Caffeine Suggestions



  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    Green tea with stevia sweetener. I use Krisda stevia and it is delicious!
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    Coffee is wonderful. I use fat-free half and half which is 10 calories a tablespoon, and sweeten with stevia. Since a Brazilian post on here it reminded me of mate if you want to try something international. It's like a really strong tea that is drunk through a metal straw and cup made for the drink. It has more caffeine than most teas (at least from my experience, or my dad just makes it really strong). My sister calls it weed coffee XD It can also be made with cream and sugar but that takes more work. Very delicious though.
  • np11073
    np11073 Posts: 30
    Mountain Dew has the highest amount of caffeine of any soft drink. Options are: Coke or de-caffeinated; green tea has a very small amount of caffeine; using truvia which does not have the glycemic impact that other artifical sweetners have. I recently kicked a caffeine habit that was far worse than yours. It was hard but I feel plenty of energy now that I have my daily workout to pump me up.
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    Vanilla spice perfect energy tea by Yogi!! Sweet and natural!

    Yum that sounds good!! Where do you buy it?
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    green tea
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    you can pry my diet soda out of my cold dead hands
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    Vanilla spice perfect energy tea by Yogi!! Sweet and natural!

    Yum that sounds good!! Where do you buy it?

    Actually I've seen this, I thought you meant tea premade. Do you drink this hot or cold? Do you add anything to it?
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    French vanilla or french vanilla chai tea with a little sugar (2 packets is only 30 calories)
    Black tea with 2 packets sugar and 2 mini creamers (50 calories)

    I drink 1 cup of tea in the morning then water the rest of the day. I used to use Splenda but gave that and other artificial sweeteners up. I don't even like the idea of truvia or stevia...they're made from natural sources but not natural. Not that refined white sugar is much better...I might try using local honey instead but haven't gotten to that step :)

    ETA: I also get the premade chai in a box and soy milk. Mix 1 part each and pour over ice. Tastes just like Starbucks iced soy chai but wayyy cheaper.
  • LeggiGetsFit
    LeggiGetsFit Posts: 64 Member
    Vanilla spice perfect energy tea by Yogi!! Sweet and natural!

    Yum that sounds good!! Where do you buy it?

    Actually I've seen this, I thought you meant tea premade. Do you drink this hot or cold? Do you add anything to it?

    I buy yogi tea in the grocery store usually in the health/organic section, not regular tea aisle. I brew it hot and don't add anything. It's delicious!! Absolutely a must try. I love all of the Yogi teas.
  • madisonamanda
    madisonamanda Posts: 78 Member
    I, like many people on this thread, drink coffee. There are other natural sweetners (like stevia) and flavored creamers.

    Plus, drinking coffee has recently been linked to living a longer life!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member

    But what do you sweeten it with? My diet mountain dew is zero calories but has the artificial sweetener in it, is the general consensus here that diet soda is bad?

    No, that's not the consensus. It's a much debated topic. I think diet soda is fine. I've tried dieting with and without it. It had no effect on my weight loss. I get regular blood work done, it's had no effect on my health. However, if you don't want to drink it, you shouldn't.

    So, what to put in it's place? I drink black coffee. If you need it sweetened, you'll have to use something like sugar, splenda, stevia--all processed, all have studies saying they are bad for you and studies saying they are not bad for you. Stevia and splenda don't have calories, so you could get the same effect as diet mountain dew using either of those.

    There are caffeine pills, but if you like your drink in the morning, the pills might not make up for the beverage loss.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I recently gave up coffee almost a week ago. I was drinking six cups a day. It was a rough first few days, but then I bought some Yogi Green Energy Tea and have been drinking two cups of that. It's definitely helping take some of the fatigue away. My body is getting adjusted to less caffeine.

    Don't get me wrong. I LOVE coffee, but I cannot drink it black. I use a tablespoon of creamer in each cup with a truvia sweetner. THAT'S just not so healthy.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Probably not the answer you're looking for, but for energy I just try to fit in a decent amount of sleep (though I often barely get five a night during the week), eat well, and take daily B12, and a multivitamin. I only have a caffeinated beverage probably three to four times a year.

    What I love about it is that then, when I really need the caffeine for a purpose, like staying awake on a long road trip, then it doesn't take much to really have an impact and get me alert. :)
  • ashleew1117
    It's not caffeine but you could do like the crystal light packets, those are good (:
    I usually do like strawberry lemonade or raspberry lemonade, and then that also counts as a water for the day (: