Do you have a treat everyday and what is it?



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm not an animal, so I don't have food "treats" or "rewards" - and I don't feel guilty about eating foods I enjoy. I just try to meet my calorie goal, and maybe my macros.
    So, I guess that means I have chocolate, sugary food, carbs, alcohol, etc pretty much whenever I want it. I enjoy food and I'm not willing to put that much energy into stressing over it. I have better things to do :smile:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Kroger fat free fudge bars. I get my sweet treat for 70 calories.
  • 1 square dark chocolate every night after dinner.

    Whoever said that it becomes expected and not so much a treat is right, but I fit those 50ish calories every day, and never have chocolate cravings anymore (except once a month). I LOVE my piece of chocolate after dinner!!

    I do this too! It's just 10 grams, and it has a lot of health benefits that may even help in the weightloss journey :-)
  • angel101netta
    angel101netta Posts: 152 Member
    Yes, studying the bible each morning when I get up. :) I don't reward myself with food. I'm not a dog.

    I dont understand, so are u saying u will never ever have a pice of chocolate, icecream,glass of wine.
    For me this is a lifestyle change not a diet!
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    usually a 100- 140 calorie frozen something- weight watcher brand, good humor - doesnt matter- as long as it fits in my daily goal and hits my sweet tooth.

    Im not afraid of "needing" a treat daily since one small something hits the spot. Also, its not truly daily- just most
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Yes, studying the bible each morning when I get up. :) I don't reward myself with food. I'm not a dog.

    Do you enjoy eating food?
  • WeavesWife
    WeavesWife Posts: 6 Member
    Almost every day I have 1-3 blocks of the hershey's special dark chocolate. We have been eating healthy and cleaner for 3 weeks now and I feel great!

    Also, why be negative about how she worded her question? Yes, none of us are dogs! I find that rude. If you call it a treat or say if you want something like that you eat it what is the big deal?

    I thought this site was to help people and be uplifting. This is my first time commenting and reading any post. Think I will stay away from it!
  • some kind of special k granola bar or pastrie crisp... they are sooo yummy and less than 120cal
  • kenny48
    kenny48 Posts: 6
    not daily but Sunday is my treat day, a six pack of cold Corona.... Good luck to us all..
  • connieannw
    connieannw Posts: 55 Member
    When I tried to eliminate daily treats from my diet completely, I ended up failing and went on a huge binge at about day 29, so I've decided that I'll leave room in my calories every day for a nighttime treat. Feeling great so far, no big issues, and I'm almost at the 30-day mark, so I should be good!

    I do the same thing. It helps me stay under my calorie goal if I know I'm going to be rewarded with a sweet treat at the end of the day. I try to make the treat low cal too. It can be yogurt and kashi, or pudding and kashi, a chocolate covered granola bar under 200 calories. My absolute favorite is sugar free vanilla ice cream, sugar free caramel sauce and kashi go lean crunch cereal. Especially now that its' been so hot.
  • aquillen
    aquillen Posts: 5 Member
    Dark beer with kimchee. After a bike ride or working on the house or yard on a hot day, this combo is heavily (the beer cool and thirst quenching and the kim-chee sour and salty and still low on calories). Not for everyday but on those hot days I convince myself to *try* to replace food calories with beer!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Yes, studying the bible each morning when I get up. :) I don't reward myself with food. I'm not a dog.

    Try booze, it works well.

    Not for dogs, obviously.

    They are generally mental already.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    When I tried to eliminate daily treats from my diet completely, I ended up failing and went on a huge binge at about day 29, so I've decided that I'll leave room in my calories every day for a nighttime treat. Feeling great so far, no big issues, and I'm almost at the 30-day mark, so I should be good!

    I'm kind of the opposite...if I give myself 'treats' every day, it becomes a habit and I start to crave more and more (slippery slope).
    The longer I stay away from junk food, the less my body craves or wants it. I guess we're all engineered just a little differently, and have to find the thing that works best...
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Yes, studying the bible each morning when I get up. :) I don't reward myself with food. I'm not a dog.

    Treats aren't always used as a reward. There are other things than treats that can reward a dog...
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I try not to have a 'treat' every day, usually if I do a lot of exercise... like yesterday, I have some icecream with jelly and fruit.

    If I crave something sweet I'll have a teaspoon of icecream, or a small chocolate bar! Sometimes it's difficult to control the craving, but in moderation, there's nothing wrong with having something that you want!
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I have my little indulgence everyday after supper (which is also post workout) - whether it's a mini York peppermint patty, Fudgicle, Vitatop, etc. I just keep it 100 calories or under.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    A treat is a reward. You reward yourself every day? That sounds dumb to me.

    Once a week is fine. I treat myself to a little something if I feel I deserve it. Otherwise it's just an excuse to eat *kitten*. :)
  • I eat 1/4 of a skinny cow peanut butter and chocolate ice cream sandwich bar. Low calories and realy seems to make a difference. Hard to resist the whole thing at first, but easier now.
  • The comments referring to dogs are a bit harsh. I thought we were all supposed to support each other not put people down.

    I treat myself once or twice a week but never anymore than that.