Whats your Muscle Building/Strength Routine??



  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I do a few miles on a stationary and one to two miles on a treadmill after each lifting session.
    Monday - Chest & Tri's
    Tuesday - Rest/Basketball
    Wednesday - Back & Bi's
    Thursday - Shoulders
    Friday - Legs & core
    Weekends - Cardio/rest
  • ChiFortunate1
    ChiFortunate1 Posts: 43 Member
    I do whatever Tony Horton tells me to do!! :laugh: Since I am on week 6 of the P90X-Lean program it looks a lil' something like this...
    Day 1 - Core Synergistic's
    Day 2 - Cardio (I go for a run) I'm on this day and about to head out :glasses:
    Day 3 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Abs (I didn't know there were so many different types of push-ups :noway: arms falling OFF)
    Day 4 - Yoga... or as I like to call it, "I'll just go for a run instead" Don't like their Yoga :huh:
    Day 5 - Legs, Back, Abs (Wall squats are the work of the devil :devil: ...there I said it!)
    Day 6 - Kenpo, which is kick boxing which is cool
    Day 7 - SITTIN ON MY BOOTY feeling like Frankenstein!!!!
    Three weeks of this then it all changes = always sore in a brand new and wonderful place.

  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    I do tons of cardio so recently I started doing a modest two day split for my upper body:

    Day 1: Back(lower, middle and Lats), Triceps and Hamstrings
    Day 2: Abs, Shoulders and Biceps

    I leave my legs out of it since I do cycling and running. tho' I understand I could benefit from also working my legs with machines and weights I just don't have the time right now.
    Great workout ideas.

    If anybody has a questions as to how any move is done or how to target specific muscles, I've found http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ site to be a very good source of information and ideas.
  • Bump
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    i need a strength training routine, ive been focusing so much on cardio for hight cal burns over the past 3 months thay ive lost alot of muscle! damnnnn! bump for later :)
  • RCS17
    RCS17 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm currently doing the Smolov for Squats... Trying to build up to a 430 pound squat. I've combined the SEAL training--pushups, pullups, situps, and dips, with the Spartacus: Blood and Sand workout for cardio. After weight training, I'll use my hand-grip and do 5x100 with each forearm. Monday: Weight training. Tuesday: Spartacus. Wednesday: Weight training. Thursday: Spartacus. Friday: Weight training. Saturday: Spartacus. Sunday: Break, b/c it's the Lord's day.
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    I like your workout OP

    Here is mine

    I do

    Upper A
    Lower A
    Light Cardio/Abs
    Upper B
    Lower B
    Heavy Cardio Abs

    I do not take days off and I workout on weekends.

    However, I do take one day off after a month, and a week off after Three months.

    Upper A

    Flat Bench Press 5x5
    Cable Fly Triple Drop Set
    Bent over Rows 4x8
    Weighted 45lb chin-ups 3 set max
    Non weighted chin-ups 1 set max
    Dumbbell Single Arm Arnold Press 4x8
    Side Lat Raises 3x12
    1 Set EZ Bar 85lb curl max
    2 Set Dumbbell Curl (varies)
    1 Set Cable Rope Curl
    Rope Tricep Pull Down 3x12

    Lower A

    Back Squat 5x15 (I prefer higher reps low weight as I am in my mid 30’s watching pressures on my left knee)
    Stiff Leg Dead Lift 4x15
    Static Squat 3x12
    Hamstring Curl Drop set 3x12
    Seated Calves 3x15
    Farmer’s Walk 2 or 3 sets

    Upper B

    Incline Bench 5x8
    Incline Cable Flyes triple drop set
    45lb weighted Pull Ups 2 sets
    1 set pull ups
    Lat Pull downs 2x10
    Cable Rows 3x12
    Barbell Press 4x8
    Front Lat Raises 3x12
    Bar Bell Curls 3x12
    Weighted Dips 45lb 2 set max
    Non weighted dips 1 set max

    Lower B

    Front Squat 4x15
    Dead Lifts 4x15
    Dumb Bell Lunges 3x12
    Hamstring Curl 3x12
    Standing Calf Raises 3x12
    Farmer’s Walk 2 or 3 sets
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The Stronglifts program.

    M-W-F alternating:

    Workout A: squats bench press, pendlay rows
    Workout B: squats, overhead press, deadlifts

    This except I don't do 5x5 anymore. I was doing 3x5 but just switched it to 3x10 for a couple of weeks. I think I might go back to the full 5x5 after that and start with lower weights again.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    I began running three months ago, and started incorporating strength training two weeks ago. I use Mark Lauren's You Are Your Own Gym, he has a book that explains his exercises and an app that helps you track what you have done. I thought it was going to be easy...but either I'm a huge wimp or it's fairly difficult. ;) The best part is that I can do these exercises anywhere, I don't have to have any special equipment or access to a gym.

    Day 1: upper body
    Day 2: run 5k
    Day 3: lower body
    Day 4: run 5k
    Day 5: upper body
    Day 6: run 5k
    Day 7: core
  • http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/4-day-power-muscle-burn-workout-split.html

    The above is what I started with.

