Warning: this post is kind of gross. Sorry.



  • Belligerent_Wombat
    Belligerent_Wombat Posts: 63 Member
    Best advice I can give you: TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. :o)

    Hope you feel better soon.

    La Maestra la loca
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Antibotics taken can result in colitis or c-diff, both of which need to be treated by a MD. See your doctor. And increase your fluids you can become dehydrated from all the fluid loss of stool. Trust me!!
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    FiberOne food makes my tummy very unhappy. Sounds like you're getting enough fiber from natural sources.
    Maybe try cutting out the cereal for a while, see if it helps?
    If not, add it back and try something else!

    Hope your tummy gets better soon!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I had the opposite problem. I barely pooped at all. Just tiny bits here and there. And not at all during the weekend. 20-25 grams of fiber seems to be right for me. 50 seems excessive.
    I love the FiberOne 80 calorie cereal. It took me a little while to get used to it. No problems anymore. Fiber Plus bars are a different story. I can't stand to be near myself if I eat one of those. I ate one about an hour before I left work one day. I almost abandoned the car and walked home.
    Antibiotics wipe out all the bacteria. Good, bad and indifferent. I'm guessing that things grew back in the wrong proportions and now you're seeing problems. Definitely get some good bacteria into your innards. Probiotics, yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir. All that stuff.
    You may want to look into prebiotics as well as probiotics. Prebiotics feed probiotics. I started taking a prebiotic fiber supplement and things got a little weird for a couple days but since then everything has evened out.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Go buy a product called florastor and take according to directions. Happens to my son every time he is on antibiotics.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    This thread is making me have to poop now!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Should I eat probiotic yogurt or those little pearls?

    Either. Or you can hit the local health food store and pick up some probiotics there. Tell the clerk that you took antibiotics and need help picking the right probiotics. Shouldn't have to even mention the poop part. They've heard a lot worse and well, antibiotics and probiotics go hand in hand... It IS possible to take too much probiotics though, which causes... gas and frequent trips to the bathroom. So talking to someone and figuring out the dosing is not a bad way to go. :)

    The other thing is to watch your sugar in take. Sometimes if you throw the gut flora out of whack, it messes up the back door as well as the front door. (Translation: Yeast. And you thought poop was gross...) As the bacteria start to repopulate, you may get some funk just because the good bacteria doesn't grow fast enough. One of the joys of lady parts and antibiotic use... If that's the case, you might get more funk if your sugar intake is exceptionally high, as the bad bacteria go to town and throw things even more out of balance.

    Feel better!
  • nanakins6
    nanakins6 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with all the posts. Both the see a doctor and the take probiotics ones. I just want to add that I recently heard a talk by a nutritionist that stated that probiotics were "planting all new good stuff" in your gut, but that you need something to kill the weeds caused by chemicals and antibiotics etc......she suggested doing two weeks of strong probiotics and then adding grapefruit seed extract. Not grape seed, but grapefruit seed extract it is also available in most health food stores or online. She suggested using both of these three times per day for a total of three months to right the bacteria, kill the fungus and stuff and get everything all situated. Hope this helps. Feel better!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    to much fiber, cut it back abit, and your "thunder" will ease off some
    Just like the tv commercial says - "Fiber makes me.....sad." :)

    OP - I've had similar issues when I started eating high-fiber cereal and ate way too much of it for breakfast...hoo-leeee cow!!! I feel your pain, hope you get it worked out soon (I was going to say "hope everything comes out OK", but it sounds like you've already got that covered!)

    ETA - I *would* seriously ignore the advice about the "cabbage detox" B.S. - not only is it B.S. even for people without issues, it would most likely exacerbate your issues tenfold!
  • stargazer008
    Antibiotics kills the friendly bacteria in your gut which can cause digestive problems like you are having. I would suggest probiotics such as kefir, yogurt or a supplement.
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    "Second, antibiotics can cause the symptoms you decribed but once discontinued, you should go back to your normal pattern. "

    actually cdiff can arise up to 2 weeks after the antibiotics are stopped. In certain circumstances it can occur almost a month AFTER the antibiotics are discontinued.

    Please see your doctor! Biaxin or Clarithromyocin is a HUGE culprit of Clostridium Difficile Diarrhea. Did you take it as prescribed? Or did you miss days?

    Florastar and Yogurt will help but you may need another couple doses of another medication to cure this nasty bug!

