Do you have a treat everyday and what is it?

Is it okay to have a treat a day? I like to have a piece of dark chocolate at the end of the day.
What is yours?


  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I dont eat a treat every day....but when I do its usually some chocolate...occassionally a tim tam biscuit, but on saturday nights i also have a higher cal range and usually have any meal of my choice (usually pasta - and to me thats a treat :))
  • SmileyFaceGuy
    Not every day, but almost every Saturday is pizza day because pizza is my favorite thing in the world (I wish I could say that it isn't...).
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    1 cup of Edy's coffee ice cream. It is only 200 calories AND is so delicious and creamy.
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes, I have a treat every day. Maybe someday I'll be able to cut back, but for right now, I enjoy it too much.

    At the end of every day, I indulge in a satisfying chunk of dark chocolate.

    When I tried to eliminate daily treats from my diet completely, I ended up failing and went on a huge binge at about day 29, so I've decided that I'll leave room in my calories every day for a nighttime treat. Feeling great so far, no big issues, and I'm almost at the 30-day mark, so I should be good!
  • WickedPixie1
    WickedPixie1 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm a serious Coke (liquid, sugar laden kind) addict, but I'm trying to break that habit...just one of a long list of things I'm trying to change!
    I don't know if I'll knock it on the head altogether, but I'm down to one (can) every few days. TOM is when I like (need) a bit of dark chocolate.
    I think if I got rid of my treats, I would fail at's what happened before.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    It changes but right now I'm in love with fruit filled mini wheats and milk. I dont know why but it just covers all of what I crave right now!
  • ashleew1117
    Me personally, i don't think that its good to treat yourself daily then you may fall in that habit and you think you need a treat everyday.
    You don't need to treat yourself everyday to something that you would classify as a "treat".
    But you can if thats what you would like to do, everyone has different ways of dieting for themselves. Some works and others don't.

    Me personally i don't typically treat myself to something sweet other than on my weigh in days, even if it isn't the weight that i need to be treating myself too.
    Usually i have a skinny cow ice cream, or a nutrisystem cookie because the ice cream is only 100 calories and the cookie is only 150 calories.
    You can also treat yourself to some roasted almonds which is about 200 calories for a 1/4 cup, which is about a handful (:

    I hope this helped (:

  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    I have fell in love with almonds.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I agree with Ashlee, don't treat yourself everyday or else it just becomes another daily meal. I mean if it fits in your calories that's great, but a daily treat can become addicting.

    That said, I love to treat myself to cereal, oatmeal, and nature valley protein bars
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Not really, it's not something that I think about too often. Once in a while I might be in the mood for some ice cream. I find myself enjoying fruits much more now. Right now it's a watermelon kick...yum...

    Today a coworker gave me some peanut butter cups and I ate one but found it made me queasy. I think your tolerance for excessively sweet or processed foods changes the cleaner you eat.
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    I have a treat every day. My favorite treat right now is 321 cake with greek yogurt mixed with a little powdered sugar as a frosting (it reminds me of sour cream frosting.).
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    1 square dark chocolate every night after dinner.

    Whoever said that it becomes expected and not so much a treat is right, but I fit those 50ish calories every day, and never have chocolate cravings anymore (except once a month). I LOVE my piece of chocolate after dinner!!
  • vivianator
    If I'm unbearably hungry and it's late at night or for some reason even after eating a meal, I always eat fruit. It satisfies your sweet tooth and it's delicious! Blueberries are usually my favorite snack :)
  • jodieellabella
    I like to have a small treat every day, i love sweet foods so i will have a small cup cake or a hot milo :)
  • lillyflawarose1986
    lillyflawarose1986 Posts: 12 Member
    Every sunday as it is my rest day. Today i had a mc flurry snack size @ mc donalds.
  • cathy2cc
    cathy2cc Posts: 4 Member
    I usually have a nestle parlour ice cream bar and its only 120 calories. Sometimes I have strawberries on shortcake with low cal. whipped cream too. I think it stops me from feeling deprived and keeps me going.
  • ccole4
    ccole4 Posts: 26 Member
    It changes but right now I'm in love with fruit filled mini wheats and milk. I dont know why but it just covers all of what I crave right now!
    this cereal is the
  • SusuAtta
    SusuAtta Posts: 56
    My treat is knowing at the end of the day that I will wake up healthier and happier tomorrow by the good choices I make today :bigsmile:

    Heehee but for real, I wouldn't say I have a treat everyday, but if I start feeling like I have been too strict or if I am really starting to crave something, I will either save some calories up and have whatever it is, while fitting it into my calorie budget, or I will find a healthier version of it and have that. But I've always been really into healthy food, so I actually like the food I eat on a day-to-day basis and I don't feel a need to induldge everyday, but heck yeah I will induldge when I feel the need to in order to stay sane.
  • mangoduck
    mangoduck Posts: 35 Member
    Not every day. I have these little almond cookies that I love so so much. They're 120 calories for 6 of them and if I have the calories, I'll definitely have them.
  • abaka123
    abaka123 Posts: 48
    6 frozen tootsie rolls :blushing: