logging your exersise and food

who adds exersise AFTER food (at the end of the day) so you can see if you stayed within your allowance without 'eating into the earned calories'?
i dont like to go over my calories, regardless of how many ive earned due to exerises, is this safe? i dont want to make myself ill but i want the weight to come off FAST!

thinking of trying this but wanted to know peoples views first :)


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Its a personal choice and you will have a variety of responses...

    When Im done exercising, I choose to log it as soon as I get to my computer at work. (Early workouts prior to work)...
  • CapriceD
    CapriceD Posts: 23 Member
    I try to eat 1400 calories a day. I give myself 10 calories per exercise I do a day. If I swim and bike, that's 20 calories. If I mow the grass also it would be 30. When I first stated on this site. I gained 15 points because I ate those calories that they calculated.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I add my food and exercise immediately following what I do so I don't forget. You just have to look at how many calories you've eaten and subtract from your actual calories to eat a day - don't use the recalculated number. For me, I know my calorie amount in MFP includes my exercise calories, so no matter how much exercise I do, I don't eat over 1890 calories. It's all about how you feel comfortable keeping track :)
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i log my food BEFORE i eat it, but i log exercise immediately after I do it - I know my calorie goal is 1750 so as long as my food doesnt go over that, I'll know :o)
  • joriha92
    joriha92 Posts: 22 Member
    I always add my exercise when I've done it. Otherwise I can't see how much I've gone over or under my allowance,as you said.
    I don't like to go over my allowance of 1300, wether or not I've been exercising. But sometimes, if I burned 300 calories, I allow myself to go to 1400 or 1450 so that I still have the spare 150 left :)
  • MissTammie77
    MissTammie77 Posts: 18 Member
    thank you :) i never go over my 1200 if ive not been very active that day, think i will do the sae as you caprise and allow myself an extra 10 per activity, this sees like a good plan :)

    thanks everyone x