What I have learned to lose weight...



    Yes, thanks for sharing your tips, several of them will help me at the stage I am in right now.
  • k9runner1963
    k9runner1963 Posts: 108 Member
    Good information! Thanks.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member

    9-I like to do average daily net for the week, as opposed to fretting over each individual day. (meaning-I want my daily net cals for WEEK to be 1480. So if I eat 800 cals on Tuesday, I have 600 extra calories on Saturday. This makes it feel less like dieting and I no longer have to give myself a 'cheat day'. This is a lifestyle change and you shouldn't have to 'cheat' to meet your lifestyle. (apparently this is similar to what weight watchers does for their 'flex points' system, but I have never read on it)

    This is similar to flex points in WW, but I like yours better. WW gives you 40 flex points by default and you can spend them over your daily points, which are determined by your age, gender, weight, and activity level. WW's flex points seemed more for having a cheat day, possibly a really big one. I found that if I consistently ate into my flex points, I stopped losing because that meant eating over my points for the day. For WW to work for me, I had to cut down the flex points to 10 and try not even to tap into them, to use exercise instead. I like your net calories idea much better. Similar, but better. :)
  • shunlb
    shunlb Posts: 7
    Thanks, great info!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for sharing!
  • natalianogueira
    natalianogueira Posts: 76 Member
    Awesome tips!
    Thank you for sharing! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for sharing! Really helpful stuff.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    OP, can you explain a little more about the weekly "net" versus daily net?

    Instead of trying to do a 'daily net' of 1480, I focus on an 'average daily net' of 1480 for the week.

    Example of net daily/weekly:
    Sunday-1080 cals net, Mon-1460 net, Tues-1510 net, Wed-1165 net, Thur-1430 net, Fri-1400 net

    so far, if you add the 6 days net and divide by the 6 days (8045/6=1340, you can see that you are well under your daily net that week, so you can splurge on Saturday (without calling it a cheat day).

    Not only does it give you a little more flexibility, it also builds in a natural 'zig zag' or 'cycling' to help prevent your body for being accustomed to a specific number of daily calories
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I agree 100% with all of this. I am at the beginning of my weight loss, but this is by far not the first time for me. I've learned a lot in the last few years and am practicing everything you've mentioned, especially the weight training.

    Is there a site for calculating TDEE, that you recommend?

    I know I used and liked this one http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.html but I have looked at a lot of them in comparing.
    For it to work, you must be honest with your activity level.

    For example, mine is entered
    Female, 35 y/o, 60" tall
    Resting=13 hours (sleep for 8, sitting on computer/watching tv for 5)
    Very Light=10 (8 hr work at desk, 2 hr walking around)
    Light=1 (walking to/from parking garage, bits of house work)

    Gives me a BMR (basic metabolic rate) of 1474
    Activity calories is 399
    So, daily energy expenditure is 1873

    So, to lose 1 lb/week, need a deficit of 3500 cals/week (or -500 from daily energy expenditure), so daily net would be 1873-500=1373 calories net.

    If you include your exercise time in the TDEE calculation, then you don't eat the calories back in MFP
    If you don't include your exercise time in the TDEE calculation, then you do eath the calories back in MFP (I don't include my exercise calories, since it is so sporadic at this time)

    Hope this helps and wasn't too confusing.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    2 more that I realized I didn't have on the list:

    1-I had to realize that it must be a realistic diet. This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary change...that is why diets don't work. If you 'diet' and then go back to your old method, then you will just gain it back like you did in the first place!

    2-You need to, on the most part, enjoy your journey. When it felt like work, I was constantly going over calories and didn't succeed. Once I learned how to accept what I had to do and find exercises that I enjoyed, it was a lot better!