeses stuck to my arm, which has happened. I no longer have reeses in the house, so that helps, but I am still battling the sleep eating issue. It's hard to stop yourself when you have no idea you're doing it. It does help having healthier small things around though, since I seem to grab the closest, easiest things I can get my hands on.