how can i fit in time to exercise?

Hi everyone! So I am new to this site, I just signed up after reading about it in a magazine. I need some suggestions on what I can do to make time for exercising. I work full time and have 3 small children. I barely have time to take a shower! I do take the kids for a walk after dinner and before their bath. Any other ideas? My husband works 7 days a week, so weekends are even harder. Please, I need some help!


  • JJ... I am also new to this as I just started yesterday. Until then exercise was a naughty word in my house... now I love it and I found some exercise videos. Today I did the Chris Powell Workout 1 video and it is mild but a great start! I felt better today then I have in years! I also walk (my dog, kids are teens and wont go lol) and this video is an excellent part of MY daily routine.. Good luck and God bless... I'm here if you need someone for anything
  • Do you have access to a fitness center that offers childcare? That can be a lifesaver! Otherwise I recommend making exercise a commitment first thing in the morning or evening after the kids' bedtime, whichever works better for you. Your workouts have to be like setting an appointment that you cannot miss!
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    Thanks Shannie. I will definitely have to check it out. I bought a fitness kickboxing game for the Wii, I'm hoping to find some time to try it out soon!
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    I honestly cannot afford to go to a gym :cry: I'm just so tired that I can't imagine waking up any earlier than I already do. I'm up at 6:30 every morning with the baby. I guess I just have to suck it up!
  • Home workouts! I do quick ones, some as short as 10-15 minutes, and you can do another one or repeat later if you are able to make more time.
  • Cabrinii
    Cabrinii Posts: 43 Member
    You can find some time in your busy schedule to exercise by doing workouts 30 minutes a day or you can go to a gym to workout or take any kind of classes they have to fit into your time, especially on weekends. If your office has a gym, you can workout there. If not, you can do some office exercises at your desk. It's very simple and important to make time for fitness in your busy schedule, because it can help you get on the right track with your healthy and physical activity.
  • My gosh, I'm tired just reading your schedule. Get some of those bands and do strength training while you and the family are watching tv. Just generally move more. Get a pedometer and try to get in 10,000 steps a day, even if it is around the house. Park far away from the stores you go to to get in more steps. Do leg lifts while you brush your teeth for 2 minutes AM and PM. The pedometer will help a lot! At least that way, you have a measure of movement. Good luck. Keep moving. Read Dr. John Ratey's book Spark. You will NEVER not exercise! Michelle
  • jhunts5
    jhunts5 Posts: 2
    i have always struggled with getting the fitness time in -- my kids bought a wii and i started using the FITNESS PLUS and have been doing so for about 8 months. it keeps track of weight and i don't have to drive somewhere to do it! cheesy, but saves tons of time
  • Cindi_Rella1
    Cindi_Rella1 Posts: 10 Member
    I say just start trying to do a little whenever you get the chance even if you don't have an hour at once. You can run in place, do jumping jacks, squats, lunges, lift dumb you get going and start making progress, hopefully you will get more energy and when you start to see results you might be inspired to do more. Something is better than nothing, right??
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Home workouts! I do quick ones, some as short as 10-15 minutes, and you can do another one or repeat later if you are able to make more time.

    ^This- You can do strength training at home w/bodyweight exercises (pushups, dips, squats, chin ups, etc) and if you get a jump rope, you can get a super fast intense cardio workout in the driveway. The kids can jump with you! Have contests over who can jump longest!
  • Hello,
    I don't know if this will work for you, but I know what you mean about busy day, not for the same reasons but I am busy applying to universities at the minute and have very little time to care about my weight. At the moment I'm using a DVD from the '10 minute solution' range and it's brilliant because on the DVD I have there are five sections and each of these sections take 10 minutes. They're short and you really do feel like you've worked hard afterwards.
    I only have one at the moment (Blast Off Belly Fat) but there are loads of other DVD's in the series that I am sure are just as effective.
    Hope that helped you :)
  • Cindi_Rella1
    Cindi_Rella1 Posts: 10 Member
    Planks during commercials are awesome for your core!!! Take babys steps first and you will get there!!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Make games of it on your walk with the kids.

    "Who can get to the next lamppost fastest?"

    Take a ball and kick it around at the park with the kids.

    Use the baby as a free weight.

    Exercise at lunchtime.

    You don't have to do an hour at a time, break it up.
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Yeah it's tough to fit in. I would invest in DVD's, especially since the kids are little and your husband works a lot. Take the kids to the park and run around with them. Helps them burn off energy and gets your exercise in, too! Workout on your lunch hour. If it's too hot at lunch (like here in Florida), try getting in a quick walk after work-before you go home. Get up early and squeeze in a work out.
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I'm already loving this site! You'd think I'd be able to lose weight by chasing my 2 year old around! My best bet is to get up extra early in the morning and try to get it in then! I'll report back tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Maybe pull the kids in a wagon if they are the right ages for that. It benefits all of you. Shoot basketball hoops if their ages allow, play chase with them outside. I even jump rope, lift some weights, etc. These things can be tracked in MFP. Even if you only do 10 to 15 minutes to begin with you'll find you begin to look forward to the exercise time! Good luck and add me as a friend if you think I can help! :flowerforyou:
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    And by the way, everyone keeps talking about their lunch breaks....what are those? Lol. I don't get a lunch break...I work at a family business and always eat my lunch at my desk, while I'm answering phones, helping customers and doing paperwork. The good thing is that I never sit still, I'm always getting in and out of my seat to do something!
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    Not sure where you live, but most gyms have childcare, esp during the 5 to 7 pm crunch. And exercise is just like eating right: it HAS to become a priority in life. It has to be like scheduling work, driving, errands, all of it. That's the hardest part.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    And by the way, everyone keeps talking about their lunch breaks....what are those? Lol. I don't get a lunch break...I work at a family business and always eat my lunch at my desk, while I'm answering phones, helping customers and doing paperwork. The good thing is that I never sit still, I'm always getting in and out of my seat to do something!

    Same here-I don't get a lunch break, I wish I could but there's always too much going on lol I work out before work but I don't have kids like you do. What about a friend or family member watching the kids for a bit while you went for a run/jog/bike ride around the neighborhood?

    Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Do you have access to a fitness center that offers childcare? That can be a lifesaver! Otherwise I recommend making exercise a commitment first thing in the morning or evening after the kids' bedtime, whichever works better for you. Your workouts have to be like setting an appointment that you cannot miss!


    I get DVDs at the library and try them without putting out any money. My boys have always been early risers, and I let them exercise with me. They used to think it was fun; now that they're older, they don't join in so much but have their own activities. When the little ones see mommy exercise and have fun with it, it sets them up for an active lifestyle, too.