Anyone starting the C25K?

I did my first podcast today, found it challenging as I'm very unfit. Is anyone else out there starting it and in need to support and encouragement? If so please add me as a friend, it would be nice to do this with others at the same place in their fitness level :)


  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    I've done 2 days of it so far! It is hard as I'm not a runner, and tend to jog more than run. But giving this a go! Hoping I build my stamina gradually. Feel free to add me so we can help encourage each other!
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Afraid I'm on the opposite end of the stick (I graduated last week), however good on you for getting started! It's a fantastic program, and it's certainly changed my life. I really struggled with week one initially, being very unfit (much like you), however I'm now training for a 10k run and feeling a lot fitter for it!

    Just be warned, if you're anything like me, you may become slightly addicted to running. :3 Are you planning on doing it on the treadmill or outside?
  • AwesomeOne66
    good on you! I honestly thought I was on the edge of death the first time I ran, being over 30kg heavier than I am now...I spent the first 5 weeks icing my knees after every was worth it.

    now I think I am on the edge of death because I have a running injury that's preventing me from training for 10km!!

    Go for it, you'll soon love it! Good luck!
  • twonkieone
    twonkieone Posts: 132
    i soooooo want to be a runner - they always look so healthy! however, i'm in pretty good shape - take double spin classes, zumba, cardiosculpt - but am overweight. i always feel like i can't breathe when i run ~ probably totally mental ~ anyone else have that happen??? i need to kick it up a notch cause i have not lost much weight in 3 months even though i go to the gym 5 times a week. I'm In!!!:happy:
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great encouragement :) I'm running it outside. There's a track through the forest where I walk my dog, it's a fairly hard dirt track and reasonably level which should be good for jogging along, it's just over a mile in length so a little more than 2 miles total if I go to the end and back. There is a 20 minute uphill (not too steep but certainly not level either) walk to get there so I'm using the walk up as a warm up and then doing the jogging bit along the level track, walking back downhill as the cool down. One day (here's me being optimistic haha) I can hopefully go off track to extend the length and that will also involve up and down hill sections and varying terrain. I'm not sure if perhaps the walk uphill to my starting point made this first run more difficult for me today but I shouldn't think so because usually I walk this several times a week with my dog so the walking wasn't any more than I'm used to although I did do it a little more briskly today.
  • writinwater
    I'm currently doing week 4 and cant believe the difference a month has made!! I was strugling through the 60 seconds at the start, and this week I've run the 5 minute intervals and thought 'hey, I could definately run further than this if I had to!'

    If my poor lungs can pull through it, so can yours!! Just go as slowly as you can and go for it! :)
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks writinwater, that's encouraging. I find breathing not too difficult but my legs start feeling like lead weights! I'm sure I can get through that though, just need to keep at it :)
  • chelseyyy90
    chelseyyy90 Posts: 8 Member
    I am starting it today! Never been a runner but definitely looking forward to becoming one :)
  • Almiten
    Almiten Posts: 14
    I'm on week 2 now .. It's going ok so far
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm doing Week 7 Day 2 tomorrow.. and the best advice I can give is stick with it.

    It may seem challenging at times, but you can do it... and adjust your pace accordingly. Go as slow as you need to in order to finish the interval.. Speed will come with time as will distance.
  • peggers4325
    peggers4325 Posts: 28 Member
    I just finished week 1 yesterday. What I can't believe is even in a week my energy levels have jumped! It's crazy! I'm so ready for week 2!
  • Itssojen
    Itssojen Posts: 73 Member
    Starting this today...I'm also doing Jillian Michaels' 30DS, so hopefully they complement each other pretty well. L1D4 of 30DS and W1D1 of C25K...we'll see how it goes!
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    I have not ran in a couple weeks I may need to just start over...I really hate that I am not further along...and I agree it is HARD....but I have done it before and it really helps you to get in shape more swiftly so I am gonna get back to it..any of you can add me..
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I've done 2 days of it so far! It is hard as I'm not a runner, and tend to jog more than run. But giving this a go! Hoping I build my stamina gradually. Feel free to add me so we can help encourage each other!

    I consider "joggin" as running. You dont have to run at 5moh or faster to be considered a "runner" running is running, slow or fast. If you run a mile whether its a 8 min/mile, 12 min/mile or a 16 min/mile its still a mile and its till running.

    I'm currently in week 5 day 2. Which I guess I can skip since instead of running the 8 mins last night I ran 20 instead... But anyways. Its great, motivating and I LOVE IT!
  • jkeeling39
    I started the C25K program a little over 2 months ago. This past weekend I ran my first 5k race and was actually able to post a personal best below 30 minutes. I really enjoyed it and felt like it was paced great. As with any workout program there are times where you struggle and part of working out is learning how to work through that.

    Keep at it and repeat a week if necessary. But push!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I am a recent graduate of the C25K so if anyone would like to add me, feel free! I hadn't "run" in 8 years prior to this and never more than a few blocks at a time. I started C25K in June and have ran in 2 5Ks in the last week. I am 100% hooked on running! If you had told me a few months ago that I would be doing this, I would have laughed in your was that ridiculous of a thought for me. The first 2 weeks were a challenge, but I started running outside during week 3 and I would never look back on that decision. I don't go very far or fast, but I love every second I am out there with just me and my iPod. I hope you all feel the same whether it is right away or it takes a few weeks. Just trust in the program!
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I started this a couple of months back but then stopped due to an injury. I'm starting again tomorrow, will have to go back to week 1 I think! Anyone feel free to add me for mutual support :smile:
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    I just started C25K last week.. today I started Week 2 :)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    i soooooo want to be a runner - they always look so healthy! however, i'm in pretty good shape - take double spin classes, zumba, cardiosculpt - but am overweight. i always feel like i can't breathe when i run ~ probably totally mental ~ anyone else have that happen??? i need to kick it up a notch cause i have not lost much weight in 3 months even though i go to the gym 5 times a week. I'm In!!!:happy:

    For me it was mental. Once I got proper footfalls down, I focused on my breathing. I take 3-4 steps to breath in and 3-4 to breath out. Just take deep breaths...and try not to breath through your mouth.
  • mattgreenwich
    mattgreenwich Posts: 2 Member
    I'm hoping to start in the morning. It will be my first time running in well over 10 years!! I'm scared but it needs to be done!