Anyone in the 21-29 range looking to lose 50 lbs?



  • Hi! I'm 28 and I want to lose 55 pounds (I figured that was close enough)!
  • Hello Christy! My name is Kristen and I'm 23 years old 5'3 and about 190lbs,I'm in the same boat and will gladly accept anyone's add!
  • slrobin88
    slrobin88 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm Suzanne. I'm 24 and weigh around 185 right now. I want to get down to 155 or 150, so 30 or more pounds to lose! I started at 222 on Weight Watchers last year, but MFP is way better. :) Feel free to add me!
  • helencita13
    helencita13 Posts: 76 Member
    Bummer, I need to lose 50, but I'm too old for y'all.

    haha me too..I have 48 to go, but I am 33 years old. Ahhh to be young again..:wink:
  • MsSummerrain1
    MsSummerrain1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Im Kathy. Im 29yrs old. I just had my first baby 10 weeks ago. Im 5,9 and ive always been really small. I weighed 150 pre-pragnancy and weighed 218 on my delivery day. Im down to 185 now and i feel huge. Mainly i hate i cant fit into my jeans...still. I wanna get back to 150 and back into my jeans before it gets cold, i dont wanna have to buy new jeans.
  • QuestToLose
    QuestToLose Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 21, 5'2 and weigh in the 180s. I need to lose about 53 lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    24, 5'8.5", SW 223.5, GW 150, ~54lbs left to go

    If you don't mind dudes, I'm always game for motivating and being motivated!
  • Hi, I'm Danielle, 24, from Louisiana, and also have about 50 lbs to lose! Feel free to add me for support and encouragement! I love making new friends and supporting others as well!
  • kellipanda
    kellipanda Posts: 9 Member
    I'd love to get involved.
    I'm 23, 170 and looking to get down to 120. My concern is with strength rather than looking stick thin and
    I feel a little embarrassed and obsessed with it right now - would love some friends who would understand how im feeling

    Feel free to add!
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    I'd like to lose another 43.
  • emrod83
    emrod83 Posts: 29 Member
    Im 29 and have about 65LBS to lose and would welcome any encouragment! I am embarrassed I let it go so far for so long. I am new to MFP and would love to connect with people who undersand me so we can help eachother. Please feel free to add me! =)
  • ashleeassaf
    ashleeassaf Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I am 22 yrs old and m 5'2 and weigh now 169 before i was at 180. I really would LOVE to get down to 130 so I feel better about myself. I am losing the weight slowly but surely. I am purchasing Insanity today and will start it tonight. If u need motivation or a friend feel free to add me :)