I want to be a marathon runner!



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    How far are you in your preparation?

    I ran my first half a few weeks ago, and am working for my second. If that goes well, I'm hoping to do a marathon in 2013.
  • emilymnyc
    I won't tell...but I mean really NYC is the best :wink:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I won't tell...but I mean really NYC is the best :wink:

    this is true. and we know it.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I won't tell...but I mean really NYC is the best :wink:

    this is true. and we know it.

    The idea of getting to kick it thru all 5 boroughs is amazing... AMAZING! I love the city, love the people,love the energy and the grit... would love to pound my pain into that pavement and be able to say I DID IT!

    Someday! :drinker:
  • Livengood2
    Thak you all. I'm still working on adding you all!! :)
  • Livengood2
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    Hey! I completed a season with TNT this past year and it was AMAZING! A great way to kick start an endurance running career. Feel free to friend me :)
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm training for my first half marathon right now and really considering doing a full in 2013! I'm always up for new running friends! :)
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I am running my very first half marathon in November. Need to look at this later...
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    I'm on a shorter goal of running a 5K by October. But add me if you like! Running a marathon is a loooong term goal. Maybe some time in the next year and a half.

    Also, I'm using the Couch-2-5-K app that's available on Android and iPhones. It's great for keeping a pace and training.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    Allyson - ever thought of running NYC??? Should we pinky swear to doing it someday?! lol :tongue:

    Running is awesome, my therapy and my ME time... it is honestly a love/hate, but mostly a love relationship...

    Distance running is tough, especially since I've had kids... my joints don't particularly like it, nor does my back. The training is long. But like a previous poster said - you never regret it!!!

    Run sistah! If a marathon is what you want, I have absolutely NO DOUBT you can DO IT!!! :flowerforyou:
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    If you want to run a marathon then it is a marathon you shall run!!!!!! Do it!
    I'm 43 years old, I started running one year ago and I am training for my first full marathon in exactly 2 months! (Holy bat crap!!) Oct 7th! Since I started running (I'm a C25K graduate) I've run many 5k's, 10k's, trail runs and 3 half marathons!
    YES... it's hard and YES.... you hurt sometimes and YES... it takes time to fit in HOWEVER, I know that when I cross that finish line I will be way too busy feeling like I AM THE **** that none of that will matter! If it was easy and convenient then EVERYONE would do it! It's a marathon..26.2 miles! How many people do you know that have done that? Be the one that does it! Why not?!?
    I'm gonna..cause I want the t-shirt and the medal and the FREAKING GLORY!!!

    Feel free to add me :)

  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member

    I've completed over 20 marathons (or longer) in the past 5 years. I'm 46 now. My recommendation is to build milage slowly to avoid injury. So, the path that you see of going from 5k to 10k to half marathon is an excellent model. Make sure you have good running shoes. I'd recommend finding a LRS (local running store) and having them help you buy your first pair. After that, you might buy some cheaper on line but check back with the LRS occasionally as models change and if you have any pains they may be able to help through the right choice of shoes. Hydrate more as you run more. Learn to hydrate during runs, as they get longer.

    And come race day, don't do anything new. No new foods, shoes, bras, shorts, etc - use what you've used in training to avoid unpleasant surprises of chafing, GI issues, etc.

    From my experience, I ran a half about a year after I started running. Then I figured I'd try a full 6 months after that. My body had other ideas. I got plantar faciitis (foot pain). I completed the marathon, but I only ran the uphills (less impact). Since then I haven't had many running injuries. As long as I listen to my body, I'm OK. When I decide that will go a certain speed without listening to my body, I get injured. I'm slowly recovering now from a hip injury from trying to go faster on a marathon in March.

    Oh, if you want a training plan, I'd suggest going to Runners world magazine website and searching for an article on running your first half (and then a plan for your first full sometime after that). They have a 'smart coach' app for free that I use to create training plans.

    Enjoy the journey. I absolutely love running now. I'm off to a trail 5k tonight - just for fun. The people you meet, through a running group at a LRS or local races, also tend to be great. I volunteer a lot at races - which is another great way to learn from fellow runners.
  • pamtram
    pamtram Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome and good luck with your training.

    Wow there are a lot of inspirational people on this site.

    I have completed a couple of 1/2 marathons but haven't considered a full - I don't think I have enough time at the moment for all the training involvement. Maybe when my daughter is older....
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    p.s. I see you're from Chicago. I've run NYC, Marine Corps, Flying Pig, etc. I was born in NYC, so of course I loved the experience of running the NYC marathon. But the logistics of getting to the start (subway to ferry to bus and then walk) took as long as the marathon. I'm probably not running NYC again. But I'm running Chicago again this Fall. The logistics there are fantastic (although this year they are having two waves of start, which is a disappointment to me). Chicago is a fantastic marathon. If you really are IN Chicago, there are some great training groups specifically for the Chicago marathon that I'd recommend you check out. You can probably find them through the Chicago marathon web page. They probably start training in late Spring for the marathon (and assume you are running at least 15-20 miles a week for a while to have a good base). Don't worry about your pace - most training groups have paces ranging from walking 15 min/mile to uber speedy and everything in between.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I just completed week 3 of my 16 week training program for the NYC Marathon. Its my first marathon and I am really scared/nervous/excited/exhausted. I started running about 2.5 years ago and have run lots of shorter races from 3 milers to half marathons. As everyone said, build milage slowly.

    Participating in races really helped me develop as a runner, great motivation, lots of fun and what a sense of accomplishment!

    Feel free to add me.

    If any one thinking about running the NYC marathon - remember to apply early. There is a lottery and entry is far from guaranteed unless you have a qualifying time or you completed in the New York Roda Runners guaranteed entry program the calendar year prior to the year you want to run. It might be smart to have a back up plan (Philly) in case you don't get in.
  • jojo98mu
    jojo98mu Posts: 20 Member
    I trained with a local running group for both of my marathons, the support is amazing! If you truly want to train alone, the Hal Higdon training plans online are great and free, just google Hal Higdon Beginner Marathon training. Good luck!
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    You will have an amazing time, I ran my first marathon this year and loved every second of it. Dedication is important along, someone to run with it great but I did manage to train by myself. Feel free to add me.