I STILL have 800 calories to eat again today!! How?????

Ok - yesterday I did not want to "eat back" my exercise calories so I saved adding my exercise till after dinner (so that I ate my required calories first). Well - I still had calories left before I went to the gym and now I am supposed to eat 800 calories of food (and I just ate cottage cheese and a banana when I got home). Am I doing something wrong in that I have an insane amount of calories to eat a day? I'm 38 and in really good shape - I do spin class 4x's week (sometimes 2 in a row), zumba, cardio sculpt.... and I eat pretty clean. For some reason after my last baby I did not lose any of the weight (he's now 3) - so I'm sitting at almost 170 very compact pounds (ie..not much jiggles even if it's not tiny). I think I need help or I'm gonna gain weight!!!


  • twonkieone
    twonkieone Posts: 132
    Think I have my profile open if you wanna go see what I've done - 100% honest posting so tell me if you see errors!
  • Monarchgirl
    Monarchgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Not sure what to tell you because I am new at this myself, but when I looked at the diary, I feft that your meals were small - or rather than something was missing - carbs? As a biologist, I have seen how the body needs and uses fats, proteins and carbohydrates, in balance, to fuel the body. There doesn't seem to be enough calories in your meals, and this comment is coming from a person who was getting warnings from MFP to eat more in my first week. Perhaps with all of your activity, your body is holding on to what it has for dear life, because you are undereating? A word of caution about the artificial creamer - please look carefully at the ingredients and consider the kinds of health fats your body really needs. Best of luck. I wish you every success.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    based on today's food entry, if you didn't exercise you would only have about 200 calories left for the day. that is usually where i try to end up. i have read the arguments on eating back your exercise calories, but for me, that would be impossible some days. i can't eat just to eat calories. i might add an extra nutritious snack, like a fruit or vegetable, but there is no way i am eating 2000 calories, then eating another 400 to 500 on top of that. i just can't do it.

    while i am certainly no expert, and just shooting from the hip, i wouldn't worry too much about it. listen to your body. if you are hungry, eat, if not, don't. perhaps look at the bigger picture. are you way under the calories all week, or do you manage to get close to the goal on some days? if it is like me, i think it averages out to eating about 1/4 to 1/2 of my exercise calories back for the week. i seem to be ok with that, altho i am sure there are plenty of people who disagree with me.

    i'm curious to see what everyone's advice is, as i often have what i consider a lot of calories left over, but am not hungry at the end of the day.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Try eating more during the day, add oatmeal for breakfast, increase your meat consumption add nuts, oils, avocados ect... Stop choosing the lightest options of things especially with you heavy workouts, your body needs more calories to feed your muscles.
  • jay0975
    jay0975 Posts: 1
    It's not telling you TO eat the 800 leftover calories, it's saying the with your exercise that you'd be ABLE to eat 800 more calories and still be under you daily calorie goal. And don't worry about "eating back" your exercise calories, your body needs a certain amount of calories per day to run properly, otherwise it'll go into ketosis and store fat. Make sure that your gross intake is above you daily minimum. With exercise your net will go way down.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's not telling you TO eat the 800 leftover calories, it's saying the with your exercise that you'd be ABLE to eat 800 more calories and still be under you daily calorie goal. And don't worry about "eating back" your exercise calories, your body needs a certain amount of calories per day to run properly, otherwise it'll go into ketosis and store fat. Make sure that your gross intake is above you daily minimum. With exercise your net will go way down.

    Go into ketosis and store fat??
    When you go into ketosis your body uses fat for energy instead of blood sugar. All the available blood sugar is spared for the brain and other cells/tissues that run on it. Eventually the brain can switch to run on ketones.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ok - yesterday I did not want to "eat back" my exercise calories so I saved adding my exercise till after dinner (so that I ate my required calories first). Well - I still had calories left before I went to the gym and now I am supposed to eat 800 calories of food (and I just ate cottage cheese and a banana when I got home). Am I doing something wrong in that I have an insane amount of calories to eat a day? I'm 38 and in really good shape - I do spin class 4x's week (sometimes 2 in a row), zumba, cardio sculpt.... and I eat pretty clean. For some reason after my last baby I did not lose any of the weight (he's now 3) - so I'm sitting at almost 170 very compact pounds (ie..not much jiggles even if it's not tiny). I think I need help or I'm gonna gain weight!!!

    Watch you don't over-exercise. I personally dont think there is ever a need to do 2 in a row.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    It's not telling you TO eat the 800 leftover calories, it's saying the with your exercise that you'd be ABLE to eat 800 more calories and still be under you daily calorie goal. And don't worry about "eating back" your exercise calories, your body needs a certain amount of calories per day to run properly, otherwise it'll go into ketosis and store fat. Make sure that your gross intake is above you daily minimum. With exercise your net will go way down.

    Yep...this is the gist of what I was going to say so I won't repeat it. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should or that you have to!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've got a 700 cal bomb of deliciousness for you
    greek yogurt + peanut butter + chocolate protein powder + coconut oil. It's called sludge.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I eat my Calorie count for the day I hardly every go over and exercise sometimes takes me way under.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    There is a BMR calculator on this site. There are numerous threads on this site about BMR and such that talk about how many calories to eat. 987 calories is too low in my opinion but I don't recommend trying to eat back all 800 calories. In general, you should just eat until you feel full (or you reach your calorie deficit for the day). It's ok to have a green number in the calories if you feel full. Make sure to eat enough though.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    One day of that high of a deficit won't make an issue, but it's not something you should aim for. Because your NET for today is way too low.
  • musicalboats
    It seems like the "extra calories" is just from exercising so much. If you are very concerned you should ask a trainer at your gym or your doctor, and they would have a better idea if you are eating correctly for your habits.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    all you'd need to do is add another 200 calories or so to each meal. that's not a lot. that's stuff like 2 whole eggs, or an avocado, almonds, 2 scoops of protein powder. etc
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Are you hungry? If so, eat. If not. don't. Listen to your body.
  • happygolucky5536
    happygolucky5536 Posts: 7 Member
    Actually I want to echo some other things people are saying and share my personal experience:

    Awhile back I was not losing weight even though I was exercising and on a really low calorie diet. I got the advice about increasing my calories. When I upped my calories I dropped 5 lbs almost immediately. Also, incorporate more healthy fats: avocados, nuts, olive oil. They are amazing for your skin tone and texture. And your body is probably in starvation mode.

    (: Good luck
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    When this happens to me, I eat a higher calorie snack (like almonds) at night and then try to make some of the calories up in the morning. I know the MFP diary resets at midnight, but your body isn't that precise. It's ok to be over a little tomorrow, just keep track of the calories. I certainly don't advise stuffing yourself to try to get all 800 calories in tonight!
  • twonkieone
    twonkieone Posts: 132
    don't do 2 in a row often - i have exercise induced asthma - so sometimes takes the first 30 minutes just to get breathing under control! :)
    so - as long as i'm eating the given calories for the day - plus a bit more on days that i heavy exercise then i should be ok? it literally has been about a year of me building up my exercise but not losing any weight along the way. appreciate everyone's honest opinions/advice
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    SIMPLE FIX...DO NOT eat what you Can Not eat!!! Get REAL and use COMMON SENSE!
  • twonkieone
    twonkieone Posts: 132
    damn that bomb sounds REALLY good!!!!
    never considered that i was in starvation mode - gonna add in nuts, avacado, oils tomorrow and see how that goes. i'm usually just not hungry - or, with 5 kids, too busy to realize i forgot to eat something!