New and looking for friends

Hi! I'm Natalie. I've been on here less than a week and have been doing good so far, but I'm looking for people to talk to and share encouragement. Not sure how all this works, but I'll hopefully figure out the website soon. I've been using the iPhone app mostly. So yeah, if anyone wants to chat or add me as a friend, feel free! :)


  • Brent_J
    Brent_J Posts: 54
    Welcome! Yes, it helps to have a good support system. The encouragement from other posters is priceless when you get discouraged or have setbacks. Good luck!
  • It definitely does. Thanks!
  • oofda33
    oofda33 Posts: 10
    I too am new but I have to agree that any support from friends is priceless. A little encouragement can go a long ways.
  • Feel free to add me!
    I don't mind and I'm always looking for a few more friends :)
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome! :) Sending a request... anyone else may feel free to add me too!
  • socornish
    socornish Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I joined ages ago and never stuck with it and in 4 weeks off on holiday would love to shift half a stone. My weakness is wine every night due to stressful job - food is fine as I lays do healthy . Want to lose a stone by 1st November!
  • Hey, I'm new as well ill be sending you a request too.
    Good luck and keep it up! Just remember all those good things your working hard for. :)
  • lisadeewarren
    lisadeewarren Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I am Lisa...just joined today and looking for some support...
  • feel free to add me!
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    hi glad you are doing well so far! I'll add you :)
    anyone can feel free to add me. on everyday!
  • I'm Donna. I just joined as well. Feel free to add me. Maybe we can encourage and support each other!
  • You can add me too. I just joined on Friday and am trying to figure out how to add friends too!
  • gelega
    gelega Posts: 3
    Hi everyone!
    I joined MyFitnessPal yesterday. I am looking for fitness friends. Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me!
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Natalie, my name is Norman and I have been a member since Jan 2012. This site definitely helps to inspire you. I have logged on 180 days straight as of today. If you want, add me as a friend and i will try to help you anyway I possibly can. Best of luck on the journey! Also, For anyone else, I could always use more friends, because a few positive words go a long way.
  • Hey!! I joined MFP a few months ago and stopped to do weight watchers but I'm back again. Feel free 2 add :)
  • hi, im Lesley and im looking forward to this.
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    Welcome to all the newcomers. I joined MFP almost a year ago to help support a friend. She's lost 65 lbs since joining !
    Not too long after joining I had a bout of kidney stones, so I use MFP to monitor my sodium intake and try to eat a bit more healthy.
    I think you'll find plenty of friendly suportive people on here. There's lots of motivating stories to keep you inspired as you work towards your fitness/weight loss goals. Good luck to all and feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Hello everyone, I'm Sharon.

    I joined a couple of weeks ago and I am in need of a few friends on this journey, as well.
    I thought I was doing pretty good with my food but realized that I've gotten way off track. In the last year or so, I've dropped from around 187 to 165. I think I got too happy with my little success and I started back with the pizza here and there.

    I've signed up for a 5K, August 25. This is my first time running and... well, I am liking it but getting a bit impatient with myself. I have a program that I follow and I use runkeeper, which is great... I just want to do more than my body can do right now. I used to be athletic in my younger days, I'm 48 now, and thus, I think I can still do things that I did way back then.

    So thank you guys, in advance. My plan is to walk at least 2 miles every single day and to do my 5K training twice a week, as well as strength training 3 times a week.

    I simply get lazy sometimes.

    Thanks again.
  • Hey All,

    I'm always open to new friends on here. Let's get some motivation and support going! Anyone, please feel free to add me!

  • Greetings!

    While I'm not exactly new to MFP, I've been gone for a while. Ok, for more than a little while. I am currently at the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and so I re-downloaded MFP to my android because I'd lost my password. So I'm begining again, and I refuse to let a slip-up in my diet cause me to fail completely in my weight loss goal. And furthermore, I'm not putting a time restraint on myself this time. I need some friends to help me out, and encourage me. I get totally lazy, I get discouraged, just like everyone else. The difference is, that this time, I'm looking at this in a whole new way. I am NOT on a diet; I'm on a lifestyle change. :)