Horizon Eat, fast and live longer

Hi watch Horizon program last night about eating,fasting and living longer.
I find it hard to lose weight and have high blood pressure and cholesterol and this could be the way.
Looked pretty good gonna give it a try from now so wish me luck.


  • alizon15
    alizon15 Posts: 59
    I read this in papers at weekend,as am struggling with every other way I too have decided to give it a try, - there is quite a lot on the net about alternative fasting diets too . Be interesting to see how we go. Firstl;y have got to make myself only weigh once a week , and only after fasting days! Good luck
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi Mickey your right Horizon was very interesting last night and got me thinking that fasting may work for me too. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • Coconutfrosting
    Coconutfrosting Posts: 13 Member

    I read your post and have just watched Horizon on iplayer. WOW! It was very interesting. I am going to do some more reading on the subject and maybe try it a couple of times a week. Alzheimers, cancer and heart disease have touched my family, so I do try to eat plenty of fresh, unprocessed foods. Hopefully this occasional 'fast' may help my weight loss plan.

  • I've decided to try this too! Maybe this way will motivate me as everything else I've tried doesn't work. Good luck everyone.
  • I'm going to give it a bash too, i'm going for the 2 day fasting and 5 day on, am i right in thinking i can fast today (tue) eat wed and fast thursday and eat fri-sun and fast monday & wed of next week, they don't need to be together do they as i think i would struggle 2 days in a row.


  • good luck! i started this morning, starving already!
  • glen_in_sydney
    glen_in_sydney Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, the trick is to have a decent evening meal and then fast until the following evening. Having a good night's sleep takes up at least half of the 24 hour cycle.
  • andreawright
    andreawright Posts: 3 Member
    I caught the end of the program so need to look into it a bit more however I am also interested in giving it a try. Can you eat, for example 6 x 100 calories or is it just one meal of 600 calories?
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    Hello ladies I just watched this on catch up and was really intrigued also googled it and found this

  • Coconutfrosting
    Coconutfrosting Posts: 13 Member
    Hello ladies I just watched this on catch up and was really intrigued also googled it and found this


    Just read this, it's very interesting.
  • rubyjune27
    rubyjune27 Posts: 87 Member
    Although I have lost 31lbs by eating 7 days a week, I am now going to switch to fasting 2 and eating 5. My reasons are that I hope for the health benefits, I still have high bollod pressure even though my BMI is now just normal, my eldest brother was diabetic but after following the Newcastle VLCD for 6 weeks reversed the problem and I have had one type of cancer, so seriously want to avoid another. Also I have never liked eating breakfast and often wish I could have one huge filling meal at night, so this should suit me better.

    Like a previous poster I am going to split this up and do Tuesday and Thursdaynthis week and the from then on Monday and Thursday as that will suit my life.

    It's 15.00 in afternoon and hunger is fine although bored with blac tea.

    Good luck to all the rest of you who start IF ing
  • Hi, I am new to my fitness pal and joined after watching the horizon program last night.
    Im going to try the 5:2 fasting. It is 7.30pm, I had a boiled egg and some tea do far today and plan some fish and salad,
    To bring me to my 500 calories tonight. It really hasn't been as bad as I thought, but really hard to find any info on the does and don'ts. I plan on having my two fast days together this week but probably then separating them. Not sure if that's ok or not. Again not sure if can separate calories through day. Or need to have a longer period of complete fast. Anyone else know?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hi, the trick is to have a decent evening meal and then fast until the following evening. Having a good night's sleep takes up at least half of the 24 hour cycle.

