how can i fit in time to exercise?



  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
    When you have 10 minutes in between activities or during naps and such do a quick home routine. There are plenty of DVDs out there or videos on the internet. Do that a few times a day and the minutes start adding up! :)
  • cournae
    cournae Posts: 30 Member
    I just got netflix streaming on my blue ray player (or xbox, etc.) and I do a 30 minute pilates video every night before I go to bed. It helps wear me out before bed and I just replace watching TV before bed with doing the exercises. It has done me wonders! EVen just lifting some free weights or doing jumping jacks, situps, and pushups before bed can help change it up a bit. Working 40+ hours/week (at a desk job) plus as a full time graduate student I was really starting to see the weight stack on and was in the same boat as you. 30 minutes is all it takes, for me at least!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Find a group (usually can find one though a local church) of moms who swap kids for time at the gym.

    Do with less sleep and go while hubby is home (even if it's while the entire house is asleep)
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I have an 8 year old and now 15 month old. What I find works best for me is splitting up my workouts between nap time and bed time. If I can't get anything in during the day I do one of my workouts (on the Wii, Netflix, my Jillian or other DVD's) after the kids go to bed. They normally take about 30 minutes and I get a great burn in.
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    Make games of it on your walk with the kids.

    "Who can get to the next lamppost fastest?"

    Take a ball and kick it around at the park with the kids.

    Use the baby as a free weight.

    Exercise at lunchtime.

    You don't have to do an hour at a time, break it up.

    ^this, all the way:)
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    I workout at lunch time, about 45 min, then a quick shower and then I eat something quick at my desk. I do have the advantage that I have a fitness center in my building, which its pretty great.

    Also, you may try getting up a bit earlier in the morning, or after work, before picking up the kids. How is your significant other with the kids? My husband is awesome, so on weekends we usually take turns.

    I know its harder to make it a priority, but it really is, you need to do this for yourself, so you are healthier and have more energy to hang around with them. It doesn't have to be much, 30 min, 3 times a week is a good start.
  • BarbACona
    Good luck Hun, I will be going through this same problem once I go back to work on the 14th of this month. I work as a preschool teacher and one would think that chasing 30 preschoolers around all day would be enough to keep me in shape. Unfortunatley that is not the case and I am worried about fitting my workouts in and still get all my other stuff done. I think I am going to have to get up at 5am to get my walk/jog in. Either that or do it first thing when I get home from work, usually I am exhusted by that time however. Time will certianly tell!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I don't have kids of my own... I am a step mom and we have him every other weekend. My issue is I work at my part time job when we have him. I have started getting up at 4:45 twice during the week before the full time job to do couch to 5 K and at 3:45 on Sundays to do it before I go to work. I am trying to get up early 3 other days during the week to start doing strength training. The biggest thing is just doing it and not making excuses. It will benefit you in the end. Sorry I'm not much more help.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Well you probably dont want to hear this....but my suggestion would be to get up before you have to be up with the baby. That's the ONLY way I can fit in exercise. I have two small kids and by the time they go to bed, the very last thing I want to do is exercise. I also work full time and have a husband who is gone a lot (which limits me to going anywhere to exercise...I dont belong to a gym either).
    I am an early riser and wake up easily, so I know its easier for me to SAY "get up early". But I get up anywhere from 4:45-5:30, depending on the length of my work out, so that I can get exercise in BEFORE the kids get up. Now that Im used to it, it's not a big deal. Its just what I do. Over the past almost 2 years, Ive used the Wii Fit, OnDemand workouts, Jillian Michaels, Netflix streaming work outs, P90x, Insanity, and running (either on our treadmill in the basement, which has now crapped out, and running outside when hubby is home). Ive done it all without a gym, and in the comfort of my own home.
    Good luck. I know it's difficult!
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Not to sound rude.......But if I can think of 1000 reasons why I could NOT work out. We all work long and hard, we all have kids, we all have chores to do, we all can't afford a gym, we all need to grocery shop. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Stop making excuses and JUST DO IT.

    Do it in the house, at the gym, at work, ANYWHERE you can.

    If you want to do something, you will find time to do it.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Possibly look for a gym with a child care center. Trying making some type of exercise part of your daily life. Walking with the kids, playing soccer or a game with them. Making it a part of your family and lifestyle will help you and also show the kids it should be an important part of a healthy life!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I either have to work out before the kids get up (baby gets up by 6am everyday, so EARLY workouts) or after they go to bed. My husband works late quite often and has alot of evening commitments so I'm not taking much time away from him if I exercise at night. Another thing, get the most out of your work out. If you only have 20 minutes, work out HARD for 20 minutes, after a warm up of course.
  • mellenorris
    mellenorris Posts: 99 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track. If TV time is part of your family time, I really recommend a small stationary bike. I have a Marcy ME-708 Upright Exercise bike I got from Wal-mart that I love for a million reasons. Relatively low price ($120), VERY quiet (did have to apply some WD-40 after a while, but that fixed it), doesn't require an outlet to power, and takes up very little space.

