The Dreaded Gym

I go to a local gym and I have no problem owning getting on the cardio equipment, and even using some of the weight machines, but if I think about going over to the free weights and nautilus, it's like a bunny walking into a tiger's den.

There's this conglomeration of muscle dudes over there every time I go, and being very shy I get intimated as hell. I skipped doing tricep pull-downs yesterday because these dudes were all over them. I just want to be invisible and go do my workout.

These are the thoughts that go thru my head: "I am a wuss, and am out of shape, female, gonna be judged, OMG I am so hideous, help me, don't go there, OMG that dude is ridiculously hot, oh that one is a beast, eww no, jesus wish they would stop grunting my GAWD, noooooo!, they're gonna look at you and be disgusted, run away! You don't know how to use this equipment, where are the pink weights?"

LOL I know, I know, I am ridiculous!!! :)


  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    LOL I have a friend like that, when we would lift together he would be so self conscious about the bigger guys that he would want to skip part of our routine. I know when I am working out I hardly notice what anyone else is doing because I am focused. I highly doubt that anyone is thinking anything bad about you working out. Its a mind thing.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I know its a mind thing for sure. It's just funny because part of it is that if a piece of equipment is being used "over there, AKA the bermuda triangle," and I have to wait for it, I can't stand around and wait for it, I need to do something. And I will pass out on the floor before I decide to ask to work in with any of them LOL.

    I am always focused as long as I am DOING something, its just navigating the place that gets me messed up. I also haven't done strength training in a while, and its a new gym for me.

    I just have to GET OVER IT. :)
  • Jexebel
    Jexebel Posts: 67
    Ha! I think exactly those thoughts. I go during off times. Plus I built up my strength/confidence by lifting these smaller barbell thingies that my gym has that go from 20 to 110lbs.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    LMAO!!!!! Just stare at them until the get off the machine you want.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    If triceps are a nuisance for you in your gym why not use a bench in the changing rooms ? you could do dips on them before you cool down - just nip to the loo and no one will know! lol

    I know you shouldn't feel this way but if it helps you get the work out in.. :)
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    Just remember, the meatheads had to start somewhere too.
    Also, from my experience, they are usually quite willing to help someone out if that person expresses and interest or desire to improve themselves.
    Please, don't let them be intimidating to you. They are there for the same reason you get exercise.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Haha, totally been there!

    At my old gym I always felt like that, but where I go now they have a few different sections. There is one area where all those muscle heads are - like those larger heavy duty type machines and free weights, bench press etc. The other side has all the regular machines and I don't catch many bigger guys over there. And then off to the side of that with the balls, mats and stuff - there are more free weights. That's where I usually go.

    But, I guess I'm lucky :) It can be a tough mental thing to confront but think of it this way - most of those guys are paying WAY more attention to themselves than other people in the gym. I doubt they're looking at you and judging your lack of lifting prowess. Just jump in, act like you own the place and you'll do fine, lol!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I feel like that sometimes, I just remind myself that everyone had to start somewhere and those guys were once struggling on the lowest weights too. I feel that the more of a sweaty mess I am by the end of my workout the more it shows I'm working bloody hard to get in shape and that is worth some respect. On my less confident days I turn up my ipod and just get into my own little world and get on with my workout my way.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    Y'all are so right, and yes at least the meathead area is off in the corner with the free weights and those pulldown machines etc. Well maybe I will go over there and use THAT equipment later when I feel like I know what I am doing a little better. I just wanna look like I been doing this for years and not like a newb or a tool. HAHA
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I don't judge anyone in the gym - they're all there to better themselves, we're just all on different parts of the journey!
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I feel like that sometimes, I just remind myself that everyone had to start somewhere and those guys were once struggling on the lowest weights too. I feel that the more of a sweaty mess I am by the end of my workout the more it shows I'm working bloody hard to get in shape and that is worth some respect. On my less confident days I turn up my ipod and just get into my own little world and get on with my workout my way.

    I was a sweaty mess yesterday and it FELT SO GOOD! I looked at the people who weren't nearly as haggard as me and I was like, dang I REALLY worked hard. I went through 6 cups of water just in the hour and a half that I worked out. Nothing feels better than looking like a HOT MESS LOL. And I was wearing a red shirt, and my face was the same color. :)
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member

    I was a sweaty mess yesterday and it FELT SO GOOD! I looked at the people who weren't nearly as haggard as me and I was like, dang I REALLY worked hard. I went through 6 cups of water just in the hour and a half that I worked out. Nothing feels better than looking like a HOT MESS LOL. And I was wearing a red shirt, and my face was the same color. :)

    confession: To me, that's the hottest a woman can look....when she's all hot and sweaty from a relly good workout.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    Well...I don't mind looking like I was stuffed in a garbage bag and beaten with bags of nickels after I work out. LOL But I definitely put in my strength training before I hit the cardio. :) Then I can run into the locker room afterwards hehe!!!

    I definitely don't judge anyone, and am sure most of them don't either. But if it is a mental thing then I just need to get over it. Maybe the more time I spend there. Maybe if I had a workout partner I wouldn't feel so intimidated. But finding one isn't easy.