Cheat Days...Yay or Nay?

I am curious about everyone's thoughts about having food cheat days. I've heard some people say that it feeds into a food addiction and can result in relapsing into unhealthy eating behaviors. I've heard others say that a cheat day is good so that you don't deprive yourself foods that you do enjoy...but in moderation.

Hmm...I'm on the fence. What are your thoughts?


  • joeamendiola
    To me... It seems like a step back. I'm already going to occasionally stumble so I'm not going to schedule any stumbles.
  • PastryWizKid
    PastryWizKid Posts: 23 Member
    I say nay because it does fuel food addiction and relapses. but thats just for me my thoughts on the subject are get to your goal be happy and comfortable where you are then "treat" yourself once in a while because your goal is more important than any "treat" you may consume. but again thats my outlook on it
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I do a cheat day but not every week usually if I am craving something I can work it into my day. However if I have something to attend like a birthday party or whatever that have a lot of food I will do a cheat day (I do try to make good choices though) like have the burger but with no roll but still have the cake. I find if I deprive myself I'm more likely to go off track. Even though I've only lost 12 lbs here on MFP I've lost more than 50 over all this way.
  • susiebear29
    I allow myself a little treat everyday so don't feel like I need a whole cheat day, but everybody is different!! Iv had problems with binge eating before so that's why I don't feel like a whole day of eating naughty things is a good idea for me because I just don't trust myself to stop!! Do whatever you think will work for you, I think if you are too strict and ban certain foods like chocolate then you just end up wanting them even more!! :smile:
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I don't deprive myself anyway so I don't feel the need to cheat. If I did it I would just gain a couple of pounds from water weight and be upset by it so I just moderate what goes in to my diet on a daily basis to limit that from happening. I also find it hard to get back on the wagon after a day off so I try to be as good s possible!
    I think it's up to the individual, if you feel like you need a day off to enjoy the things you like then go for it! :-)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days only because it opens you up to over eating. If you eat your favorite foods all along then there is no need to overeat. As long as you keep things within your calorie count you can still have those foods you love. Not to mention who want to lose the same lbs over and over. You've worked so hard to lose them to begin with why would you want to do it a second time. I no longer crave the foods that I loved so much and quit eating in January. It's a life style change and if your still having those days where you eat what you want without thought you have not truly made that life style change and it will make it harder to keep on the road to a better you, a better life.

    Just my opinion.
  • C4RL0S
    C4RL0S Posts: 5
    I say Nay as each day you stick to your healthy eating plan (notice I don't use the word diet) you are training your brain to eat healthily. Every day you spend cheating you are also training your brain to look for rubbish food.

    So while lapses are going to happen, I wouldn't be planning them in.
  • C4RL0S
    C4RL0S Posts: 5
    tmauck4472: 107 pounds lost - well done!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Im not big on cheat days......I am in fact big on IIFYM on a daily basis.
  • endureandpersist
    endureandpersist Posts: 59 Member
    Absolutely NO cheat days! Don't give in!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Most definately Yeah...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I 'cheat' each day with red wine, my daylight hours are as clean as a whistle and my nights are dirty.

    Suits me fine :)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Uhh maybe a cheat MEAL.. but still fit it within your goals as best as possible. Just eat something that you would normally avoid.

    Cheat days.. no. Nobody needs an entire day to have an excuse for an eat-fest (in my opinion).
  • ablissabby
    ablissabby Posts: 56 Member
    I say not worth it -- If you're anything like me. I definitely overeat x 10 and hurt my progress more than I could ever imagine. Stay focused!!!
  • Khughes0228
    Khughes0228 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a cheat MEAL. I make my other two meals and snacks healthy that way im not going overboard. Then I work it off that night...seems to work for me so far :)
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    My thoughts on "cheat days" is ,you do it once and it gets easier and easier to do it again. I think when you reach a desired plateau and have just a little of the desired food is ok. But only after a long time of paying the price. The thing that I have found is the longer I deprive myself of something, the less I think about it!

  • tstigers68
    I don't believe in the cheat days. I definetly have days where it's difficult to stay on track and one could consider those cheat days, but on those days I am very careful to track everything and try very hard to stay within the daily goals. Hope the best for you and you find a good way to make it work for you.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Yup, one cheat meal per week! Had one yesterday :devil:
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    It's a nay for me...If I want something, I'll work it into my diary, whether it's a slice of cake, a few drinks and frozen yogurt out with the girls, pizza, whatever. I just plan for it and plan the rest of the day around it. That way I never feel deprived of anything. I had a cheat day and I felt really guilty afterwards, plus lost zero weight for the week. If I'm going to do this for the rest of my life, I need to feel like it's a daily part of my life, not something I have to put up with until I can get a cheat day. But there are many people who work cheat days successfully. It's just not for me.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm all for cheat days IF you can still control yourself. I eat crisps and sweets on saturdays, but I still usually do not go over 2000 calories. Having cheat days does not mean you can eat whatever and how much you want, but you can go a bit easier on yourself than other days. And of course, only ONE cheat day a week. I love crisps, and having some once a week doesn't damage my weight loss. I still lose weight.

    But of course, if you go all out and eat 5000 calories, and even do that more than once a week... Then no!