Rant about Main stream fitness mags out there



  • cherylkf
    From Healthier_Me Post

    You know what else bugs the he!! out of me?????......
    Magazines & shows like ET & Access Hollywood constantly mentioning how fast celebs lose their "baby weight"... WTH???
    They have the money for a personal trainer AND a chef.... give me a friggin break!

    But then in the next segment they talk about which celebs are getting "fat."
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Very true:grumble:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I totally agree about all of the magazines out there that are meant to "help" people. Obviously the people doing those articles and the workouts are paid to do just that so they have all the time in the world, well at least while they are at work!

    Start up your magazine ladies and I will be one of the first subscribers!

    I am a mom of 2 kids with a husband that is a chef, and although you may think that works to my advantage it actually means I am pretty much a single mom with a room mate because of the long hours he puts in so here is what I do to make my life a bit easier when it comes to cooking meals.

    1. plan a menu and find dishes that require similar ingredients
    2. Make more than one meal out of a simple dish, like spaghetti with turkey meatballs (actually really good), and then have meatball sandwiches with the extra meatballs.
    3. CROCK POT, I love my crock pot, I have 2.
    4. Other than that I try to get all my meals together and cooked in about 2 hours on Sundays so then all I have to do is heat lunches or dinners up all week.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Great ideat mnbarnum. I am a mother of 3 and my hubby is gone for about 12 hours per day 6-7 days a week. Although I generally get of by 1 pm the time I have off from work and my kids only amounts to an hour. Not much time since I normally come home and get lunch and a half hour on the treadmill or clean house before I pick the kids up. What helps me with my meals is I plan meals that my family will eat for sure. Our family favorites are tacos and burritos. I try to always have on hand zuchinni, cabbage, onions and potatoes too. Of course the crock pot is used often as well. Specially on days that are busy.

  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    Both of you have given me an idea. I also have 2 big crock pots and 1 smaller one that are sitting around gathering dust. I need to pull them out and see what I can come up with that would be low cal and cook all day. It sure would be nice to have dinner ready and not have to stand in the kitchen in the evening. Cooking kills my back.
    I also have a pressure cooker that is awesome. I haven’t used in ages either. I could fix something in that as well that would be really low cal and cook it fast.
    Has anybody ever cooked a chicken on a rotisserie without the skin? I am wondering if it would burn. Any suggestions? :flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I'm with you on the crock pot mn,
    My wife and I make a healthy turkey chili that is great!
    First, a serving is only in the 300 cal range, it has
    lots of vitamins, and protein (beans baby!) and poly-unsaturated fats.

    Actual work to do it is less then 1/2 an hour and it makes 6 to 8 meals.
    thats 3 days of lunches for both of us. Its great cuz we can have the
    chili Mon,Wed,and Fri. and mix it up with something else on tues.
    and thurs. Plus the chili is very filling!.

    P.S. not sure how I feel about being lumped in with the ladies mn. :wink:
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    In regard to the mag . . . I did a major in English at uni and also have a certificate in marketing management which might help out too . . . let me know if I can help!
  • cherylkf
    Both of you have given me an idea. I also have 2 big crock pots and 1 smaller one that are sitting around gathering dust. I need to pull them out and see what I can come up with that would be low cal and cook all day. It sure would be nice to have dinner ready and not have to stand in the kitchen in the evening. Cooking kills my back.
    I also have a pressure cooker that is awesome. I haven’t used in ages either. I could fix something in that as well that would be really low cal and cook it fast.
    Has anybody ever cooked a chicken on a rotisserie without the skin? I am wondering if it would burn. Any suggestions? :flowerforyou:

    I've never cooked chicken on a rotisserie without the skin, I would think though if you could keep steam in the rotisserie while the chicken is cooking, the chicken probably wouldn't burn...

    I have cooked one in a crock pot. Just throw it in the pot and in a few hours you have a nice juicy chicken. Toss some veggies in and you have a meal. :-)
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    I would love to help with the magazine. I use to be a competitive powerlifter and know lots about working out and exercise. I would love to help if you should need any. This sounds like a fun idea. It'll be fun to see where we can go with this.

    I just want you let you all know about the people in the fittness mags. I've met a lot of these fittness models and fittness competitors in my powerlifting years. I was a world class lifter and hold National and World records, therefore I have had a chance to meet a lot of these people and get to know them and live among their world. Although many of them are great people and extremely kind hearted, they have more eating disorders than most people I know. So please don't take their pictures to heart and say "I want to look like this person". It isn't what you think, most do not live the "healthy" lifestyle that you think they do. Some do, but they have the genetics for it. Others force their bodies to be that way by dieting to the extreme. I'm talking about carb loading for energy so that they can work out extremely hard to build the muscles along with more proteins than your body can process, so they have liver problems from trying to force so much protein through their bodies. Then when they start carrying more body fat than they want because of the carb loading, the they start carb depleting, which starves their bodies and they get into a mal-nutritious state and often get very ill. And often, after a body building competition, they are craving so much junk because they have deprived themselves for months, they eat all kinds of fatty foods and get sick. This is the life of some of these so called "Fittness models" or "Body builders". This is the world I lived in as a powerlifter for years. Although it's different for the powerlifters, they just eat and eat and eat, because you have to have the fat around the muscles for support, that's how I got so heavy. It isn't pretty.

    As for the rotisserie chicken without the skin, I don't think that you can do that well, as the heat will dry the chicken up without the skin holding the juice within. But it does work quite well in the crock pot.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    As for the rotisserie chicken without the skin, I don't think that you can do that well, as the heat will dry the chicken up without the skin holding the juice within. But it does work quite well in the crock pot.

