
Hi, My name is Lisa. I am starting to use this site today. Since April 2011, I dropped 40 lbs. I had actually dropped 50+, but recently some of it has crept back on again....sigh....:(

I have not gone back to eating horribly and have even been working out on the treadmill and bike at the gym 3x a week for 50 min. sessions, yet my weight has climbed up a bit in the past couple of months. I certainly do NOT want to gain all the weight back that I worked so hard to take off, so I am trying to stop this gaining nonsense in its track and even start losing again. I am getting depressed that this weight is so hard to take off and am even considering gastric bypass. But I am willing to give this another try before resorting to surgery.

I am 38 years old. Any advice from you all out there is much appreciated. Thanks!


  • 2clessofme
    Hi Lisa,
    I understand that creepy little pound or two showing back up. I was doing really well with my weight loss and then I got comfortable and gained 10 pounds before I knew it.
    I joined this site so that I could have a location to keep me on track and socialize with others in my same position.
    Hang in there, stay focused and most importanyly take one day at a time :)
  • cindergirl73
    Thanks.....that is why I joined. Weight gain is a slippery slope. I am not letting this deter me. I needed to refocus, so I am doing exactly that. :)
  • Number1Goof
    Hey Lisa,

    Our society makes it so much harder to be fit and healthy sometimes. I struggle myself between cooking a healthy dinner or going through a drive-thru for convenience. This site has helped me overall with my health. If you would like to add me, I'm happy to support. :)
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    don't give up. You determine your own destiny.
  • mamawjoyce
    mamawjoyce Posts: 64 Member
    Its so hard but, girl u did it before & now you can again,we all fall off the diet wagon too,put on your big girl panties & take it one day at a time. we are here to support you! WOOHOO!!