Looking for friends going through Infertility/PCOS

I'm looking for other women in my same situation to find motivation and help motivate! I have PCOS and need to lose weight in order to have more children.

Feel free to add me!!


  • wapanese88
    Hi! I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but I'm pretty positive I have it. The last doc I went to wouldn't test me and just told me to lose 100lb and I'd be able to conceive like magic! He was a butthead. But I'll gladly add you and we can motivate each other! I want to lose 70lb and if we still haven't gotten pregnant by then, I'll make an appointment with a fertility specialist. =]
  • Nikki8287
    Hey, I do not have PCOS but I do have fertility issues. I went through three terrible miscarriages and the last two were ectopic. I tried three times to have a hysterosalpingography done. Every time they were not successful because my cervix is tilted and they were not able to get the tube through the opening of my cervix. That was sooooo painful. My gyno referred me to a infertility doctor and I had surgery done in February to see what was going on. They used a scope to go through my belly button to see my fallopian tubes. It turns out one of my fallopian tubes are damaged. He wanted to discuss the IVF but I am not ready to start trying and I'm not sure if I can cough up all of the money to try something that isn't even 100% effective. I feel your pain girly :( Hang in there.
  • ecruzbooks
    In the same boat here. I have one daughter who is now 8 and had ovarian drilling in November as a last ditch effort to have more kids. It's tough losing weight with PCOS but in it this time to finish. We can do it together!
  • SuzieGarner
    Just hit our one year mark of trying, yay for infertility... not! I have endometriosis, had surgery to remove it 8.24.12 and started clomid Oct 23, 2012. Getting depressed because I have been stress eating and want to lose the weight and be healthy! I love that you started this thread! :) We can do this ladies!
  • SarahScales
    I'm only 21 and I was told at 20 that if I didn't lose 20 kilos that I probably wouldn't be able to have kids. So what did I do? I went into a tailspin and gained an extra 5 kilos instead... Silly! But now I am working with my new partner to get myself down to a low body fat percentage so I will eventually be able to have babies.
  • Steellotus
    Steellotus Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guys. I have PCOS as well, but my symptoms are a little atypical. Conceived my son with the help of clomid (after 2 years of trying. I had regular periods so I assumed I was ovulating... apparently I was not ), but hoping to do it on my own next time ;)
  • Oceanflower25
    @SuzieGarner don't give up(your not alone)believe me I know how you feel. No matter what we all have to continue to push forward and sending our prayers up.