    Also look at your sleep schedule. I don't have kids so I can't even imagine what your sleep schedule is like, but if your kids sleep through the night... take a look! How many hours are you getting every night? Getting up early SUCKS the first few days, but once you get used to it, you love it. I love getting up before my classes, even if it means getting up at 5:30, so I can have a good start to my day. I lay out my clothes for the day (gym clothes, and work/school clothes) the night before so all I have to do is roll out of bed and get in my gym clothes! Then hit the shower and my work/school clothes are waiting. It saves me a ton of time :)

    Good luck!
  • Malkevian2001
    If you want to do exercice try do it with the kid... as part of a new game
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    Not to sound rude.......But if I can think of 1000 reasons why I could NOT work out. We all work long and hard, we all have kids, we all have chores to do, we all can't afford a gym, we all need to grocery shop. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Stop making excuses and JUST DO IT.

    Do it in the house, at the gym, at work, ANYWHERE you can.

    If you want to do something, you will find time to do it.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Your health insurance might pay for the gym, providing it meets certain requirements and that you attend of course. Ask!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    You don't find it, you make it. The key is to assign exercise the same importance as everything else you make time for. No one can tell you what exactly will work for you because only you know what you do all day, but when you decide that you getting healthy & fit so you can be around longer for your kids is a priority, you'll find ways to get moving.

    I can share some things I've done, since I'm a married, working mom of 2 currently going to school. On days I have class I drive to the office but park a mile away in this cheapie surface lot that only costs $1.75 for 12 hours. Then I walk the remaining mile to my office with my backpack on - I've never weighed the thing but I should, because once it's packed with my laptop, books & all the food I'll be eating for the day, it's gotta be at least 30 lbs. It's a gorgeous walk across the Mississippi in the mornings.

    I joined a running club at work, so midmorning I'll go for a 30 min group run with them along the river, & get more activity throughout the day by taking 10-min stretch breaks to walk around the block. And I never use the elevator (I have a 2nd floor office). Then after work I walk back across the bridge to my car, drive to school & sit in class for 3 1/2 hours.

    I only have class once a week, but the point is I don't use that crazy jam-packed day as an excuse not to work out. I just don't go to the gym. And the other days of the week, I schedule my workouts just like I schedule everything else that needs to be done. Some workouts include my kids - my daughter goes to yoga with me on Sunday mornings, I run with my son once a week to get him ready for football - & some of them are just mine.

    This may sound kind of corny, but that me time has allowed me to reclaim my identity & that's a big deal since I spent many years in an old, morbidly obese woman's body. I deserve that me time, & not only is it getting me healthier & fitter, but it helps me manage the stress from my busy life.

    Don't ask how you can fit it can you NOT & expect to stay sane??
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    What got me started on this path was an elliptical at home (and protein smoothies in the morning). I found my machine for $200 on Overstick; you can find them even cheaper used. I put it in the living room -- doesn't really enhance the decor, but I also can't forget about it. I got up 20 minutes early to work out in the morning, and sometimes did it after my daughter went to bed. Once I started upping my protein and getting regular cardio in, I had more and more energy and motivation.
    If you can find a reasonably-priced gym that includes child care, that will give you more options (especially on the weekends). Mine is affiliated with a local hospital (so not a chain); I pay $39/month and they have lots of evening & weekend classes for yoga, body pump, body flow, Zumba, aqua Zumba, water aerobics, name it. They even have a 5:45 am class (still too late for me to take and get o work on time). Explore your options...but if I had to, I'd pick my elliptical over the gym because it's easy to work into my schedule.

    *ETA: Another bonus to the elliptical is that it is SILENT -- so I don't wake my baby.
  • jjshulou
    jjshulou Posts: 50
    Not to sound rude.......But if I can think of 1000 reasons why I could NOT work out. We all work long and hard, we all have kids, we all have chores to do, we all can't afford a gym, we all need to grocery shop. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Stop making excuses and JUST DO IT.

    Do it in the house, at the gym, at work, ANYWHERE you can.

    If you want to do something, you will find time to do it.

    That was totally rude...I started this thread to get ideas! Not everyone has 3 small kids and works a full time job! I joined this website for help to become healthy, fit and happy. I appreciate everyone's input, but would appreciate it if you would keep your rude comments to yourself.
  • Sweetgurly35
    tony horton 10 minute trainer actually is really good. You sweat more than you would think!