Hello from the 'GO!

Hi! My name is Andrea and I am absolutely determined for 2010 to be MY year, whatever that means! I want success, I want health, I want change! and I'm goin after it FULL THROTTLE!


That does not mean that I do not need a fantastic network of people that can relate the ups and downs and the successes and failures that come with any type of change.

For Christmas, I received a Friendship Book from a friend I've had for 15+ years. Well, this heffer decided to use pictures of us from when we were 18 years old! Oh boy, did I look really diff-no, not the right word, small!

So now, here is Go! and I've started this marathon! Won't you run with me????

Please feel free to request me as I am eager to hear your stories and support your success!


  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! you have come to the right place! I love it here!
  • jean3140
    I am determined to make 2010 MY YEAR as well!!!!!!! I have to, it's not a want anymore to lose weight and be at a healthy weight, then maintain it! But first things first! :bigsmile:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Really? I hope I love it here too!

    Any words of advice???
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hmmm, those exclamation points look very familiar....and of course, the name, Jean??? I would swear I know you...

    And you are absolutely correct in saying that its no longer a want but now a requirement!

    Let's do this!
  • lahlie
    lahlie Posts: 149 Member
    AMEN TO THAT! This is my year too! I am totally committed!