Inside Elbow Pain

I've been fighting inside elbow pain in my left arm for the past 4 months. At first I thought I could just work through it and it would go didn't. It only hurt when I did pulling exercises, so Back, some Shoulders, and Bi days killed me. I decided to take about a month off from those types of exercises in hopes it would go away with some rest. When I went back, it was better, but still hurts when I do bi's. Funny thing is, I only feel it when i do any type of bar curls (straight, EZ curl) or preacher curls. I tried changing my grip width, but still feel it. If I do dumbbell or single arm cables, no pain....... Any ideas?????


  • rowmom
    rowmom Posts: 5
    find a PT who knows Active Release and Graston - i had Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) for more than a year and once I started working with AR and Graston, I started to improve greatly. Many chiropractors also use these techniques. Also find a trainer that can show you some suitable modifications to enable you to continue your workouts