Poll: How old is too old to wear a ...?



  • wait_loss
    wait_loss Posts: 117 Member
    I basically agree with most of them, but there are a few...

    One-piece bathing suits...I don't really understand this one? Are people older than 60 just never supposed to go swimming again? Do they even still sell the 1940s-style bathing costumes that cover you from neck to knee, with the half-sleeves? I guess there are degrees of modesty for one-pieces.

    Yes you can still buy modesty bathing suites. It was shown on "The Duggarts 20 and counting" Although I don't mind the idea of 60's skinny dipping I remeber "Cacoon" 1 and 2 and those actors were well over 60.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm 58 and have long hair. Sometimes I even wear it in a ponytail. I love my long hair. :happy:
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    A UK diet company called Diet Chef recently did a poll asking people when they should stop wearing certain things. Bikini, miniskirt, UGG boots…they asked about it all.

    But if you want to see what other people think here's when you're too old to wear ...

    • Bikini – 47
    • Miniskirt – 35
    • Tube top – 33
    • Stilettos – 51
    • Belly button ring – 35
    • Knee-high boots – 47
    • Leather pants – 34
    • Leggings – 45
    • UGG boots – 45
    • See-through blouse – 40
    • One-piece bathing suit – 61
    • Long hair – 53
    • Ponytail – 51

    Your thoughts?

    I think you need to do a poll the opposite way. How old do you have to be BEFORE you can wear certain things:
    Sandals and black knee high socks
    bermuda shorts and wingtip shoes
    anything and white leather shoes
    Sansabelt pants
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Your thoughts?

    I'm 40. In a miniskirt, sheer blouse, and if you look close enough, you may see my naval piercing.


    Diet Chef can bite me.

    Work it girl! I'm turning 30 in January and I'm going to WEAR ALL THE THINGS! :happy:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I will wear whatever I want at whichever age I want. So there!
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    Damn...I'm going to be too old to wear leather pants or a belly button ring before either wouldn't look totally ridiculous on me :laugh:

    Oh well.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member

    I really hate this *kitten*.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    i'll admit that i've seen grannies with hot bods. i honestly don't think age is a factor when you consider beauty. if anything, wrinkles themselves are gorgeous. (as a photographer, i love-love-love them.. especially in black and white pictures, which add extra exquisiteness to those beautiful lines of wisdom and experience)

    also, as long as you have the confidence to pull off a revealing outfit, i say go for it. why should you care what other people think? i respect people who are able to flaunt what they've got, even if it doesn't fit our society's warped idea of what's "beautiful"
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    You're only as old as you feel. If I feel stunning & in shape at 70, there's no stopping me from wearing my bikini. :laugh:
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    A UK diet company called Diet Chef recently did a poll asking people when they should stop wearing certain things. Bikini, miniskirt, UGG boots…they asked about it all.

    But if you want to see what other people think here's when you're too old to wear ...

    • Bikini – 47
    • Miniskirt – 35
    • Tube top – 33
    • Stilettos – 51
    • Belly button ring – 35
    • Knee-high boots – 47
    • Leather pants – 34
    • Leggings – 45
    • UGG boots – 45
    • See-through blouse – 40
    • One-piece bathing suit – 61
    • Long hair – 53
    • Ponytail – 51

    Your thoughts?

    1. You're never too old for a pony tail. Ever. It's a matter of convenience, not necessarily style.
    2. Who wrote the law that when you reach middle age (ladies), long hair is suddenly a faux pas? I call BS. I'm keeping my long hair until I die or I can't brush it anymore, whichever comes first.
    3. Stilettos should be a staple in any fashionable woman's wardrobe, no matter her age. If I can maintain my balance in old age, you bet your *kitten* I'll be rocking a pair.
    4. One piece bathing suit? Really? What else am I going to swim in when I'm 98?? Pshhh...
    5. The rest of those items listen should be used sparingly by everyone, regardless of age.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Your thoughts?

    I'm 40. In a miniskirt, sheer blouse, and if you look close enough, you may see my naval piercing.


    Diet Chef can bite me.

    screw diet chef. Can I have a bite?
  • wait_loss
    wait_loss Posts: 117 Member
    I basically agree with most of them, but there are a few...

    Ponytails are so convenient, although yeah, after about 50 wearing your hair up in a ponytail as a legitimate hairstyle (as in, "I did this on purpose this morning" and not "i want this s*** out of my face while I work out/clean the house/etc") is a little iffy.

    See-through blouses, tube tops, leggings (as pants - no issue with wearing them under skirts/dresses for modesty), and UGG boots just shouldn't be worn by anyone, ever. I have yet to see an example of any of these that hasn't looked trashy, especially see-through clothes. If I can see your bra (or your breasts, for that matter!) and we're not in da club, go put a god damned real shirt on. Even the slightly-sheer oxford-style shirts that have become bizarrely popular, if not only because nothing else is available, look bad on everyone, in my opinion.

    One-piece bathing suits...I don't really understand this one? Are people older than 60 just never supposed to go swimming again? Do they even still sell the 1940s-style bathing costumes that cover you from neck to knee, with the half-sleeves? I guess there are degrees of modesty for one-pieces. The alternative is skinny-dipping old people. You're welcome for that mental image.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Your thoughts?

    I'm 40. In a miniskirt, sheer blouse, and if you look close enough, you may see my naval piercing.


    Diet Chef can bite me.

    screw diet chef. Can I have a bite?

    A good example of how to wear those items appropriately! :drinker:
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Interesting how this is just about women's clothing. Men can wear jeans and a t-shirt their whole life and no one will ever mention it. Fashion is weird.

    Unless you're Stacy or Clinton... :glasses:

    A man will always look good in tasteful jeans and a t-shirt, but as he matures, adding a few more mature pieces to the wardrobe makes for a nice touch :bigsmile:
  • floersh21
    Your thoughts?

    I'm 40. In a miniskirt, sheer blouse, and if you look close enough, you may see my naval piercing.


    Diet Chef can bite me.

    LOVE it!!
  • JodieChampoux
    JodieChampoux Posts: 17 Member
    Amen, but if you aren't sure, take a picture of yourself in whatever you are wondering about and look at it. Often I will think I look just fine until I see a picture of myself and realize that the outfit makes me look ridiculous. I'm 54, I still wear long hair, but most of the other stuff I gave up decades ago.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Per this list I'm too old to wear everything but the one piece swimsuit. Guess they just want all us sexy old ladies naked! :bigsmile:
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    It is hard to say, Ithink it all depends on the woman and her body. There is a fine line between really looking good and looking silly as hell!

  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    • Bikini – age doesn't matter, i think confidence and your body determine it
    • Miniskirt – doesn't matter. if its too short its trashy no matter what age you are
    • Tube top – Strapless dresses?? anyone can wear those as long as you can still go braless or wear a strapless bra
    • Stilettos – no age limit!
    • Belly button ring – NEVER. trashy at any age.
    • Knee-high boots – no age limit
    • Leather pants – uhhh.... no one should wear leather pants. leather shorts could look hot if you're in your 20s though
    • Leggings – no age limit. my grandma is in her 70s and she goes to the gym with leggings and a big shirt and she still looks hot
    • UGG boots – NEVER. i hate those things.
    • See-through blouse – doesn't matter. as long as it is done tastefully.
    • One-piece bathing suit – no age limit. would you rather see an old lady in a bikini?
    • Long hair – no age limit
    • Ponytail – no age limit. I want to be that old lady with the long flowing silver hair and if i want to put my hair in a ponytail when i'm 80, i'll do it! :)