    PLEASE GO TO YOUR DOCTOR! I can guarantee its not the fiber!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    BTW, I just want to make one more plug to go see your doc first to rule out the bad stuff that can't be fixed by self-medicating with probiotics. Probiotics are great and all, and I know a lot of people swear by them, but it's not a cure-all. Hell, the one and only yeast "infection" I've ever had in my entire life was right after starting probiotics. I stopped, it went away. They're not magic, and not for every situation.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    That sounds like a shifty problem, ba dum dum!
    Too much fiber is never a good thing, how about no fiber one cereal for a while? 50 trams is alot!
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    Phillips Colon Health Probiotics have worked wonders for me, it's the one probiotic i recommend b/c it's like the only one that actually really works. Trust me, it'll take away the cramping and bloating. It's about 18 bucks for 60 days worth i think. 12 bucks for 30 days worth.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    holy crap. 10 x in a day? seriously? that sounds concerning, really!

    you should call your doctor!
  • ashort1623
    ashort1623 Posts: 12 Member
    I've had this trouble before- however I lost 35 lbs in 8 weeks ( I wasn't at all trying to at that time). I ended up going to the Dr. because i couldn't keep anything in me. He gave me a medication that I ended up not staying on because, although it helped the problem it took my appetite away and I lost even more weight. The pharmacist recommended an Acidophilus once daily until it got more under control, then a course of probiotics. This did help! I had to watch my fiber a little closer too!
  • OnTheReg
    OnTheReg Posts: 20 Member
    Our family always uses probiotics every time we take antibiotics. It's likely just caused by that. I know I developed an intolerance to milk products recently kinda random when it happens, I believe it's IBS induced why it's random.
  • cyncin1953
    Hi Ms McFarty.. lol and sometimes these questions need to be asked and I think you are brave to do so. That is the point of the moral support on this website, right? I am very new myself and would not normally respond to a post this quickly. I just want to watch and see how things are done for now and will start recording my foods tomorrow after kind of binge eating this past two days.

    Anyway.... this is why I wanted to reply to you. I am a Med Surg RN for 35 years (I am 58 years young) and am now teaching in local college and this is why I feel I need to tell you about your post. Anytime someone starts having diarrhea after a course of antibiotics, especially if it is very stinky and kind of yellow in color, you need to watch it and if it continues to notify your doctor so they can do a stool culture. C-difficile is a type of infectious diarrhea that people get after a course of antibiotics and can be very dangerous sometimes. It is also very easy to spred to family members. ---- Not saying that you probably have that... most people have taken long courses of antibiotics without any problem, but I had to at least just mention it to you.. Here is the link to the Mayo Clinic for more info. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/c-difficile/DS00736/ As I said before, I am sure you are fine but never hurts to be aware. For most cases, the cure is to not take any antibiotics for a while.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    "Second, antibiotics can cause the symptoms you decribed but once discontinued, you should go back to your normal pattern. "

    actually cdiff can arise up to 2 weeks after the antibiotics are stopped. In certain circumstances it can occur almost a month AFTER the antibiotics are discontinued.

    Please see your doctor! Biaxin or Clarithromyocin is a HUGE culprit of Clostridium Difficile Diarrhea. Did you take it as prescribed? Or did you miss days?

    Florastar and Yogurt will help but you may need another couple doses of another medication to cure this nasty bug!

    PLEASE GO TO YOUR DOCTOR! I can guarantee its not the fiber!

    I did take it as prescribed. I think I'll be going to the doc. I'm so thirsty (I've drank like 3 glasses of water in the past hour) and my relationship with my toilet is getting serious. It's like... a weird color, too-- like there's too much bile or something. Right now i'm genuinely concerned I won't be able to get to my doc without like... pooing myself. I swear it's gotten worse since I started this post. Gah.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Hi Ms McFarty.. lol and sometimes these questions need to be asked and I think you are brave to do so. That is the point of the moral support on this website, right? I am very new myself and would not normally respond to a post this quickly. I just want to watch and see how things are done for now and will start recording my foods tomorrow after kind of binge eating this past two days.

    Anyway.... this is why I wanted to reply to you. I am a Med Surg RN for 35 years (I am 58 years young) and am now teaching in local college and this is why I feel I need to tell you about your post. Anytime someone starts having diarrhea after a course of antibiotics, especially if it is very stinky and kind of yellow in color, you need to watch it and if it continues to notify your doctor so they can do a stool culture. C-difficile is a type of infectious diarrhea that people get after a course of antibiotics and can be very dangerous sometimes. It is also very easy to spred to family members. ---- Not saying that you probably have that... most people have taken long courses of antibiotics without any problem, but I had to at least just mention it to you.. Here is the link to the Mayo Clinic for more info. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/c-difficile/DS00736/ As I said before, I am sure you are fine but never hurts to be aware. For most cases, the cure is to not take any antibiotics for a while.

    I'm thinking those saying it could be C-Diff might be right. It's not the normal color and is definitely kind of yellow. Ugh-- sorry to be so graphic. I was just saying I've been so thirsty all day-- I think my body is hoarding water. I think I'll head to the doc tomorrow.