    Everything I do is still based on this power, muscle, burn concept with HIIT strength routines with cardio, Tabata and a lot more moving within the three planes of motion (a lot more transverse motion with weight that many people miss out on) but the original workout is still something to do every 6 weeks for 6 weeks.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Mon - Lower A
    Tue - Upper A
    Wed - Running
    Thur - Lower B
    Fri - Upper B
    Sat - Running
    Sun - Yoga

    Lower A:
    BW Pistol Squats
    BW Shrimp Squats
    125M @8% max effort hill sprints
    Plyo Lunges
    Jog to/from hill

    Lower B:
    BW Pistol Squats
    Weighted (DB) Pistol Squats
    Glute-Ham Raises
    Plyo Pistol Squats
    Other assorted BW leg exercises

    Upper A:
    One Arm Pushups
    Tuck Front Lever Rows
    Handstand Pushups
    Dragon Flags
    DB Curls

    Upper B:
    Front Lever Progression
    Back Lever Progressoin
    Planche Progression
    Floor L-Sit
    Freestanding Handstands

    .....annd more importantly....

    500 calorie per day surplus, 1g protein per lb of bodyweight per day
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    This week looks like this:

    M: 30 min cardio/ 90 min. back/legs
    T: 30 min cardio/90 min. shoulders/abs
    W: 30 min cardio/90 min. tris/legs
    Th: 30 min cardio/90 min. bi's/abs
    F: 30 min cardio/90 min chest/legs
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    Monday - Chest / Tri
    Bench Press 12x2 Negatives 12x1
    Push Ups 12 reg, 6/6 one leg negative, 12 diamond
    Bar Dips 12x3
    1 arm cable chest fly 12x3
    DB pull overs 12x3
    Tricep cable pushdown 12x3
    Tricep bench dips - straight leg 12x3

    Tuesday - Legs
    BB squats 12x3
    SB Triple Threat leg curls 20/20/20
    BB front squats 12x3
    Calf raises w/weight 45x
    Rev. Lunge 12x3
    Banded leg ABD ADD - black band
    Leg ext. 12x3
    42inch box step ups - 100x (or 50x counting one leg)

    Wednesday - Back/Bi/shoulder
    Chin ups - 10x3
    Deadlifts - 10x3
    Pull ups wide grip - negatives 15x
    DB one arm bent over row - 10x3
    Straight arm pull down - 10x3
    BB upright rows - 10x3
    Rev. fly - 12x3
    DB lat raises & shoulder shrug 10x2
    DB side bends - 10x3
    Bicep 21s x 2
    DB alt hammer curl 12x2

    Thursday - Rest

    Friday - Yoga

    Saturday - Endurance / Core
    jumping jacks
    plank jacks
    mnt climbers
    jump squats
    full sit ups
    boat hold
    spidey plank
    MB twist

    Sunday - Rest

    I also do mini 2+ mile cardio around the subdivision avg. 3x week
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    Bump this gives me great ideas :) Thank you!
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    Pushups and pullups and all their glorious variations.

    Bodyweight workouts all the way for me. Running/swimming mixed in there as well. Stappers, tabatas, supersets, etc
  • jyotinaik
    jyotinaik Posts: 31 Member
    Monday - Full body strength training + 1 hour cardio + 1hour flex
    Tuesday - Off
    Wednesday - Full body strength training + 1 hour cardio + 1hour flex
    Thursday -Off
    Friday - Golf
    Saturday - Hiking 4-5 hours with 10lb backpack 2000-3000 ft elevation
    Sunday - Off

    Strength Training all 1x10 all
    Bench Press
    Chest fly
    Military Press
    Shoulder fly
    Hip Abductors
    Calf raises
    Dead lifts
    Leg press
    Hamstring curl

    Inclined Abs
  • Thor2020
    Thor2020 Posts: 41 Member
    The only thing I could add to all this is this:

    large muscles, heavy weight, once a week

    I vary all my routines all the time.....mainly because I don't won't my body to get comfortable in my workout. Also, for variation.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The only thing I could add to all this is this:

    large muscles, heavy weight, once a week

    I vary all my routines all the time.....mainly because I don't won't my body to get comfortable in my workout. Also, for variation.

    Not to sidetrack the thread too much, but...

    I get the desire to change things up to keep it "fresh", but I don't get the whole body getting comfortable thing. I assume you're talking about something along the lines of muscle confusion? If you are increasing weight as you get stronger, does your body every really "get comfortable"?
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    HELP! I was just about to create a new thread when I saw this subject. I do pretty good in getting in the cardio, lots of walking, elliptical, stairs, etc., but when it comes to "strength" - I am no where, lost, no clue, nuttin, nada, zilch. And when I read some of these, my whole body began to ache and scream and said no wonder I ain't been doing it.
    I do not belong to a gym and have no room at home for any further equipment, would someone please give me some BEGINNER strength exercises or training that I can do at home with things I have around the house, etc. p.s. I ain't no young spring chicken, way over 50 and just been at the diet and exercise since end of June.
    Thank all of you so much.
  • Thor2020
    Thor2020 Posts: 41 Member
    The only thing I could add to all this is this:

    large muscles, heavy weight, once a week

    I vary all my routines all the time.....mainly because I don't won't my body to get comfortable in my workout. Also, for variation.

    Not to sidetrack the thread too much, but...

    I get the desire to change things up to keep it "fresh", but I don't get the whole body getting comfortable thing. I assume you're talking about something along the lines of muscle confusion? If you are increasing weight as you get stronger, does your body every really "get comfortable"?

    Yeah, I could be "over" simplifying it a little.

    With that said, I think the body gets comfortable in the order of your exercises, the rest period between each set, and the # of reps each set (along with amount of weight/resistance). So I change it up.