Do you cook differently for your family?



  • I do not cook two meals. I try to make the meals healthy and tasty. I never said I am on a diet. That automatically brings up negative thoughts. I am not dieting but implementing a healthy living change. The only difference is that they may eat a desert. I stay in range but don't cut anything. I don't want to be on a "diet" forever. I am changing the way I eat and how much. The change is for life, not just when I lose X amount of pounds.

    One way I get my family excited about meals, is we plan it together. We sit down and make a schedule for the week. For example if the want pizza, we make homemade pizza. They can make there own individual pizza. We just roll out the already made dough we buy from Sprouts (previously sunflower), add pizza sauce and toppings. Some other dishes are harder because it cant be individualized. In that case they just get involved. They can choice a veggie, or the seasoning, ect... The kids just enjoy helping and spending time as a family, planning, preparing, and cooking. My husband is supportive. He wants me to be happy with myself, even if he think I am fine. He knows that it how I feel, not how he does.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I have a husband and two little girls ages 3 & 5. They pretty much eat everything I make. So when I am really watching what I eat, I usually make a protein, some vegetable and salad. The kids will eat what we eat, but I usually make a starch (rice, potatoes or pasta) in addition to the meal for them and i just won`t have . Luckily my girls love their fruits and vegetables and often ask for seconds. Once a month the whole family has some McDonald`s or some sort of fast food as a treat.... I stick to my daily calorie goal either way and the hubby and kids can have their treat. I think it is all about balance.

    At home my rule for the kids is when they say they don`t like something they haven`t tried.... Try it at least once...and usually when they do try it they realize it is good..... I grew up with the rule that you eat what is in front of you or you just don`t eat at all. My 3 & 5 year old eat shrimp, seafood and even some sushi..... they love green beans, brocoli and cauliflower and eat cucumbers like there is no tomorrow....The only vegetable that hasn`t seem to grow on them yet is zucchini..... but they have learned to love onions.

    I think any high calorie meals can be transformed into something healthy and tastier....I believe that using fresh ingredients makes everything taste better. Instead of fried chicken, use a panko coating and bake it.... instead of oil and butter....use 0 calorie Becel spray.... instead oil fried french fries, bake them. The alternatives are endless. I don`t believe you have to give up foods you love or lose flavor....just modify them....there are so many ways and with the internet at our fingertips, there are millions of possibilites. If there is a will, there is a way.
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    I'd suggest going to The recipes are so delicious and it's basically junk food made healthy. I made my boyfriend spinach pizza muffins from the website and now he begs for us to make recipes off that website rather than going out!
  • My kids eat what I cook, or they don't eat. That is the rule we set up from the beginning. Unless I KNOW it's something they absolutely can't stand. They are 3, 6 and 8. They eat veggies and fruits like we'll never have anymore. I love that. :) I shop for fresh produce sometimes twice a week.

    I'm more lenient at lunch, because I don't "cook" a big lunch. It's either leftovers or sandwiches/salad. So they choose their lunch. They don't eat school lunch.

    We still eat chicken nuggets, I just make them myself in a healthier way. We still eat out occasionally but not often at all.

    My husband loves just about anything I make, so I don't get any complaints there. :)
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I don't like to cook, and there is no way I'm cooking more than one meal for 3 people. If they don't like what I make, they're welcome to make something for themselves (kinda hard on the 2 year old). Or not eat.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I make my husband what he wants and I make for me what I want.:happy: works for me perfectly.
  • jadimasi79
    jadimasi79 Posts: 27 Member
    I refuse to cook defferent meals. What I cook or my husband cooks for the night is what the family eats. My daughter knows at most if she doesn't eat I will allow her to have a cup of milk before she eats but I will not let her have a different meal. On the flip side I do allow her to help plan meals for the week so she has a say in what we cook. My daughter learned at a young age what is on the table is what she eats and now she eats almost everything.
  • nangel4u
    nangel4u Posts: 119
    sometimes i do but my hubby eats mosty what I make anyway so most of the time he will order out if he's not feeling brown rice and veggies lol!!!
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Cook what you want to eat for dinner. If they don't like it point them in the direction to the kitchen!
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    I make things for my family that we all like and I just make small changes for mine.

    SPAGHETTI- we make the sauce and use ground turkey
    Him: then he puts his on spaghetti noodles
    Me: I put mine over top a shredded spaghetti squash!

