30 day shred- How to, need suggestions??

This has probably been asked before but I'm new here so please help me. I am on day 3 of the 30DS and my muscles are tired! I planned on doing the exercises 30 days straight so that I could receive the maximum results. I have 100 pounds to lose. My question is, do you think that it's healthy for me to do this intense type of exercise with no rest days? What would you recommend? Also do you have any suggestions on how to relieve the sore muscles so that I have the strength to continue? Also don't know if this information is needed but I'm taking OEP, and eating healthier.


  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm also doing the 30 Day Shred, but I'm definitely taking a day in between workouts when I get super sore. Your muscles DO need rest so you don't get microtears. That will cause you to gain water weight too.

    Just do what's best for your body and push yourself hard, but not so hard that you get injured and can't work out at all. Being sore isn't an excuse to not work out because it can help relieve the soreness, but if it's affecting your movements or you're in pain, then take a day off.
  • 00babyk00
    00babyk00 Posts: 21 Member
    The first 5 days are really hard, you will find that after this time your body gets used to this workout really quickly. I was really sore for the first few days. make sure you drink lots of water, and if it helps to warm up a bit more first before putting the DVD on.
  • Camberries7
    Camberries7 Posts: 19 Member
    So I am doing the 30 day shred as well as doing the 10K trainer my muscles were super super sore because I do both workouts 6x a week. Push yourself, but I would definitely make sure that you take at least one day a week, drink plenty of water and if you need longer ten days on each level - take it. Stretch out the workout to a month and a half or two months, because you will still be getting the benefits. If you are just starting to work out, just keep in mind that the 30 day shred is amazing for toning, but if you are looking to really burn calories, you will need to do cardio (hence my running). Good luck!
  • tmoore_20
    tmoore_20 Posts: 49 Member
    I do think you are right, and I will just walk on my rest days.
  • SirRunningShorts
    SirRunningShorts Posts: 77 Member
    To relieve the soreness.... Drink LOTS of water and do really good stretching when you are done. Jillian has some stretching built into the workout, but if I am feeling sore, I do some extra on my own. After working out your muscles are a little looser and a good way to calm them down after a good workout.

    That will help to lessen the soreness, but it is still going to be there at the begining of any new workout.

    I wish you luck and lots of motivation! You can do it!
  • tmoore_20
    tmoore_20 Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the tips about cardio. I power walk 40 minutes a day on my breaks at work, it helps to relieve work stress too :)
  • FarmGirl69
    FarmGirl69 Posts: 211
    I don't do the workout everyday (as much as I would like to) just because of my schedule and such. I don't feel that you lose too much ground by doing that. The first few days kick your butt and really makes you sore anyway, so give a day between as you get started just so that you don't injure yourself too much. As you get stronger and your endurance improves, you might try to step it up to a daily workout...but don't stress over it too much. Listen to your body and it will tell you what you can handle. Good luck!!
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    I finished day 11 today. I have done 30DS before with breaks, and honestly, I think you do get better results with no breaks. I would keep pushing. Your muscles will feel better in a few days. Just be gentle on your knees. Don't get too far into the moves if you can't. Take a good walk after the workout to stretch things out. Remember, it isn't suppose to be easy. You can do this!
  • 00babyk00
    00babyk00 Posts: 21 Member
    oh yeah as someone said above, be gentle on your knees, follow Anita and dont go as deep into the lunges. I noticed on the day I went deeper that my knees were really sore for two days (needed icepack on one) , so now I dont go as deep however much I want to!