Running friends?

Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP. I set up an account over a year ago and then joined WW and never used MFP again. Now, I'm a few pounds from my goal and have started using it again. I love it!

I'm a fairly avid runner and am training for my second half marathon in October. I'm looking for other friends on MFP that run too! Send me a friend request!

And, just to keep the thread interesting...
- Do you wear compression socks?
- How many "official" races have you participated in?
- What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
- Do you run in the AM or PM?
- What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

Here are my answers:
- No. But I think they're cool.
- Four: a 5K, two 10Ks, and a half marathon. (Another 5K and HM coming up soon.)
- 9:45
- Night. I am NOT a morning person at all.
- Married 10 years. 2 kids (8yo and 2yo). Bookkeeper. Only like Lucky Charms - and no milk.

Ready... GO!


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    Never have, but have a good friend who wears them. Not opposed, just never tried them.
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    Over 40, including about 10 Half Marathons and 2 Marathons.
    What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    8:45 to 10:00 minutes per mile, depending upon how my body responds on a given day.
    Do you run in the AM or PM?
    Morning except when schedule doesn't permit or on double days when I have to do the second run in the afternoon.
    What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job?
    Married coming up on 22 years, two kids in high school. Full time desk job.
    Favorite cereal?
    Does oatmeal count?
  • rowbseat13
    rowbseat13 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi! I am addicted to running; have been for about 2 years. I have had a MFP account for a while, but I've been on and off for a while. I used it so much at first and learned so much about what I was eating that I wound up not having to use it as much because eating well just became habit. I took a couple months off from running in the summer (way, way too hot even at dawn here in Alabama, plus I had a stress fracture in May), and I'm getting ready for my first half marathon, so I decided to get back on track the best way I knew how and get my MFP going again.

    - Do you wear compression socks? No, but watching the Olympic track and field lately has made me think I might try it sometime.
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? Seven 5Ks, one 10K, and I have a Half Marathon and a Warrior Dash in a few weeks.
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? About 9:00-9:15
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? I prefer running in the morning, actually, as far as my performance goes. But I run in the afternoons A LOT because getting out of bed is hard.
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Married for almost 2 years, no kids and not planning to have any, because I'm a teacher and I kind of feel like I have a zillion kids already. :) And my favorite cereal is Captain Crunch, but I never eat it. :(
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    - haven't taken them out of the box yet, could safely say I'm compression curious just having a hard time with how goofy they look (even though I should be accustomed to looking goofy)
    - four 5ks, two 10ks, three half-marathons & 2 sprint duathlons
    - easy run days are around 6:15km (approx 10 min miles), LSD runs 6:30 to 6:40/km (approx 11 min miles)
    - prefer AM
    - married , two kids (14 & 17), self-employed beancounter, toss up between raisin bran & vector
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member

    I started running about 3 months ago, so I'm somewhat of a beginning runner. Maybe I'm not really in this group?? I ran my first 5K on 7/28 and have another one coming up on Sept. 8th.

    - Do you wear compression socks? No
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? 1
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? I don't really have an "easy" run yet...I just go out and run. I averge about 9:45 - 10:00 miles
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? definately AM. It's too freakin' hot around here to run in the afternoon/evening! But maybe this winter I'll move to after work
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Married for almost 10 years. 2 kids (ages 6 & 3), technical writer, Raisin Bran Crunch is my favorite "with milk" cereal. But Fruit Loops are my favorite snacking cereal!
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    No socks- but I do love the sleeves!
    I started running in January- I've participated in 3 "official" races 2 5k's and a mud run
    I'm slow- 10 minute mile
    prefer the morning, but thend to run at night
    Married- 2 kids, Human Resources, Frosted Flakes
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'll play.....

    never tried compression socks -- but would!
    races -- 7 5ks, 1 8k, 5 1/2m and 3 full marathons
    easy run around 10:00 min/mile
    prefer morning -- but feel stronger in the evening
    married, 12 years, 2 kids (9 & 10) -- desk job (another bean counter) and love cereal - Lucky Charms, Raisin Bran Crunch, Fiber One, Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch....and the list goes on!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Nope, don't wear compression socks although I probably should
    This year I have only participated in 3 official races (all 5K's)
    Easy run days are around 2 miles at 9 min mile pushing a 26 lb almost 2 year old
    Longer run days are around 3-4.5 miles at 10 min mile pushing jogging stroller (rarely do I ever get to run alone)
    prefer afternoon
    Married, 2 kids, 10 yr old boy and 21 month old girl

    Sending friend request :-)
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Do you wear compression socks? No.
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? A lot! I've been running since 1984.
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? 11
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? AM
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Married, no kids yet, Sheriff's Detective, Quaker Oat Squares.
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member

    - Do you wear compression socks? Nah - I am pretty old school minimalist
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? Maybe 30-40?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? slooooooow
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? Morning. I am an early bird!
    - What's your deal? 38 years old, married 8 years, mama to a 5.5 year old and 1.5 year old, controller, admirer from afar of Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch. I got out of the running habit after my 2009 marathon and am just getting back in the groove - have a half in November and hoping to be ready for a full in April 2013.
  • coffeerunner
    coffeerunner Posts: 26 Member
    No on the compression socks.