    Him: He puts his inside a tortilla.
    Me: I eat mine solo with veggies

    TACOS- we use ground turkey
    Him: He puts his in a tortilla
    Me: I wrap mine in lettuce

    Him: He has his potato
    Me: I mash up cauliflower instead (and put a little spray butter and light sour cream on it - tastes like mashed potatoes!)
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    No! If they get hungry enough they will eat it. And they DO know where the kitchen is and how to use it.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    My daughter (not quite 2 years old) eats what I eat, with a few modifications here and there because her nutrition needs are different. I do not plan on cooking separate meals for her, and I really hope I can stick to that plan (one thing I've learned about parenting is that things frequently do NOT go according to plan). I want pizza, etc., to be a rare thing, and veggies the norm.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I cook one meal for everyone but I do modify some things like my kids dont like sweet potatoes so when I bake them for me and my husband I bake them regular potatoes, when i make tacos or burritos everyone can make their own to suit them, I serve myself smaller portions and sometimes I do without the rice or something else they are eating, sometimes when I make them grilled cheese sandwiches I will make me a turkey sandwich, etc. but for the most part i cook one meal for everyone and yes I have 3 teenagers. I do buy them snacks that I dont eat, mostly ones that dont really tempt me.....
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Nope. I will edit recipes to be lighter or just eat a smaller portion.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    My fiance eats whatever I make, he isn't picky, but if he doesn't want what I'm having he cooks for himself!
    I agree, and I do the same in my kitchen and with my husband; he is not picky he likes everything that I make, and he doesn't cook. Problem solved.

    If my husband buys something that I don't care for, then is all on him. In the kitchen, and as long as I do all the cooking, I am the dictator. I don't have children living at home, so things are easier.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    My husband and I like a lot of the same foods, so he's not an issue.. but I do have a terribly picky 2 year old.

    I usually just make an extra side dish so that he can sub something he likes for something he doesn't. Like tonight we are having grilled chicken breasts, we'll all eat that. However, my husband and I are having sauteed spinach and asparagus. I'll let him sub in green beans and carrots... and we'll probably have a few of those too.

    And then there are nights when I make things like spaghetti, but I just try to make a lighter version.

    On nights I knowingly make things I know he dislikes (like roast beef or veggie soup) I'll allow him to have something to go "with" it... I'll talk him into trying it, but I'll also include some things I know he'll eat. But I always put the other in front of him, hoping one day he'll decide he likes it...
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I do a lot of the cooking at home. We used to eat a lot of fresh, white pasta, maybe as much as three times a week. While we eat a lot less now, I do cook it sometimes, and eat steamed carrots with pasta sauce , while they have their pasta :)

    I try not to deny myself anything I really want - If I'm craving pizza, sure, I'll have a couple slices. Luckily that doesn't happen too often, and I never buy deep dish pizzas, always the extra thin bases and add extra veggies for toppings. At the moment I'm trying to up my calories, so I'm encouraging the others to eat more too - but healthier.

    Often I eat the same as they eat, but with less carbs and more veggies.

    ETA - My boyfriend is hilarious though - he's a huge meat eater, and doesn't get how I'll happily snack on salad. He calls it "rabbit food". My wholegrain hummus and salad sandwiches are the worst though - he won't go near them. White bread and bacon for him. He's very athletic though, so he's got a fantastic body. Ugh. Men. *rolls eyes*
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    My husband isn't too picky. If I make a tofu vegetarian chili, he adds whatever he wants. I'm avoiding cheese right now, but he can top the chili with it and he seems to enjoy it. I bake cookies occasionally for him and for our daughter. She's very particular and just goes out to eat with friends or cooks something she likes. We can't make everyone happy all the time, I guess, but we can give them healthier choices! Best wishes with your weight loss journey! :smile:
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    It's just me and my youngest son in the house on most days so for just us, I generally make one meal that we both eat. There are some things that I like and he doesn't so when we want that, I will make the same meat but differ in its preparation, for example: I like pasta with marinara and chicken but my son doesn't so I make him a chicken sandwich with his portion. No extra work for his meal so AI don't mind at all. And I get to have my favorite meal without feeling bad for making him eat something he doesn't like.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    I was like your kids when I was their age. I could not stand any vegetables. They tasted way to strong for me. Then there was a point when I was 18 or so when my taste buds must of had a group suicide because they started not tasting as bad as they used to. I don't know if this ever happens to anyone else, but there may be a reason kids tend to be pickier than adults.

    In my house my mom pretty much made whatever she and my dad liked. She left a list on the fridge so she would by us the things we asked for, but we were responsible for preparing it ourselves. I can understand how frustrating it is that you want your kids to eat healthy but can't get through to them. I'm actually dealing with this with my mom that she is having health issues and yet ignores her doctor's advice on losing weight. At that age kids usually just do what they want and don't think about what consequences it could have, then get mad when you tell them it will have consequences. I think what your doing right now is good; being a role model of how you should eat. It's better than anything my parents did for me. Give them some time to mature and they may come to see things your way with time.