    This isn't quite what Michael Moseley did. What you described is called Intermittent Fasting. On the TV programme Dr Mosley semi-starved from one evening meal to breakfast of the next day but one, only eating 600 calories in the intevening day (500 calories is the allowance for "fasting" days for women). They were the "rules" for the last section of the programme & what he did for 5 weeks. It's called 5:2 - 5 days per week normal eating, 2 days much reduced eating. It's modified Alternate Day fasting where you have one day eating normally, followed by a fast day, then normal, then fasting - and so on, so in one week you fast for 3 days & in the next week you fast for 4 days.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    hi, i realy enjoyed the program. i eat tops 800 a day and the comments i get make me sick. it works for me, ive got my sugar on track after 2 years ago being told i was type 2 diabetic on tablets , i had cholesterol probs heart probs breathing all sorts due to being morbidly obese ..... now 7 stones later most of my medical probs are getting better. as it said in the program people from counties were they have not the foods we have are much healthier.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hi, I am new to my fitness pal and joined after watching the horizon program last night.
    Im going to try the 5:2 fasting. It is 7.30pm, I had a boiled egg and some tea do far today and plan some fish and salad,
    To bring me to my 500 calories tonight. It really hasn't been as bad as I thought, but really hard to find any info on the does and don'ts. I plan on having my two fast days together this week but probably then separating them. Not sure if that's ok or not. Again not sure if can separate calories through day. Or need to have a longer period of complete fast. Anyone else know?

    According to the article about this programme on the Beeb's website Dr Mosley ate a breakfast of scrambled eggs, then fish and steamed veg for dinner on fasting days. And I think the fasting days were not consecutive - that's asking a lot to keep it up for 5 weeks, or possibly for life!
  • sox79
    sox79 Posts: 2 Member
    I am wondering if there are any bad points or side effects to doing this though? I am thinking of giving it a go more for the health side than the weight loss side, but dont want too if it could do more harm than good? Anyone know of any downsides appart from being hungry lol? The 5;2 diet that is.
  • HI, advice please! I am going to try the 5:2 as discussed on the programme. Does anyone know whether the calories allowence for the fasting period differs according to weight and so on? For example, if I am currently having 1200 calories per day, would my fasting limit still be 500 calories? Also, what sort of things are you eating when fasting? Carbs will fill up, but currently have a relavelty low carb diet!
    I think I will find it difficult to then eat anything like on the other 5 days having restriced my diet for several years now...anyone got any advice on this?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I don't think anyone can give you advice on this as it is still experimental. What I got from the background info was that the calorie allowance on "fasting days" is 500 for women & 600 for men. I don't think anyone has any info on how that "should" be composed - you'll just have to use common sense & use those calories as sensibly as possible, getting as many nutrients as you can. I wouldn't use them on carbs. In the programme Michael Mosley ate scrambled eggs for breakfast and fish with steamed veg for dinner. On the non-fasting days you just eat normally - whatever that is for you or any other individual.
  • shukeli
    shukeli Posts: 5 Member
    I'm trying this. Fasted yesterday and eating normally today. I'm sticking to 500 calories on fasting days as frankly I don't think I could manage nothing (unless I locked myself in a room all day!). Yesterday I had sliced raw vegetables at what would normally be meal times, I tried a slim fast shake but scrapping that now as I've realised the motion of eating something is just as satisfying as having something on my stomach.

    I won't lie by last night I was feeling pretty crabby but after 'tea' (carrot sticks, sliced pepper, olives and cherry tomatoes) I was surprised at how satisfied I felt. This morning I actually woke up feeling quite refreshed! It doesn't feel too bad fasting for a day or two as you know a 'normal' day is not far.

    So tomorrow I'm back on it. Going to try fasting from tonights evening meal till tomorrow evening, have a small meal and then start again on Friday so I can have two days off at the weekend.

    I know what to expect now so will be making sure I have water near me at all times and to distract myself, my productivity at work is definitely increasing!
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I am wondering if there are any bad points or side effects to doing this though? I am thinking of giving it a go more for the health side than the weight loss side, but dont want too if it could do more harm than good? Anyone know of any downsides appart from being hungry lol? The 5;2 diet that is.

    I think this is an experiment so there wouldn't be that type of info available yet. Welcome to the guinea pigs' pen! :smile: