Are there any teachers out there?



  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    Teacher here too!! I teach k-8 music.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Summers are the most difficult for me - I stay at home with my two girls, and there's snacks galore. During the school year, I find it's easier to stay on track and plan. Plus the stress and business makes it a bit more difficult to eat!
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    I think I'll just stay out of the lounge.

    THAT is what will get me!! If I know something is in the lounge, I find myself wandering there. If I stay out, and dont know...then Im not tempted!
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    substitute teacher.. for anything from Prek-12, special needs, art, gym, music etc..

    you name it.. i teach it..
    im old school.. don't mess with me.

    add me if you want.

    I'm a sub too. Yep, we're hard core! :-)
    Another sub here too!! I teach anything and in 2 years have landed 3 sep. contracts!! Go me!!

    I taught K5 for eight and a half years until my son was born with un-diagnosed medical issues. I only taught until he was about 10 months old and honestly, I don't know how I did it that long.

    In my area, teachers are getting cut left and's sad. Budget short falls and such. I'm actually thinking about getting out of the teaching prof. because of that. I can't land a full time contract.
  • divinediane2
    Here here here!! I'm a teacher as well. I just joined today and am thrilled to get started. I really need someone ( friends) who are encouraging. I need to lose to start with 50 pounds! altogether 150. I have my workout tapes and my walking shoes!:smile::smile: I also started eating 85% raw food and 15% cooked. I haven't lost anything yet, but I feel a whole lot better.:bigsmile:
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi KrisMarie, are you knowledgeable about diabetics and weight loss? Old fogey here in need of dire edictation and info
  • princessbunnybee
    I'm a teacher. I start school up in a month and I am getting nervous because during the school year I often lack the energy to go to the gym and keep up with my work outs. I need motivation to maintain work outs.
  • JacquelineAnn99
    JacquelineAnn99 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I work as a sub teacher as well I would love to join the teacher group. How do you do that?
  • axnesshj
    axnesshj Posts: 28 Member
    I am a teacher also and work with K-3 as a reading specialist. I am determined to get this weight off this year. I would love to support you also. I will send you a request for friending and anyone else feel free to send me one too.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    To join a group you can go to groups up top. I put in the search the word teachers and joined the one on the top of the list.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Working in a school can make healthy eating difficult... the teacher's room always seems to have goodies out to share, sometimes you have to gobble your lunch at your desk, and drinking all the water you're supposed to would mean you'd have to pee your pants - not enough time to run to the bathroom when there are kids in the room!

    I have found the following to be helpful:

    Plan ahead, plan ahead, plan ahead.

    The weeks I did the best were the weeks I did a bunch of food prep on Sunday and knew what I was going to eat for every meal during the school week.

    I made sure to pack lots of quick and healthy snacks - veggie sticks, easy to eat fruit (no drippy peaches, for instance), nuts/seeds, yogurt, etc. I found that if I knew I wouldn't get hungry during the day, I was less tempted to wander hungrily into the teacher's room.

    If you do get a lunch break, consider having a small group of coworkers eat in your room or away from the teacher's room to avoid extra food.
  • shellygressett
    shellygressett Posts: 80 Member
    High school English teacher turned Special Educator going to Elementary (ACK!!!) this year. Last year I lost 25 pounds during the school year by doing a few things. I made sure to always plan my lunches for the week and sometimes packed a few days in advance. I also took lots of snacks and made sure my desk always had something healthy for the munchies. I got with a few other teachers who wanted to lose weight also and we kind of kept each other on track. I let myself have cake in the lounge if I wanted it and dipped WAY to much into another teacher's chocolate stash but I kept on just keeping on. 25 pounds over 9 months might not seem like a bunch to some people but it was slow and steady so I never had to over think it. Good luck!
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    Amanda great advice! The thing I have the most trouble with is drinking water due to the restroom issue. Crazy profession that you can't even go to the restroom when you need to! Last year I went from 9:50 to 1:00 with no break due to having the first planning of the day and the last lunch. I will have to see when my planning and lunch are this year. I am going to take your advice to PLAN ahead!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Future teacher right here
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    I saw that you can start a blog on this site. Has anyone done that? I am thinking of doing it. I am sort of a reflective person and thought it might help me.
  • amzahn63
    I am a high school English/Reading teacher and we are starting back tomorrow! :sad: :happy: It is bittersweet! I really wanted to lose at least 20lbs over the summer. It didn't work out so well. So, my new goal is to lose at least 15 by October 12, which is when we go on our Autumn break. We are a 'year round' school, but we still have at least 6 weeks off for summer.

    I am going to check out the group for teachers as well! Here's to seeing you there!

    Oh, and I love the idea of blogging. I might have to try that too.

    Take care and have fun!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Teachers went back on July 17 and the first day for students was July 23. But that's okay. I have two weeks off in October, two more at Christmas, and two in March. I'm still done by the end of May. It's a glorious schedule. We've been on it for about 12 years and no one wants to go back to a more traditional one.

    I did use the blog feature for the first week I was on here, but I quickly got really busy with school and haven't looked at it since.

    FYI, what I take to school on a given day might include: chunked up grapefruit mixed with Splenda, yogurt (Yoplait lite is my guilty indulgence), dry Quaker Oat Squares, which I eat out of a snack bag, string cheese, carrots, sliced chicken breast, steamed veggies i can heat at lunch, whole almonds, Kirkland cashew clusters, the tiny albacore tuna cans (they come three to a pack), Kashi crackers, and my special Baked Apple Surprise, which is my after school treat. Last week I made turkey chili and portioned it out in 6 containers. I froze three and ate the other three during the week alternating with chicken or tuna.

    Every day right after school, I eat one dark chocolate Hershey Bliss. That is medicine. . . 35 calories.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    sherryteach, thanks for the list of food suggestions! If I could eat only 1 chocolate, I would try that too. Maybe after I am on this awhile I will be able to portion control better.

    It is interesting to see what other schools do in different areas as far as scheduling. I am so used to a traditional schedule I am not sure I coult adjust to what you have. With that schedule, how do you take college classes to update your certification or move up the pay scale?

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Kaykysmom
    I'm a speech therapist in the public schools. I work with special needs preschools and then also k-6. I start work tomorrow and I am so ready to be on a schedule again. I find that when I am on a schedule I can do so much better. I gained 12 lbs this summer and I am ready to take that off plus another 12-15. I am looking for friends to encourage and hold me accountable as well...
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Most of the state universities have adjusted schedules to accommodate our school schedule. I am long past needing any more degrees, but I get plenty of hours for recertification just from doing the required in-service at school, which is all logged by the district and sent to me as a transcript when I need to apply for recertification. We also have a great district in-service program where I can sign up for classes that apply specifically to my interests and that all qualifies as certification hours.

    As far as portion control, just the fact of having to log everything that goes in my mouth is enough to limit my food. I do not want to log 500 calories worth of Hershey Bliss chocolates!