Rheumatoid Arthritis



  • tabby391
    tabby391 Posts: 9
    I have my appointmen with the Rheumatologist next week. I have Arthritis in my back. I also had a positive ANA test. Autoimmune test. So I am nervous, scared and also relieved that my pain is not in my head. Looking for support and information on foods to help with inflamaiton.
  • Hevans1012
    Hevans1012 Posts: 32 Member
    I also have RA and taking Enbrel. I tried methotrexate but it brought back my migraines so I stopped. I haven't had a flare in quite some time but in the past few days my right wrist and hand have been acting up, found out it was the oranges and Vitamin C I added into my supplements. I am hoping the weight loss will help a lot with the RA. Good luck!
  • MrEyeCandy
    MrEyeCandy Posts: 15
    Had since 17 yrs. old. RA of the spine. Watch your acid intake (Coke and Pepsi should be illegal). Red meat, ignore the T-bone going on the grill tonight. The biggest factor for me was stress. Had to turn off the news. You might want to pee on a ph test strip in the AM to get a rough idea of your ph level. Acid causes inflammation. Since watching these few areas and making adjustments my pain level has dropped dramatically. Best to you!
    PS I love coffee and with a ph of approx 4.0 that was out. I now drink KAVA instant coffee. ph is around 6.0 and change.
    Seriously, acid is probably THEE major factor for inflammation.
    Oh, MSG. I would rather have a root canal than eat something loaded with this stuff. Best analogy, It,s like someone poured gas on my back and lit it on fire. Nasty stuff.
    Do your homework and you can avoid a lot of pitfalls.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    I don't have RA, but I have OA and hypothyroid. There have been days where I can barely walk due to knee pain (that's with hydrocodone, NSAID).

    One thing that I do is swim; perhaps during your flare ups you can do that...it might help lift your mood knowing you are still taking of your body in an exercise kind of way. Does that make sense?
  • aparadiseflower
    I was just diagnosed with RA this week, and I also have fibromyalgia.:sad:

    I TOTALLY agree with MrEyeCandy.
    Meat, msg, sodas, and I also add junk food in general, will set your body ablaze with
    acidity, pain and inflammation.:explode:

    Also, I alkalinize and mineralize my water, and that also helps me to keep an alkaline body.
    Fresh salads, veggies and fruits are the way to go to keep this RA beast at bay.:happy:

    Soon, the Bible promises, there will be no more suffering, pain, disease or death.:love:
    Keep your heads up. The future is very bright! Jehovah and Jesus say so:

    (Isaiah 33:24) . . .And no resident will say: “I am sick.” The people that are dwelling in [the land] will be those pardoned for their error. . .

    (Revelation 21:3, 4) With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. . .
  • Jaymazing
    Jaymazing Posts: 32 Member
    You are definitely not alone!

    I was diagnosed with RA about 2.5 years ago. I went from doing 10Ks to barely being able to walk to my mailbox within a few months. I got so out of shape. I am the definition of "skinny fat."

    I've finally got my mind to a place where I'm motivated to get out of my rut. I've given up all narcotic pain meds, and that's oddly made me feel better. Learning to deal with pain has somehow made me stronger in other ways, too. Instead of giving in to pain and giving up on fighting, I'm looking at everything differently. The pain is there, but it's not gonna kill me, so I can just keep trucking. I don't know if I can keep this attitude up, but I'm gonna try.

    So, I was sedentary two months ago, now I'm on week two of P90X!

    Add me as a friend if you'd like. I can use all the motivation I can get - and I have a good listening ear, too!