Jillia Michael DVDs

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know on avarage how much Cal one can burn by doiing the Jillian Michael DVD "30 day shread "workout?
There are 3 parts. Part one, two and three? I have been doing part one for about one wk but don/t know how to post for my workout?


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I burned between 170-200 cals depending on which portion I did.
  • sunigee
    I dont do that dvd, but with the dvd I use, I list it under aerobic. There is a low impact and high impact option.
  • will4change
    Thank you so much!! I am still doing the Part one, and that is hard in my thighs and I feel so tired after the workout, but I ma going to stick with it for a while. :smile: