Newbie from Texas

Hello everyone!
I am 30 years old and the mother of 2 babies (3.5 yr old and almost 2 year old). I had my babies a year and a half apart and ended up 40lbs overweight. Almost exactly a year ago I joined Jenny Craig and was able to lose 43 lbs. I started at 175 and got down to 132. Now that I have lost the weight and kept it off, I am now focused on maintaining (although I wouldn't mind losing another 5 lbs). This site has been extremely helpful and I like how it keeps me honest!

My resolution for 2009 was to lose weight, and that I did. My 2010 resolution is to get more fit. Hopefully this website will help me do that!

Looking forward to chatting with you all!


  • thica03
    thica03 Posts: 44 Member
    welcome to MFP, this program will definitely help.....Good Luck:happy: