Afternoon snacker needs help!



  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    My favorite is a little light vanilla yourgurt with crushed walnuts and I dip my apple in it. It is fairly sweet but takes any craving I have away and isn't bad in calories. You aren't eating alot of yogurt or walnuts so those calories are minimal and then you have your apple. Overall very tasty.
    For a slightly savory snack I usually lean towards a handfun of almonds. It doesn't cure your hunger but takes the edge off so you can make it to dinner without going crazy.
    I struggle with after dinner snacking so these are some of the things I have used to keep me out of the refrigerator.
  • mcjann
    mcjann Posts: 10
    Curbing the snack attack is important to avoid overeating in the evening. I try to keep snacks under 300 calories and like Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, naked pita chips and hummus are a favorite when I need something crunchy.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    A lot of what you seem to do is habit and no really genuinely out of hunger. You don't actually need to be snacking all afternoon and all night if you're eating right at lunch and dinner. I go for water before anything else, failing that a piece of fruit dipped in some low fat/calorie yogurt.
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Mine would definitely have to be : Cottage cheese with a drizzle of honey, boiled eggs and boiled egg whites, Laughing cow cheese wedge with a rice cake, Protein shake (try dashing dish for great milkshake tasting recipes but low cals!!), apple with a Tablespoon of almond butter or natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt with some healthy nuts and a bit of coconut, a big grapefruit, or just try having smaller meals more often so you still get to eat with your family however you will just eat less. Good luck!! Oh yeah also try water your stomach doesn't know the difference don't even think about it just chug two big glasses down with a tablespoon of Chia seeds and wait 10 minutes to see if your still hunger this usually does it for me!!
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (2 tablespoons) and 8 cracked pepper water crackers. 190 calories and very satisfying!

    GOOD LUCK DOLL.:wink:
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Read my blog, I have snacked all the way through my journey, it might help you a bit.

    Feel free to add me if you want to too.
  • carrots and celery (kept ready to eat in the fridge, so instant gratification)
    sweet peppers (in a jar)
    radishes (kept ready to eat in the fridge)
    chocolate whey powder (health store) mixed in water - 1 scoop = 50 cal

    if really hungry, I make myself a big lettuce and shredded cabbage salad - very filling
  • Hello!

    We all have our moments snacking so not to worry. I find oatcakes quite filling and easy to take out and about with you, 2 oatcakes and either some low fat cream cheese or some lean sliced meat is filling and will only set you back approx 100cals (depending how much meat and cream cheese you add).
    A banana is always a filling snack too.
    Evenings are my problem!

    Take care
  • Sometimes I make myself a party tray for snacking. It has one boiled egg, cut in 4. four olives, a pickle , cut into strips, and a piece of laughing cow cheese. I present it on a plate with 4 ritz crackers. I feel like I am at a party. It is my go to snack very often. Very filling as well. It makes for meal almost. And sometimes it is a meal. Don't remember how many calories exactly but real easy to figure out. You can substitute any item with another item. Being creative helps.Good luck!

    Love this!
  • A lot of times for me it is the action of snacking that i like, not that im necessarily so hungry (I am working on this i know) but anyway, I like to choose raw veggies because i can snack on them for 30 minutes and still only have consumbers 85 calories or so, now i do still choose prepackaged or procesed snacks like a fiber one bar, they do help ward off hunger, but thats 90 calories in 2 minutes...

    also popcorn is great, skinny pop, boom chicka pop both are low in calories, or air popped

    Mine is a lot about the "act of" too I think. And I do like big quantities that last me awhile as well!
  • So many excellent ideas! Thank you for sharing. Someone asked me what I eat for breakfast. I eat 2 servings of Aldi's version of Honey Bunches of Oats and 1/2 a cup of milk. It satisfies and sustains me just fine in the morning. You all have given me such a variety of things to try... which will also help avoid a rut!
  • Frosted Mini Wheats Little Bites only have 190 calories per serving (42 pieces which can easily be cut in half if you are short on calories). It satisfies the sweet tooth and has plenty of fiber to carry you to dinner.

    Obviously fruit and veggies are great as a snack, but I like to pair the veggies with hummus. They sell snack sizes now too.
  • ktull68
    ktull68 Posts: 19
    Homemade popcorn with my whirly pop really helped me when I had afternoon cravings. Melt a teaspoon of coconut oil first. Add corn and pop. I then add pepper and salt for savory. Or cin and splenda mix for sweet. Popcorn is low in calorie, high fiber and you can munch on it for a while without feeling deprived. Also, if I start my day with a bowl of oatmeal I have less cravings later in the day.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    I snack in the afternoons to especially if it was a stressful day. I snack on plain cherrios with no milk. I eat them one at a time and it satisfies my needs
  • I recently discovered Mary's Gone Crackers. They're great for snacking -- about 140 calories for 13 chips, but you're full after about 3. Not to mention they're high in fiber + healthy fats, and you can read and identify everything on the ingredients list.
    The company make cookies as well but I haven't tried them.
  • What time do you eat lunch? You my be eating an early lunch and then you get hungry sooner. If I fill like I need a snack I drink a glass of water and then eat an apple or banana. If you need a snack remember the old saying don't eat something before supper you are going to ruin your supper. Really this is what you want to do so when you eat your supper you are not starving and you will not eat as much. You may also be eating out of habit or bordum. If you can do something different to take your mind off food.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    all those wonderful snack ideas