    Official races: 3 5k's, 2 8k's, 1 10k, 2 mud runs, 5 half's, and 4 full's. Currently training for a full in November.

    Easy run between 9:30 and 11 depending on the weather and my body.

    Usually morning runs. I like to knock it out right after I eat some food before the day starts for me.

    Married nearly 10 years, 2 kids 6 and 5. Stay at home mom and do work on the side as an independent contractor.

    Favorite cereal - as of late fiber one. For some reason I am starting to be really turned off by sugar in the mornings. I usually crave sweets later in the day but lately it's plain cereal, unsweetened almond milk, and black coffee.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    Nope, but I totally would.

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    Two. I live in Fargo and have run in Fargo Marathon's 10k race twice. I'd like to run the half!

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    Roughly 5.5 or 6 mph

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    Sadly I'm no morning person so I always do my workouts in the evening - late evening, typically. Between 8pm and 10:30pm or so.

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    My husband and I were middle school and high school sweet hearts :) We were apart for about seven years, and this November we will celebrate our second wedding anniversary. No kids yet - just a year and a half old puggle named Lucy. I'm a reporter. Fave cereal - steel cut oats :)
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks? Nope
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? few 5ks, 10k, 1/2 marathon, warrior dash
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? 9:30
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? PM except when I have a lot of miles to run.
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Yes, 4 kids, IT guy Honey bunches o oats
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Do you wear compression socks? Haven't tried them yet, but I have a pair of compression calf sleeves (like socks, but no feet) that I use for most runs--it may just be mental but I feel like I recover faster after running

    - How many "official" races have you participated in? Um...six or seven 5ks, two 10ks, two half marathons...and have at least one 5k and one half marathon scheduled between now and end of September
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? I'm kind of a turtle compared to you guys--my comfort zone for easy, short run pace is about a 10:45-11:00 minute mile, long runs about 11:30-12:30 minute miles...
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? both--I am definitely more of a night owl, but I run with my Saturday running group at 7:30 am

    - What's your deal? Never married, no kids, have a dog and a cat that are my "furbabies," legal researcher (former preschool special education teacher) . I am healthier with my desk job than I ever was as a teacher running around after little kids. Go figure.

    Favorite cereal? My guilty pleasure is Froot Loops--I'd rather eat a bowl of those as a snack then a candy bar sometimes LOL
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Welcome :) I'd love to have you as a friend-I've always loved running but recently got into it more cause I'm learning how to pace myself and breath correctly.

    No, I don't wear compression socks but I would love a pair to try out.
    No official races yet but signed up for my first 5K in September
    I'm not sure of my average pace, I track it but don't pay as much attention to that as I do miles and my heart rate
    I prefer to run in the AM before work, I do it sometimes at night too but I push myself more in the morning when I have more energy plus it's not as warm out
    I'm an admin specialist (fancy term for receptionist that does everything others don't want to do lol) Not married, have no kids. I've never been one for cereal but I can never pass up a serving of honey bunches of oats
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    yes I do - mostly for recovery but sometimes when I run

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    oh I have no idea - 75??

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    9-10 mm

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Married, no kids, husband runs a lot too, I gots a job, reeces puffs
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    Two. I live in Fargo and have run in Fargo Marathon's 10k race twice. I'd like to run the half!


    I have done the half 2 times and the full 2 times with 2012 being my last and my best
  • moonlightturk
    - Do you wear compression socks?


    - How many "official" races have you participated in?

    None, but planning on

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?

    5mph (11-12 min mile)

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?

    Early am. I like to get done with it and go on with my day .

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Single, no kids thankfully, work at a library - and don't eat cereal :)
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    No compression socks for me.

    Races - 25 marathon (actually 24 & a 50K), ~ 35 halfs and some shorter stuff from time to time

    Easy runs - 8:30 - 9:30 pace

    Mornings all the way!

    Married 18 years, 2 kids. I'm a CPA/tax guy who likes all cereal.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    It's so much fun huh :) Fargo is the perfect place for races. So... flat!
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't wear compression socks but I do wear compression shorts and shirts.

    I've competed in one race this year. The San Bernardino Sheriff's MudRun. I came in 20th out 2,100 competitors.

    Lake Tahoe, California maraton scheduled for Sept 28th. Longest run 16 miles thus far.

    My average pace for an very easy run is 9 minutes but I prefer to run faster at a 7 minute mile pace.

    I work graveyards so my runs vary depending on my training schedule.

    Happily married for 25 years this past June, 3 young adult children. General Mill Chocolate Cheerios.