Anyone here have no thyroid?

Hi everyone,
I had a total thyroidectomy last year due to some nodules and cancer. This obviously affects metabolism and weight loss, so wondering if anyone else out there has been going through this.
Thanks! Nicole


  • I had my whole thyroid removed abou two years ago also due to cancer. I find that it doesn't make it hard to lose weight as long as your medication levels are correct, sometimes a lower dose will help, not all the time.
    I have noticed however that I am tired a lot which makes me not want to exercise, lol.
  • vickyd205
    vickyd205 Posts: 29 Member
    I had a total thyroidectomy in 1999 and I agree that as long as your meds have your TSH level in the right place you shouldn't have any problem losing weight. I've lost about 160 lbs over the past 2 years and I haven't found my lack of a thyroid a problem at all. I will say that if you have a lot of weight to lose, you need to have regular bloodwork to adjust your meds as your weight decreases - I almost got into trouble with this because I didn't do that and my TSH ended up so low that I almost had to be hospitalized...
  • npetro2803
    npetro2803 Posts: 3 Member
    wow--I have had a totally different experience with weight crept up after the removal and was nearly impossible to lose. I have had to eliminate almost all carbs and dairy and if I do not exercise I do not lose and/or gain weight very easily,

    I am 5'4 1/2" and I was 156.8. I have lost 11 lbs so far since June, so I am 145 now, BUT I feel like anyone else following the diet and exercise I do would have lost a lot more by now. One regular meal can make me gain 2.5 lbs or more.

    My TSH is completely whacked out though. The doc just upped my levothyroxine back to 150 because my TSH was over 35 again (it had been really low so she lowered it to 125 mg, which wasn't enough, so back up I went). I am still going for bloodwork every 6-8 weeks.

    Thanks for your replies. I will ask the dr if losing weight should change my dose.

    May I ask which medicines you are on? I am considering asking changing from levothyroxine to something else. Thanks, Nicole
  • vickyd205
    vickyd205 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on levothyroxine. I started at 150 mcg right after my thyroidectomy, went up to 175 at my highest weight and now am sitting comfortably at 112 - it took several months of going in every 4-6 weeks for bloodwork to settle on this dosage so be patient. Also, make sure you speak up for yourself - even if your TSH is in the "normal" range, if you don't feel good at that dosage let your doctor know (I find that I feel better when my TSH is on the low side or normal). And just for the record, I do follow a low carb diet - I've found that it works the best for me.
  • I was actually born without a thyroid. Currently I am taking synthroid but I have also taken levothyroxine.I don't believe it has affected my metabolism. Like vickyd205 said, as long as your medicines are properly adjusted then you should be fine!
  • midcoast_mommy
    midcoast_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    I technically have my thyroid still, but I had radioactive iodine that obliterated it. I have Graves' Disease. I gained a lot of weight after that, but now that I'm on levothyroxine I'm able to lose the weight.
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    I had half my thyroid removed almost 5 years ago; however, I had Hashimotos's disease so it is very likely that the other half has been killed off....not sure.

    I have struggled with my weight ever since. I am 5'3" and used to be 110 or less at times; I am a soccer player and have been for 35 years (obliviously I have struggled the past several years!) so getting exercise was not a question. I am currently 164 down 5 lbs. in 6 weeks with a fairly good diet and exercise 6 days a week. I am currently on synthroid alternating 110 mg and 112 mg every other day. I just had my blood panels done and everything looks great so I am not out of whack. I am pushing 43 so that could play a role in it as well; either way I struggling with my weight loss. I have however; maintained 169 for 3 years pretty consistently!

    It's frustrating but I try not to focus on it as stress can add to not being able to lose weight; at the very least it makes you grouchy!

    Every person in different and has a level that makes them feel good, not tired etc. I recommend getting your levels checked more often….ask for a copy of your labs and monitor them to see where you are feeling better. Also, as someone else said let your Dr. know how you are feeling….maybe you in a higher dose one day and lower the next like me to help keep you at an optimal level.

    ~ Good luck
  • janicearyan
    janicearyan Posts: 5 Member
    I had my thyroid removed 4 yrs ago. I didn't really keep an eye on my weight and really ballooned up. I decided this past April to get off my fat a*s and do something about it. I have lost 36 lbs since April through the 1200 cal diet and walking 3 miles a day. My levothyroxine dose is currently at 150mcg down from 200 originally. My tsh is stable now (.76) and I believe that really has helped my weight loss and being able to feel good enough to exercise.
    Its tough but I think if you can stabilize your TSH you will have an easier time losing weight. :bigsmile: