Looking to lose 15-20 by Sept 19

Hello out there! I am looking to lose another 15-20 pounds by September 19th. I am going on a vacation with my husband to California, our first together since our Honeymoon 2 years ago. About 3 months ago, I was down 40 pounds, I maintained for a while fluctuating gaining a pound or two, then losing a pound or two and repeating the cycle. In the past month or so, I have gained about 5 pounds back and I want to get into the 180's by my trip. I am looking for new friends who are wanting to lose about the same in the next 2 months who are willing and ready to motivate others while in turn allowing me to motivate them.

My plan is as follows:
1-2 hours of cardio at the gym or in combination with a run around the neighborhood (C25K) and 30 mins of weights at the gym or a session of 30 Day Shred

I play softball for my city's rec league (which ends in the middle of August), but I plan to run around the neighborhood (C25K) either before or after the game.

Minimal to no carbs after 5 p.m. with meat and veggies or a protien bar/shake for dinner and eating responsibly throughout the day.

Please respond to this thread or message/friend request me if you would like to join this motivation train.:happy:


  • JolieJemmaMomma
    JolieJemmaMomma Posts: 54 Member
    ME TOO! I am going to a baseball game September 8th and want to lose 12 pounds before we go! I would have only 9 to lose except for falling off the wagon last week :) a total of 35 pounds so far 25 left. FRIEND me and we can work on it together :)
  • xoxo2200
    xoxo2200 Posts: 57
    I'm in. I have a wedding coming up and family gatherings in Swptember. Friend me so we can get the ball rolling :)
  • CameoDouglas
    CameoDouglas Posts: 78 Member
    I've lost 15lbs and I am looking to lose another 15 maybe even 20 by almost that exact date (around when school starts). Your plan sounds awesome, I might even borrow it lol.
  • Tucsonwoman
    Tucsonwoman Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I am going back to Chicago at the end of September and I desperately want to lose another 15lbs and tone up too. Friend me!
  • andy2486
    andy2486 Posts: 93 Member
    I am thinking of creating a "group" for us with weekly challenges and check-ins. Would you all be interested in this?
  • xoxo2200
    xoxo2200 Posts: 57
    Yes, please do. Add me as a friend please :)
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    I am also working to lose some of my weight since my thesis defense is on 18th sept and my family will come.
    I am doing 30D with 20 min of elliptical, 10 or 20 min of stationary bike and lifting..

    Feel free to add me, and I would like to join the group..
  • rusialeelee
    I'm in! I want to be 155lb by Sept 23rd. (wedding-maid of honor)
    That's 23 lbs in 47 days.
    Doable? hmmmm lol i hope so......

    insanity is my choice of poison :)
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    yess! My bday is sept 18 and I want to lose as much weight as possible before then.
  • keina629
    keina629 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes I'm interested!!! But I don't know how on earth I will achieve it, any suggestions? A group sounds great :)
  • nquintyn
    nquintyn Posts: 7 Member
    yes please do and add me!!!
    im going back to uni in September and im the coach of a cheer squad, before we broke up for summer i told them that fitness was a must but i've sat on my bottom for most of it so i need to whip myself into shape