What is the best advice you can give others?



  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    With regards to weight loss, "slow and steady wins the race". Also, pick up heavy weights...muscle burns fat and go back to eating REAL FOOD, Lose the word "diet" and replace with "nutrition plan"...that's how I'm in the best shape of my life on my 40th bday!
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    Don't give up. Don't expect it to be easy, and don't try and take an easy road (fad's). Set goals for yourself. Get an HRM! Not all will agree with this but I eat in moderation, I eat what I want, and it works for me.
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    Take it day by day, time flies! Don't dwell. LOG food! Until you feel you have a good understanding of food and what you can and can not eat in a course of a day. Eat fresh....NO boxed dinners, preservatives, msg, sodium, artificial crap. Eat as clean and as whole as possible. Follow the 80/20 rule. Don't give up....read inspirational stories EVERYDAY.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Motivation is key! Gather together a collection of things that motivate you (for me its a load of weight loss motivation pictures and cosplay ideas I want to try once I'm slim) so when you're at a low point you can look through and feel renewed fire in your belly!

    Also be realistic, just cos you've gone to the gym for a month doesn't mean you're going to have lost a whole stone (14lbs), the fad diets in magazines don't keep the weight off and just cos you can't have your favourite treat every day doesn't mean you can't have it ever!

  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    Do what works for you. No one on the internet can tell you how many calories to eat, what ratio of macros to employ, or what exercises to do.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    If you fall 9 times get up 10

    I know this if from the dwade commercial but if you fall nine times you only need to get up nine times to be standing. Fall once get up once and so on.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Comparison is the thief of joy.

    So be the best version of you that you can be. Don't try to be a second rate version of someone else.
  • moonlightturk
    Be consistent. Small things add up!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    1. Dont give up , no matter what just keep going
    2. If you have alot to lose break it down into smaller goals, such as 5 or 10 lbs at a time so it seems doable and not overwhelming or impossible
    3. Move everyday, try to do 10,000 steps a day
    4. track calories daily
    5. Plan meals and snacks in advance
    6, when eating out go to nutritional info online before you go when you arent starving and figure out what you should have, dont read the menu just stick to what you chose at home
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Your life is a series of choices. Make good ones more often and forgive yourself for the bad ones.

    If you're gonna blow your calorie count on something, make it something you LOVE and move on.

    "That workout was a complete waste of time..." - said No One... EVER!
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Do it for you!! Do it for how you want to feel! I spent way too many years trying to quickly lose weight for this or that event, and in the long run ended up gaining more!!

    Do it right, work hard, eat well. Don't starve yourself. Find something active you enjoy doing and do it. Try something new, conquer it!!

    if you mess up, it's in the past, there is nothing you can do about it now other than do better the next time!!

    ENJOY the journey!!! Live is what you make it, make it AMAZING!!
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    One thing that helps me is eating the same thing every day. I have the same breakfast, lunch and daytime snacks at least 6 days a week. It simplifies my shopping and calorie counting. I stay flexible with dinner when I'm usually with others, but I try to target the right amount of calories. If we're out, I'll check the calories on this tool before ordering.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Always spend that little bit extra for the good quality toilet paper.

    That's the best piece of life advice I know.

    Ok, yeah... ^^^ this! :bigsmile:
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Learn to love the process and if you do not enjoy it - find something else you can enjoy.
  • mariapeck77
    Your words are perfect. Love it!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member

    Helps you remember

    Five fruits and vegetables a day
    5 days a week, 30 minutes of exercise minimum

    Thank you to whoever told me this!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Use your food as an energy source not a REWARD...
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    Do what makes you happy in the long run.
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    Wow, what an amazing response! Thank you everyone, I can't wait to read through all of your thoughts xxx