    That is what I was thinking but wanted another opinion before I went and made the house stinky with burnt dry chicken. I will nix the chicken on the rotisserie and pop that sucker in the crock pot. It will be less work that way anyway. Thanks for the help. :flowerforyou:
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I think the magazine is a wonderful idea as well. I will do what ever I can. I don’t know what that would be but I will do my best to help. :flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I'm trying to wrap my head around cooking a chicken in a rotisserie without skin on it,
    Loretta_jo, you trying to cook it with less fat? If yes, then just remove the skin after you
    cook it, I don't think removing the skin before hand would do any good anyway.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I'm trying to wrap my head around cooking a chicken in a rotisserie without skin on it,
    Loretta_jo, you trying to cook it with less fat? If yes, then just remove the skin after you
    cook it, I don't think removing the skin before hand would do any good anyway.

    You don’t think some of that fat wont get into the chicken and raise the calorie count? If it wont then I will cook it with the skin on and then throw it away. I love chicken on the rotisserie. :flowerforyou:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member

    my husband is a chef and his suggestion is to take the skin off and season your chicken and then if you are using a rotissiere you will want to baste your chicken often. You could also cook that chicken without the skin in one of your dusty crockpots!

    His second suggestion is to use the oven and place your chicken in a pan with seasoning and a little bit of chicken broth or water and cover the entire dish with seran wrap and then foil on top of that. No the plastic wrap will not melt on the chicken (I didn't believe it the first time either!) and the plastic wrap helps keep more moisture in the meat than the foil alone. To get the chicken a little golden just uncover the chicken for the last few minutes and it will look and taste just as good as a chicken with skin!!!

    Good luck!
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member

    my husband is a chef and his suggestion is to take the skin off and season your chicken and then if you are using a rotissiere you will want to baste your chicken often. You could also cook that chicken without the skin in one of your dusty crockpots!

    His second suggestion is to use the oven and place your chicken in a pan with seasoning and a little bit of chicken broth or water and cover the entire dish with seran wrap and then foil on top of that. No the plastic wrap will not melt on the chicken (I didn't believe it the first time either!) and the plastic wrap helps keep more moisture in the meat than the foil alone. To get the chicken a little golden just uncover the chicken for the last few minutes and it will look and taste just as good as a chicken with skin!!!

    Good luck!

    Thank you so much and tell your husband thank you also. I will have to try that. Did he say what to baste it with? Would just chicken broth be the thing I would need to use?
    That is good to know about the saran wrap keeping more in moisture then the foil alone. I found out that the saran wrap wouldn’t melt by accident. I had it over a pan then foil over that and forgot about the saran wrap till it had been in the oven for a long time and almost done. I freaked out and just knew I would have a mess to clean up and the dish would be ruined. To my surprise it was fine but boy did it scare me when I remembered what I had done.
    Thanks again I will give this a try. :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I love the "Brown-in-Bags" for poultry.

    It self bastes, holds in the moisture and tates de-lish. I always use them for whole poultry. They come in different sizes. I've used them for 20lb turkey, and they're perfect and never dry. I'll bet they would work great with no skin, and just add broth in thebag. I'll let you know how that works.

    cmriverside AKA Cheryl
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    so back on topic, cm,
    I ran my own IT consulting business for 5 years (I only got out of it because it was like 14 hours a day
    and the hours were breaking up my marrage), and know a thing or two about
    sales and marketing. found this site which has tips on starting magazines. Might be helpful


    One thing I was thinking of is finding local gyms that cater to the target audience and asking them to carry your magazine in exchange free local advertising. (maybe an insert into all local circulations)
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    bump, wanted to make sure you saw the last post CM.

    P.S. to all you internet neophytes,

    Bump is the term used to put a post back to the top of the list
    so it doesn't fade from memory. :tongue:
  • mollymay
    I am a registered nurse with a minor in English if you need anything related to medical in your magazine... I think its a great idea!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    so back on topic, cm,
    I ran my own IT consulting business for 5 years (I only got out of it because it was like 14 hours a day
    and the hours were breaking up my marrage), and know a thing or two about
    sales and marketing. found this site which has tips on starting magazines. Might be helpful


    One thing I was thinking of is finding local gyms that cater to the target audience and asking them to carry your magazine in exchange free local advertising. (maybe an insert into all local circulations)

    I'm kinda ovewhelmed by all the support. Some of you think this is an MFP Magazine, and that I am wanting to volunteer my time. I am looking at this as a business. So, there is the issue of $$$. Banks, do you think an online newsletter would work better? I just think maybe a new glossy magazine might get lost in the glut of health magazines on the shelf already. I am not the one to do a new website, though I know a couple people that could (and maybe would) help online. Since we are all spread all over the planet, there would have to be online collaboration. I wonder if a "newsletter" type thing -given out for free to everyone we know might be good, too. I think it has to start small.....see what happens.

    Regardless, I will try to get to your article today. Are you good with
    "No-Six-Packs (Healthy living for the average person)" -your suggestion -

    Or how bout "No-Time-For-Six-Packs? Easy Solutions To Healthy Living" (or "Quick And Easy Solutions To Healthy Living" )
    - I also worked in marketing, so I know how IMPORTANT it is to 'brand' any product from the start. And grab the web address.......

    Cheryl :wink: bump, your turn.

    p.s. nice pic! As soon as NASCAR is over........