What is the best advice you can give others?



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    As far as necessities go:

    Create a sustainable energy deficit
    Exercise. You should probably incorporate some resistance training.
    Do NOT complicate things.

    As far as other notes:

    I would eat "mostly" whole foods for both satiety and nutrient sufficiency.
    I would prioritize protein and fat over carbohydrate but provided you are not doing a low-carb program, carbs can still be your friend and you should eat enough of them to train with intensity.
    I would not eliminate foods that you enjoy. Instead, eat them in moderation and fit them into your daily nutrition goals.

    For research, I would very much recommend anything from the following sites:

    I would absolutely not recommend:
    Gary Taubes

    This sounds good to me. Also have patience.
  • CoffeeJunkieMann
    CoffeeJunkieMann Posts: 95 Member
    Eat less!

    Move more!

    This is now my quote on my profile!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    1. Educate yourself ... about how weight gain/loss happens (i.e. BMR, calories in vs. calories out, etc.), about macronutrient ratios, about the pros and cons of strength training and cardio, etc. Read and question, read and question, read and question.

    2. Don't confuse planning with the actual doing of things. Planning is important, but don't spend so much time planning and talking about what you're going to do that you have no time or energy to actually do it.

    3. Don't assume ANYONE, especially your doctor or any doctor on TV, is an expert on weight loss. Verify everything, even if it's by trial and error.

    4. Record EVERYTHING. Your meals, your workouts, your water intake, even your thoughts and feelings about what you are doing. Continually review, evaluate, and adjust where necessary. Don't be afraid to change things up. It makes more sense to try something new than to continue doing something that has not worked.

    5. Recovery is more than half of the equation. Your body needs rest, food, and therapy (foam rolling, massage, ice baths, joint mobility work). It cannot do what you ask it to do if you don't fuel it properly.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    Eat less!

    Move more!

    This is now my quote on my profile!

  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    never give up.
    and try to help someone else along their journey everyday.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    What Sidesteal said - he's right on the mark.

    I'd also echo the advice to educate yourself. Learn about your body and the processes involved in this journey. Read beyond the BS spouted by snake oil salesman and found in magazines. Separate myth from truth and don't waste your money on fads or quick fixes.
  • vtachycardia
    Learn to do all exercises correctly. Learn to do the exercises that you like to do to the extreme of your strength and cardio system.

    If you only have 30 minutes to exercise, then get the most bang for your buck, compound strength but without the huge rests and plyo body weight to HIIT or tabata protocols - if you are not fit, these will make you fit, if you are fit these will make you fitter.

    If you have hours and hours per day to do cardio, then lucky you. I will stick to sub-60 minute work outs or less, but these workouts will be relentless.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Do something you can live with.

    Saying you can NEVER again eat this or that, or shunning all the foods you love, or insisting you must do 8 hours cardio a day, every day, etc. will lead to quick failure.


    And, never never never give up! Like someone else said, no matter how many times you fall off the horse get the f*** back up!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Rule number one: If you don't know what it is, then you shouldn't be eating it!
    As in, if you picked up some boxed/canned food off the shelf at the grocery store, and read the ingredients list, and don't know what you are eating, chances are your body has absolutely no use for it. Put it BACK!
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    If you fall 9 times get up 10
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Do what works FOR YOU. Other things may work for others, but it may not work for you. Also, eat your calories, don't starve yourself.
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    you are not better than anyone, but you make better decisions!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Keep logging. For me backsliding happens SO much faster than progress.
  • LovelyLathrop
    That we are all humans & we will all fail, regardless. But when we do the most important thing is to get back up and keep on going!!!

    As I like to say, Keep on keepn' on my friends!!

    Support and motivation is a MUST. Surround yourself with people that support your goals!!!
  • Roxiehart9
    one of the hardest things for me to do was not to make up excuses for myself. If you have a goal...go for it. But don't say, "but friday there's a party, or next week is my sister's get together, or but I'm on vacation." those will ALWAYS happen and for years when I would start dieting, I would use those as excuses and it would throw me off the horse and it would take forever to get back on and then low and behold, after a good two weeks of dieting, another happy hour or another party. Give those up until you know you can control yourself.
  • lucylu35
    Very well said! Thank you! Thats telling it straight up and not sugar coated!
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    eat clean
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    It's not advice to do with anything in particular, but it's something my mum said to me a few weeks ago and it just sort of stuck with me: be the best you can be. When I'm feeling down I remind myself of it and I find it helps, I can't be anyone else, just me and if I'm doing the best I can then that's all that matters.
  • cevans_rr
    cevans_rr Posts: 44 Member
    Log your calories BEFORE you eat them! Sometimes you decide not to when you see the numbers in black and white - or red:)
  • Neeser926
    Neeser926 Posts: 100 Member
    Be honest. If you ate or drank it,log it. Even if it was not a good choice. Every bite,every sip, everything,every day. You will learn so much about yourself if you do.