any positive ppl looking for another "friend"?



  • cnstout
    cnstout Posts: 5
    I joined MFP awhile back and then stopped dieting and gained more weight.
    This time I am determined!
    I've been on a 1000-1100 calorie diet for a little over 3 weeks now.
    My goal is to be healthy - and be a healthy weight.
    I agree with you - this is for LIFE.
    My goals are my jeans that are 3 different sizes.
    I just put the largest pair on - that I haven't ben able to wear for a year - and although they are tight, I ave worn them for 3 days now.
    I hate getting on the scale - my goals are my old clothes.
    I would like to be your "pal."
  • Jimmy_Jojo
    Jimmy_Jojo Posts: 27 Member
    Awesome attitude! I was in the same boat, it took me awhile to get the 'motivation' to stay committed, but once I started thinking of it as a lifestyle change, not a diet/fad it became so much easier! And having friends to keep motivated makes it a lot easier too :)
    I'll send you an add, anyone else feel free to add me too :)
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    You seem like a great friend to have. Feel free to add me. Goes for any and all.
  • deedee68murray
    Hi all new to this look forward to mtg some new people maybe make some new friends who can help me along the way with encouragement and friendship :)
  • mandydanyele
    You can add me (along with anyone else that wants to!)
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I joined in April and haven't missed a day yet! I totally agree with you that this needs to be a lifestyle change and so far MFP is working for me. I have lost 28 and have 47 more to go, so I am not going anywhere. Love to give and receive support. Anyone can feel free to add me, the more positive friends and support we have the more successful we will be!
  • ellebees_
    ellebees_ Posts: 9 Member
    It's funny- the better you eat, the more fit you become, the more positive and happy you feel. It's a pretty awesome side effect. And of course, you just want to be around other people like that. Added!
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Absolutely agree...this is for the rest of my life! Would love to help support others and have them help support me. Please feel free to friend me!
  • Bittersweet82
    I will not try to sell any of you anything, but am looking for a few good people to try out a product line.......haha just kidding :)

    I can however let you know, I do post everyday, count my calories, have good days and bad days.

    I try to be positive (I can't stand negative posts all over my news feed) and comment on my friends wall

    My reason? I'm doing MFP to get healthy, eat better and have some accountability. I'm also trying to get ready to beat the family history odds of diabetes, and my blood sugar has been creeping up and I WILL NOT go on medication for it, because I refuse to give up, I'm going to get fit and change my lifestyle :)

    Always looking for new friends, feel free to add :)

    Best wishes to all on your better life, better you, journey
  • deedee68murray
    you sound alot like me :)
  • mesee619
    mesee619 Posts: 84 Member
    you can add me
  • rhoyalenigma
    Add me too! I drive most of my friends crazy because I'm counting calories, and I would love to be friends with more people who understand that this is a lifestyle change for me not just a diet... After all if I don't change my life then I'll constantly be fighting a losing battle!
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Just sent you a request. Ive just gotten active for about a week and I have been on since feb.. totally relate

  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me along with anyone else. I certainly could use the support and would love to be there for others too.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Agree wholeheartedly. It was a hard realization for me too, but Ive been at it for almost 2 years. Its my new way of life and once I realized that, I never again had a desire to "stop". I still faithfully count calories and exercise 6 days a week. Im not perfect, Im still human...but I do the best I can and my kids see that in me every single day. Im also lucky in that Im surrounded by supportive people at work and at home. That helps.

    Feel free to add me! I love helping people and motivating when I can. I wont try to sell you anything! ;)

  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    I hear you!!! I would love to friend you!
  • Sierramist
    Me too,please add me,I could use some help,I think we could work together,even if its sharing your health ideas,me I try to record everything I eat and I count calories
  • brilaa
    brilaa Posts: 22
    Would love to be your friend add me
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    Add sent.

    I'm on here for life. I know that if I don't keep myself accountable even after I get to my goal I'll never stay at my goal.
    I seriously stay logged in here all day at work and check it constantly and use it on my phone all weekends. I'm addicted.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I will add you. I am at my original goal, which i have readjusted, but I am not on a diet, this is my life. I am short and if I don't exercise and eat healthily, i won't stay at a good weight. It feels great to live life looking good and feeling fit and healthy! Happy for any friends at any stage of their journey!