30 day shred

Looking for people that have also recently started the 30 day shred see how there finding it and watch there progress :) xx


  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    I've just ordered the DVD from Amazon - feeling nervous because I am not used to doing hardcore exercise but I am determined to give it a proper go :smile:
  • niatt
    niatt Posts: 13
    I've started 30DS today! Looking forward to getting results. Good luck! x
  • Daniwa1
    Daniwa1 Posts: 4 Member
    Just started 30-Day Shred on Aug 5th! Good Luck!
  • Day two done and man I am sore! but a good sore I think lol! I am excited to see some progress this month. My goal by the middle of September is to be out of the 200s and I am just about 7 lbs away from that as of this morning.
  • I will be on my day 2 later on when my little boy is in bed i am dreading it :( what size weights do you use Laura xx
  • I have 5s and 2s..... I have been using the 5s for most of the workout but by the end of yesterday I grabbed the 2s!!
  • I am on Day 5 of the Shred today. I really like it. It's definitely challenging but I started as a complete beginner and was able to complete the first day without stopping (more than the 5 second breaks she allows for). I do have trouble with my knees so I don't go all the way down into the lunges but still get a great workout.
  • Just started this past weekend. Not too bad so far.
  • aemoomoo
    aemoomoo Posts: 70 Member
    Just did day 1 yesterday and I'm SO SORE today...Going to try to push through and do the whole 30 days though...I'm hoping to see some great results.
  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    H, I am on day 7, and its not too bad , each day is different though, think it depends more on our moods than our capabilities, looking forward to level 2.
  • I am on day 14. The results so far are amazing in just 2 weeks. I am almost down a whole pants size. Level one was tough for me at first but now i can finish it with no problem. Level two, well we working on it. I had to rest a couple times, but its alot better. It deffinately gets better!!!
  • :drinker: Ive just done my day 2 it is killing me a little but no pain no gain! Im very glad its only 20 mins hurt more today as ive done ther gym but still completed with no breaks bring on tomorrow :) xx
  • vmerie
    vmerie Posts: 36
    I've done it in the past with great noticeable progress within the first 15 days of doing it. By the 30th day I felt so strong and my ab muscles were poking out. I just recently started doing it again. I love the 30DS.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I have done half it's worth it!
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    I am on day 5... my first day was ok... then I was sore and it was much harder after that. However, yesterday... I did feel like I could do it a little better.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I am on day 14. The results so far are amazing in just 2 weeks. I am almost down a whole pants size. Level one was tough for me at first but now i can finish it with no problem. Level two, well we working on it. I had to rest a couple times, but its alot better. It deffinately gets better!!!
    I just started today and this was very encouraging. Thank you!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I've started it again today (never completed the full 30 days before) in conjunction with Power 90.....at a standstill with the scale and looking to mix it up to get this scale moving again!!
  • Just started now and couldn't make it through the first set of workout #1. Maybe trying it within 15 minutes of eating pineapple and yogurt wasn't the smartest idea? It seems like a good beginner workout though. I'll try again tomorrow. It might just be a 60 day shred for me ;). Just do what you can and push yourself further every day. Good luck.
  • 1MandM1
    1MandM1 Posts: 87 Member
    I started it today and man it's hard :O I'm sticking to it though :D x
  • laurajean2
    laurajean2 Posts: 52 Member
    IM on day 6. today was easier then the other days my arms r looking really good and i can feel the muscles in my legs and my stomach is getting harder to. Im looking to get reed of my legs and stomach.