Just starting!!

aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Just starting to turn
o]ver a new leaf.....said I didn't want to be fat at 50 but 51 is approaching and I'm still chubby!


  • kbunde
    kbunde Posts: 1
    I am too , hopefully we can both be successful!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    We will be!!! Hope to be 150 by August!
  • hey everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. today is my 1st day. hope it works :-D
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    We just have to keep a positive attitude!!!
  • so true. looking through the message boards appears this works. im finding it hard thinkinh of food varietys to stop getting bored.? any ideas
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    That's what I am hoping for also, chicken and green beans is getting old!!
  • I am new here. I have slowly been putting on weight over the last few years and have decided enough is enough!! I am going to eat healthier and start working out regularly! My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. I want to be back around 120-125 before March 1st! Please hold me to this goal :)
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    We will do our best to help you!!! I just want to be able to play with my grandaughter and not be out of breath! She's a busy 2 year old!
  • Hoping to lose some weight and look good for the summer and hopefully have my husband look at me with googly eyes and try to cover up what god gave me
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to an awesome site with lots of support and motivation ... good luck on your weight loss journey
  • Hi everyone,

    This is my 3rd day ..so excited and hopefully i can reach my goal of losing 20lbs in 6 months...yall have a good day ...n lets keep ourselves motivated///////// hooraaayyyy!!!!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with the statement of getting your husband to look at you with googly eyes...................I want that too!
  • i just wish there was an easier way to lose it faster beside laxatives
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    Tami!!!! We're on the right track here in our office, we're doing our own biggest loser and we had to weigh ourselves in front of the others, putting in $1.00 per week and after the first 12 weeks whomever lost the most will get the money. No laxitives involved!!!
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    Husband's with "googly eyes" HaHa! It is for that very reason that I have a pair of too small for me pants hanging in my closet, where I can see them EVERYDAY.....when I used to wear them.....the man absolutely DROOLED over me.....DROOLED!!!!

    So they are my daily inspiration to keep at it! I am so going to wear those black pinstriped pants again! I hope soon!

    I am going to the gym every day before work and am committed to working out on the weekends too. I got my Honey into doing Pilates DVDs now too. He is so supportive, it is AWESOME!

    I have started eating grilled salmon a lot and I love it. It works great flaked up and over salad too. Spaghetti with ground turkey is pretty good too....no seriously! I was so surprised too. It is all about the spices baby!

    Also watch your caffeine intake. It will dehydrate you and your not getting the benefits of the water in the iced tea if it is full of caffeine. Decaf Iced tea and coffee taste pretty much the same to me....it just takes some time to get past the headaches...but all in all it is better for you.

    Let's keep each other going and I suggest everyone hang a pair of black pin-striped pants (or whatever article of clothing does it) to keep the inspiration right in front of your face!!!
  • i cant jog outside to cold and snowy. what the hell. and i cant efford to go to a gym.
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    DeiselMama...what about exercise tapes/DVDs at your local library? Or maybe purchase 1 or 2 and see if friends have others and swap every once in a while to keep it from getting boring.

    Oh and try dancing your butt off in your living room with your little one! I've done this before with my 3 year old...not only is it exercise...my little guy laughs and laughs....we have a great time....he thinks I'm so fun and it is so good to play and laugh while exercising too!

    Just keep moving! :flowerforyou:
    DARBYJESSICA Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all!!!
    Just signed up with the sight today i have been working out for about a month and already it feels like ive been working out for about 6 months!!! i hope i last i know i will not stop working out but i hope i can continue to work out hard to actually see results : /
    This site is really interesting and fun!! :happy:
  • Hi everyone! Checking out the nutrition info on Activia, the ad for myfitnesspal caught my eye. I've got a wedding to go to in June, so my goal is to lose weight and get healthy to dance at my daughters wedding. I chose Jill150 as my user name because 150 is the number I am looking for on the scale. I haven't seen that number in over 19 years, so I'm sure this will require some lifestyle changes. :blushing: I realize 50 lbs in only 5 months is a bit optimistic or maybe just out of reach, but if I can make the effort until then, I am sure I'll be feeling better and want to continue the effort. Here's hoping with lots of prayer and support from my dear husband.
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi DarbyJessica and Jill150! Just keep checking in everyday....we can keep each other going! :flowerforyou:
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